The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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    Banner week for live music 1
Alternative, blues bands to be featured!
By Mick Dyer
Staff Previewer
It looks like another banner week
for live music in Lincoln, especially
for alternative and blues bands.
Tonight, Minds In Turmoil and
the Walkabouts will play at Duffy’s
Tavern, 1412 O St.
Minds in Turmoil is a local three
piece group making its debut per
formance. According to one band
member, Minds in Turmoil is heavily
influenced by bands such as X, as
well as Black Sabbath. That’s inter
The Walkabouts is a Seattle
based, sub-pop band with a country
twist to its sound. The music is really
folksy and bluesy, but with a hard
edge. The band features Carl Miller
on the killer slide trombone and Jon
athan Segel on the manic violin.
For those who don’t remember,
Segel was the old violin player for
Camper Van Beethoven, before that
band got a bunch cf easy-access hair
cuts, cleaned up its innate and made it
really big. This is finger-snapping-at
the-Beatnik-party type music, good
Friday, The Pixies and the Zulus,
two of the leanest and most chaotic
bands from Boston, will play at Agri
culture Hall on the state fairgrounds.
The Zulus have a tough and quirky
sound. A foaming mixture of jagged
drums, pulsing bass and guitars, gui
tars, guitars swirls around odd, high
pitched vocals. It’s a dense sonic
cauldron perpetually on the verge of
boiling over.
The Pixies play an aggressive and
fast brand of warped rock ‘n’ roll.
With traces of Latin, gospel and punk
elements in its music, the Pixies aim
a heavily caffcinatcd auricular at
tack at the groin level with songs like
“Bone Machine” and “Break My
Body.” Who can forget the band’s
1988 hit single “Giganue?” At best,
the Pixies’ sound is terrifyingly
simple and, at worst, it is menacingly
Sunday, the Cows will play noisy,
bone-jarring good thrash music at
The Cows is a really nasty sub-pop
band from Minneapolis, off of Am
phetemine Reptile records (Helios
Creed’s label), if that says anything
about what to expect from the band.
The Cows’ music features disturbing,
scary lyrics and some dirty, grungy
guitar work. Since Sunday is such a
special day and all, bars have to close
early, so the show will start at 7:30
Country: •
Thursday, Scan Benjamin will
play at 9th Street Blues,421 S.9thSt.
Friday, Sean and Laurie Benjamin
will play their outstanding acoustic
folk music at the Mountains, 311 S.
11th St.
Saturday, The Cheatin’ Snakes
will play at th? Mountains. This
good-time country music will really
kick you in the ...
Tonight, Magic Slim and the Tear
drops will play fine South Side Chi
cago blues at the Zoo Bar, 136 N.
14th St.
Thursday night, Preston Love will
play jazz at Julio’s, 132 S. 13th St.
Thursday and Friday, Charlie
Musselwhiteand His Blues Band will
play at the Zoo Bar.
One of the living legends of the
blues, Mussclwhite and Paul Butter
field, were two of the first white guys
to break into the blues music scene, a
genre of music which up to the mid
1960s had been almost exclusively
played by black musicians.
Musselwhite learned blues harp
from the masters. He comes straight
from the traditional school, but he
also incorporates some jazz ele
ments, which gives him his distinct
Musselwhite sound, which is imme
diately recognizable to blues fans
everywhere. His uncanny sense of
lyrics beautifully punctuates some
powerful music. He’s quite a show
Saturday, The Tablcrockcrs will
play at the Zoo Bar.
1 The evening of music will feature
songs performed by two exceptional
blues singers. Earlcnc Owens, the
I ablerockers old singqr wno now is
working with Albert King, as well as
Annette Murrell, the Tablcrockers’
new leading lady, will perform. A
deep penetrating double dose of pas
sionate and soulful blues.
Sunday, The Monks will play jazz
at Chesterfield’s, Lower Level, 245
N. 13th St. :
Monday, The Tablerockers return
to the Zoo Bar.
Tuesday, Little Charlie and the
Night Cats will play at the Zoo Bar.
Little Charlie and the Night Cats is
one of the finest bands playing jump
blues today. Jump is a post-World
War II blues genre with big band
roots. Anyway, Little Charlie and the
Night Cats play exciting and upbeat
music that inspires all within earshot
to dance. When the show is over and!
the band leaves the stage, it leaves!
behind an audience that is sweaty and!
exhausted, but thoroughly satisfied. I
DINING from Page 9
People whine about schoolwork,
they whine about their social life
and they whine about the future.
The sound is soothing in a per
verse sort of way. If you are expe
riencing particularly severe ver
sions of these preoccupations, all
you need to do is swivel your head
180 degrees and you will see a
couple hundred people suffering
from the same worries. And you
may feel the urge to stop feeling
sorry for yourself.
At 1:30 p.m. lunch officially
ends, but the crowd has thinned
considerably already. The post
’ .Bill ■niMIHlMIH H HI
Idnch clean-up begins, and by 2:30
it is time to shut the huge tempo
rary partitions. What waf once a
wide-open smoking apa'becomes
three claustrophobic little meeting
rooms, and the Harvest Room
proper has been chopped in half.
The afternoon studiers take
their places in the remaining open
area, and don’t get any studying
done. No one ever gets anything
done between 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Everyone is loo busy winding
down from morning classes, or
.winding up for the night’s study.
The Harvest Room has been
plagued by two specific *nnoy
ances this semester: the cold, and
the flies.
Maybe it’s because the air con
ditioning is stHl going fuli blast in
The indoor fly population
seems abnormally large this year,
and everybody who spends any >
lime in there is constantly praying
for their speedy death. It’s atlts
worst when there are few people in
the cafeteria, because then each
person gets about six flics all to
On home-football Saturdays,
the Harvest Room is just like any
other eating place in the vicinity; it
is overrun by one huge wave of
jabbering and eating Red, and then
left in disarray.
The strange thing about the
Harvest Room is that despite its
bustling, vibrant atmosphere,
many people have no idea what or
where it is. Located on the main
floor in the northeast comer of the
Nebraska Union (next to the/ice
cream store) the Harvest Room is
die perfect place for the school
aay. Go in, open up your bocks to
ease your student's conscience,
and then spend your day chatting
about things of little or no impor
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