The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1989, Image 1

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Monday, mostly sunny, breezy and becoming M _
cooler, high in the mid-60s, northwest winds from News Ul9esl.2
15 to 25 miles per hour Monday night, cool and Editorial.4
cloudy, low in the mid- to upper-20s Tuesday, Sports.5
partly sunny and breezy, high in the mid- to A ts & Entertainment.9
upper- 50s. Classifieds.11
Vol. 89 No.
fRegents recommend firm to aid in search
* By Lisa Twiestmeyer
, • Staff Reporter
[embers of the NU Board of
Regents decided Friday to
Jjf "recommend a consultant
‘ ^firm to aid in the search for a new NU
. president.
At an internal governance sub
I ‘'committee meeting of four regents
«gand two student regents, the regents
■ voted 4-2 to recommend Heidrick
■I and Struggles Inc. as their choice for
a presidential search consultant firm.
Regent Don Blank of McCook,
* subcommittee chairman, said fee
I negotiations with the Chicago (irm
probably will begin this morning.
Once a fee has been established, he
said, he will set up a telephone con
ference call for the full board to ap
prove the firm and the fee.
During a presentation at the Nov.
10 regents meeting, William Bowen
UJNL student hurt
after 18-foot fall
By Cindy Wostrel
Staff Reporter
A University of Ncbraska-Lin
coln student was in fair condi
tion after falling 18 feet in an
elevator shaft atCather Hall Sunday.
Freshman Varner Hike, known as
fell from an elevator in
^ Cathcr residence hall Sunday mom
y ing. He received lacerations to his
leg and a compression fracture to his
lower back, according to Sandra
Kccfovcr, Lincoln General Hospital
head nurse.
Hike is a Cathcr Hall resident.
Cathcr Residence Director Steve
Grajewski said he heard Hike yelling
at about 7 a.m. He went to the base
ment and found Hike in the shaft. In
house maintenance man Mike Lc
upold pulled Hike out. Grajewski
called an ambulance that took Hike to
ilhc hospital.
Grajewski said the elevator breaks
down periodically, but that this was
the first incident of someone falling
down the shaft that he knew of.
Kccfovcr said Hike would be re
leased when he felt comfortable
The UNL Police Department
would not release any further infor
mation about how Hike fell.
Board plans to negotiate flat fee with Chicago company
oi me lirm s Chicago office and R.
William Funk of the firm’s Dallas
office said Hcidrick and Struggles
normally charges one-third of the
new president’s salary plus expenses.
The two also said they would be will
ing to negotiate a flat fee.
Blank said Friday that the fee will
be somewhere around $40,OCX). If the
fee were based on one-third of the
salary of former NU President
Ronald Roskens, he said, the figure
would be around S36-S38, XX).
But, Blank said, Roskens’ former
salary shouldn’t be the figure the fee
is based on, and he would rather
negotiate a flat fee with the firm.
“We won’t need a great deal of
negotiation,” Blank said. ‘‘I don’t
think more than probably (a differ
ence of) a couple thousand dollars is
all we’re talking about.”
Blank said he feels strongly that a
consultant is needed to help provide
regents with names of cand idates and
to help “with the hundreds of details
of a search.”
Regent Kermit Hansen of Elkhom
said he previously was against hiring
a consultant, but changed his opinion
“180 degrees” after listening to
presentations at the last two board
There could be “an aura of
doubt” among presidential candi
dates as to what they might face as
NU president, Hansen said. A con
sultant firm could help clear up that
doubt, he said, and could bring in
candidates the board other wise might
have missed.
Hansen said he had a slight prefer
ence for Kom/Ferry International, a
firm based in Washington, D.C., that
also gave a presentation at the No
vember board meeting.
Blank said he preferred Hcidrick
and Struggles because the firm's
education office is in Chicago, and it
may be more “Midwest oriented”
than Kom/Ferry.
Before voting on a firm, the re
gents had narrowed the selection
down to Hcidrick and Struggles and
J.B. Milliken, executive assistant
to the NU president, said that out of
the six fii.ns that came before the
board, Hcidrick and Struggles and
Kom/Ferry were the two which gen
erally represent large stale universi
In other business, Blank an
nounced the selection of the final two
members of the presidential search
committee. Irv Omtvedt, vice chan
• -r
cellor for the Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, will serve as
administrative officer to the commit
tee. Edith Stcans, affirmative action
officer at the University of Nebraska
Medical Center, is the committee’s
affirmative action adviser.
Blank said the search committee
will meet before the December re
gents meeting.
The regents also discussed the job
description of the NU president.
Blank said the board needs to put
together its own description outlining
what is expected of the new N U presi
The current job description is an
executive memorandum that gives no
restrictions to the president, Blank
said. The regents must draw up their
awn description that tells what they
expect of the president and the direc
See REGENTS on 3
--—T. .
Al fir I rihnn/nflllv Nehraalrnn
f ^ y v ff # ^ ®® ® * Y ^^® * *
Post-game celebration
UNL students lead the celebration after Nebraska's win over Oklahoma Saturday.
1riill to ask regents to reconsider Woodruff vote
By Lisa Twiestmeyer
Suit Reporter
B| T NL student regent Bryan Hill
|l I said he plans to ask the NU
1^“^ Board of Regents at its De
^lembcr meeting to reconsider its vole
to acquire and demolish a building
agfvilh possible historic value.
Hill said information on the condi
tion and historical value of the
HVoodruff Building, 10th and Q
Hlrects, should have teen given to the
Hoard before it voted to acquire the
Hmilding. Instead, he said, the infor
Hnation was distributed while the
Hegcnls were in the process of voting
RHpn the issue.
At the Nov. 10 board meeting,
§»cgcnts unanimously approved ac
quiring the Woodruff Building and
Converting the property to a 45-stall
Hyarking lot.
After some discussion of the
Bbuilding’s possible historical value at
Khc regents’ September meeting, rc
Hcnls as^cd that the School of Archi
Hecturc review the feasibility of rcl'ur
|bishing die building.
An information packet with the
H results of three architecture profes
sors’ evaluations was distributed to
the regents at the November meeting.
However, Hill said, because the
packet wasn’t given out until during
the vote, there was no lime for regents
to study the information.
“By the time we got it, there
wasn’t any chance to read it,” Hill
said. “It wasn’t utilized by the board.
It look me a while to figure out it was
supporting my position.”
Hill said he opposes demolishing
the Woodruff Building. According to
the information from architecture
professors, he said, the building
probably meets the criteria for place
ment on the National Register of
Historic Places.
Hill said he had asked John Goe
bel, vice chancellor for business and
finance, for the information the week
before the November meeting. Goe
bel told him he could not give the
information to him without giving it
to all the regents, Hill said.
Goebel could have mailed the
packet to all the regents, Hill said.
Hill again tried to get the information
the day before the meeting, he said,
but couldn’t.
Hill said the information had been
mailed to Goebel on Nov. 2.
Goebel said Sunday that he re
ceived the information Nov. 3. Be
cause there wasn’t enough time to get
the materials to all the regents for
study before the meeting, he said, he
compiled a summary statement of the
information to be distributed at the
The summary statement was in
cluded in the information packet.
Goebel said he distributed the in
formation at the lime the agenda item
was introduced, which is normal
procedure at the regents’ meetings.
“It’s just a normal process we do
at board meetings,’’ Goebel said.
“The board determines how they
vote on the issue.”
The information packet contains
evaluations by three UNL architec
ture professors on three aspects of the
building. William Borncr evaluated
the condition of the internal environ
mental systems in the building; Keith
volleyball court fate uncertain
UNL officials to decide Phase III plans
By Jerry Guenther
Senior Reporter
A decision on whether to pro
ceed as planned with Phase 111
of Campus Recreation Center
construction will be made during the
middle of this week, University of
Ncbraska-Lincoln officials said over
the weekend.
John Goebel, vice chancellor for
business and finance, said he and
other UNL officials met Friday to
examine ways that would allow the
Nebraska volleyball team to keep the
Coliseum as its home, while possibly
increasing the number of seats.
Phase III includes raising the vol
leyball floor in the Coliseum about 13
feel, adding labs, offices and storage
rooms and building men’s and
women’s locker rooms.
“We’ve gathered enough infor
mation,” Goebel said. “Sometime
during the middlcof (this) week we’ll
decide whether to proceed as planned
or in some way alter the plans.”
Along with himself, Goebel said,
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
James Gricscn and Vice Chancellor
for Academic Affairs Robert Fur
gason will decide whether to proceed
with construction as planned.
The Coliseum currently can scat
about 2,500 fans for volleyball
matches, according to the Stale Fire
Marshal’s established capacity, but
increased attendance has caused offi
cials to turn away fans at some
matches this year.
According to Phase III of the con
struction plans, raising the present
volleyball floor would reduce scaling
capacity to 2,400.
Barbara Hibner, assistant athletic
director in charge of women’s athlet
ics, said she doubts whether capacity
would even be that high because the
pep band, scouts, press and opposing
See PHASE III on 3