SUPPORT NEBRASKA GYMNASTICS AT THE BIG 8 INVITATIONAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY, 7:00 PM DEVANEY SPORTS CENTER ' GOOD LUCK HUSKERS! GYMMEES, THE STUDENT GYMNASTICS BOOSTER CLUB. TO JOIN GYMMEES, CALL 436-6091 OR 486-3883 m^ Sample the winning spirit of Chi-Chi’s BIG RED with—the Strawberry Margarita. Football Saturday Happy Hour runs from 1 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food served starting j at 1 1 a.m. I "^V) 2500 p.n. Casino Nlqht The Terraces • 10.00 p.n. 2nd showing of "Cocktail" as Dance with RODDY CURIOUS 11 JlfOjfC Croat Plains Room >*■ Students with I.D. $2 per event Non-students $3 per event OR Buy thn PIP Pass and soo It aillti Students with I.D. Id Non-students . $6