Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1989)
PRELAW CLUB 7 p.m. at the Union, Room to be Posted. PRO-CHOICE RALLY Sunday, November 12, 2 p.m. North steps of the State Capitol. TCAB Membersl Meeting Thursday November 9 at 4:45 p.m.. Henzlik. Please be there. THE PIXIES Opening Act: THE ZULUS Agricultural Hall Nebr. State Fairgrounds November 10-8:00pm UPC-Conoerts A Coffeehouses _ Tonight Government Lieeon Committee NE Union 6:15 You won't want to miss iU__ U S. Peace Corps Interviews November 9. 1989 Sign up in Career Placement^ NOW U S Peace Corps Video Tuesday, Noverrber 7, 7:30pm Nebraska Union _ _ . UEO Meeting Tomghtll 7:30 p.m. Andrews 229 Bring due* ($5). and quotes from favorite authors. Fun, Fun. Funll GRLEK AFFAIRS ADI We*came We conquered. We turned the house upside down Love. The Sneaky Pledges Four Days Until Stampede DG/SigEp-Saturday, November 11. Gomer, Domino, little Brother Lambda Chi. The big silver bus party beautiful, sweet Domino Manzelli-cool name I have a bruise on my knee Wha time s it-HI check my purse. Know "wttt'ng aboirt Human Physiology or lysergic acid ^•tMamide^ Only 36 more hours-they ll let JeHo m-Red Robin. Tulagc Jackie s still waiting on the oorner lor an ID There are lights-must be the I ambda Chi house. Let s get cheese sticks lor Dan Don't be bitter, don 1 leave your man behind-That'll bo a $100 fine Wouldnt it be beautiful to do it again WOW this is American Jello. Jack-in-the-box. BJ-B-Face and Hacker-OL Little Sister ot Sigma Nu We will have a fun packed meeting on Wednesday, November 8 at 9:30 pm Please bring yourself, a calendar, and your checkbook Wo will have a great timel1 __ _ _ - Sunday Night Spaghetti Feed Acacia Little Sisters November 12. 500-8:00 Acacia Fraternity House PERSONALS____^_ Patnc 0 Open mouth. Insert foot First the Giants, then the Huskers You couldn t predict the oommg of winter. A skeptic since '83 I CRESTED BU NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHTS ^ S T E A M B 04 JANUARY 2-12 * 5 OR 6 NIGHTS BRECKENRIDZ-E JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS WINTER P AJ»K JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS »£*ety VAIL/BEAVER CRF^-H JANUARY 5-12 » 5OR 7 NIGHTS^-*09/ •El ANNUM COUHUmHWTfR SKI MEMO TOLi FEB NFQRHUnON ft EHOWHTWW 1-800-321-5911 Ick, , . Happy 22nd Birthdayl I love you I Nanner H<,y Thinks for: holding hands at the Three Sisters. "Happy B-Day" at 12:10 a m.. 'You're Fun! . So Are YouT taking me home to meet the family, dinner at Trovatos. “Why am I so infatuated with you? . bed bouncing in Omaha, Peter Pan Park, postman, nice wagon ruts", "look, a windmill" spaghetti, fireworks in Iowa, kissing on your steps at 3 a m., the lights at the park holding you until you fell asleep, kissing at every red light in Omaha, holding you, taking with you, and seeing you smile. * I love you. The Quiet Man, , . Come teach me some directions. Tell me where and when. RVP. Lost The Quiet Man, __ Sounds gooidl Cali mel 436-9640. Bo. It was 5 years ago today the Lord brought you into my life. You're the Greatest Wife/Student ever Thanks for the last 5 years I • . T.._ Love, TNT To: 4 Caring Women and RVP s, It's not that we're hidden, We've just been book-ridden. BUT As grad work we pursue, We d like to know you. 486 1371 a.h. (3 M's) Baby Nikki, Happy Birthday to our green haired, one-dimpled, ring wearinq M & M lover. Love. Smaren & Ange Bo Mr. Warm and Caring, 436-8457 BFD Girls Seeking Sensitive Guy, How, when, where? . _ Joel (UNL Stud?) Jack We met just last Tuesday. You've been on my mind over since. Please call or drop by. DO Some very beautiful women, You have found a caring, sensitive, non-traditional student. RVP _ Mike K. Axl (FH), Hope you can find your dream girl so you can take her down to your Paradise City! Krud HELP WANTED ===iS $4 PER HOUR START $4.50 PER HOUR IN TWO WEEKS Bus person 3 nights per week 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Neat, clean, willing to work. Tam O Shanter. 105 South 25th No phone call* Female rock and country singer seeking band to work with. Contact M.O. at 479-9189. Help Wanted: Warehouse and delivery Good driving record J J Tobacco Candy, 5011 South 16th Part time Help wanted: part time general office duties J J To bacco and Candy, 5011 south 16th ^^I^JKW^LRY Oujutf Diamond* ^ A tt«1 £ X WEDDING RING ▲ T SPECIALIST ^ ♦ Wholesale Prices ▲ Newest Styles $ Custom Design ▼ ^ Shop and compare ^ ♦ but see us last. ▲ 3 m jjO^t^l y y ^ £ ★ ★ EXTRA CASH ★ ★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25 00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25 00!! your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you Safer, taster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure (Bonuses sub)ect to change ) (Mon Sat) Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Blosclonce, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 We accept all ads from competitors * $100 SIGNING BONUS * PART TIME HOURS WATS Marketing group Outbound Division it now hiring telemarketing sales representatives. HOURS AVAILABLE Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is an ideal job tor students. You work 4 out ot 6 days/you select the days. $5.25 per hour guaranteed plus sales bonuses. Apply M-P 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or call 466-8211 tor more information. WATS Marketing Group Outbound Division 6100 0 St. SW comer of Gateway Shopping Center. EOE M/wH/V AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR Currently seeking aerobic instructor for St. Elizabeth Wellness Center. Must be CPR certified. For more information, please call Nancy at 486-7000. ATTENTION WORK STUDY STUDENTS! The Residence Hall Association is accepting applications for an afternoon secretarial posi tion. Must be abletotype, take notes, and have a working knowledge of Macintosh Computers Some evening work also required. $4.00/hr. Apply in person. 334 Nebraska Union. Dead line is November 10. Barrymore’s Is hiring waiiery. Must be able to work lunch hours. Apply at 124 N. 13th.__ Basketball officiate for 7th 8 8th grade games Saturday mornings. $15 guaranteed. Please call Karen Hand. 473-0260. BRITTANYS -Opening tor 21 ♦ year old valet parking attendant. 5 p.m. Friday nights and alternating Satur days Also part time waitery and host. Please apply 2-4 p.m. __ CITY UNION Wanted: dependable, energetic catering personnel. No experience necessary. You set your own schedulo. Call Art at 2-2453 or Jay at 2-2181. Computer Operator wanted Must be eligtole for work study. Good keyboarding skills needed Apply to Christy, Dept of Educational Psychology, 472-1152. Help Wanted at P O Pears Apply m person Must be 21. It's not just a job it's an adventure! Join a Pro-Team! tf you have a smile, and some enthusiasm, then lom the best team m town. Full and Part-Time Men and Women apply at North 48th and Leighton. 3-5pm daily. The New Buggy Bath Car Wash. Part-time, temporary Christmas hours Jewelry sales at lewelery store located at the Centrum. Evening, day or weekend positions available $3.55-$4/hour Call 464 0771 to set an interview. Political Activists Earn $7 an hour weekdays $8 an hour weekends Hudson Bay Company needs articulate arrbkious people to do phone work on progressive issues such as protecting the ozone layer, recyding, ground water con tamination. toxic use reduction, utilities and insurance reform. Training provided and references required For an interview caC 11 a.m. to 1 p m. only, Monday through Friday 476-1010^ Sears needs part time tire installers, available some morning hours, and part time receiving department, morning hours Lberal company benefits include imme diate discount privileges, and for qualifying associates, medical, life disability and profit sharing^ Apply Sears Personnel office. Gateway. Monday 10-730. Tuesday Friday 10-4. E/O/E. M/F.__ Students needed now, pari time phone work. Evening hours. 467-4314 _ Work in beautiful Colorado mountains this summer ai Cheley Colorado Camps summer program Cooks R N.s, drivers, office, wranglers, nanny,'kitchen, riding hiking, backpacking, sports, crafts counselors Campers age 5-17. Hoorn and board, cash salary, travel allow ance. Our 70th summer! Must be at least 18 to apply Interviews on campus February 1. Send letter to Chelej Colorado Camps, Box 6525. Denver, Colorado 80206 vn.'irr.viK! Lincoln University Club la accepting applications for Part-Time Cocktail Wartery Please apply in person at the University Towers. 13tn s R_ __ Maiketing research telephone Interviewers. We are now hiring for part-time positions evenings ana weekends Must be available a minimum of 18-20 hours/ week. This is not a sales position. For more information call 475-4520 between noon-6 p.m. or apply in person ® National Research Corporation, 1033 O Street. Golds Galleria, fourth floor. MING PALACE RESTAURANT Pad-time kitchen hefp and wartety person. Esoeoaliy SUnday and Monday evening and soma luncn. Apply m person 1309 L Street. MM MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Expansion has created an immediate need in the Lincoln facility for Machine Operator Trainees to operate rna11 inserting machines on the first shift 7:45am-4:30pm Mo ^ Fri; eeaand shift 4:45pm-10:45pm Mon-Thurs and third shift 10:45pm-7:15amSun-Thurs. Qualified applicants must be able to lift up to 35 bs, have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding a re tention stills. . . „ Employees successfully completing 500 hours of em ployment and meeting tne qualifications for promotion to Machine Operator !. will be eligible to receive an addi tional $100 compensation payment Qualified applicants may apply by contacting the Person nel Department to schedule an interview METROMAIL CORP. 901 West Bond Lincoln, Neb 68521 473-9707 Equal Opportunity Employer NEBRASKA BOOK CO. INC. 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY. We have several openings Day time hours we wilt schedule around your classes. Monday through Friday. Miscellaneous duties stocking, packing, CRT data entry $3.75 per hour. Full-time work available during Christmas break We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. NEBRASKA BOOK CO, INC. 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY. Part time City Parks and Recreation Center Supervisor Flexible hours Work with children, young adults, and seniors supervising games, recreational activities, other duties as assigned $3 90perhour. Call Karla 471-7951. EOE'AA Part time counter help warted Days and evenings Apply at Little Kings, 48th and Cornhusker Part time help wanted, days and evenings, at 48th and Old Cheney. Apply at any Little Kings location Part-time wartery. Fridays & Saturdays, good wages plus tip parties. Ask tor Mick, 488-0929 ROOMMATES_____ Need to live in a nice house? We need a roommate! Move in now and November is FREE Non-smoker who doesn't mmd drinking beer occasionally. $150.1/4 Utili tiea 489 9433 Need two female roommates m four bedroom house Immediately With microwave, washer/dryer $136.25/ month plus deposit and utilities 474-/^84. Tammy. Michele or leave message. HOUSES EOR_RENT_ 5 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Vary Nioa. $600 1531 North 22nd. 475-1579 and 488-0061 Executive students available second semester • 4 bedroom plus study, ? baths, micro, dishwasher, washer; d>yef. $675. 423-1535 APARTMEgjjyTjgJ#^ •$180 $455 Nice furnished efficiencies. 1 and 2 bad rooms. Duplexes end town bouses Close to downtown. Cali for more information at 477-3648 or 423-5800 t bedroom between campuses Clean, $200 464-8984. „ o_.ii m7V 1 bedroom, low utilities, and B 2814 Evere. $255 ♦ deposit ♦ utilities. Call Jody jfj J^^^e^rssage. 464-9798 or43JE2168 (wo*). | 922 “C’ Newer one bedroom deluxe krrchen. air. laundry. $260. | 421 1319 after 5:30._ g . .... i -,oe one bedroom, second floor. Near soSu9thTis^ne^orhood | $385/two people. No deposrt. Available now. 472 3853/ | 435-0222 . _ Hose to campus apartment for rent. Newly renovated, one^bedroom^off street pa*mg. appl»nc« and avaJ ^ble early November. $200 per month ♦ utilities. 488 2088 - Close to Campus Larae one bedroom Lots of room. Clearv New decor. ® $280. Cherry Hill Management. 489 3387. Close to East or City Carrpus Close to UNL. moe 7 BR apt. a/c, no pets. 423-0389 Near carrpus. newer 2 bedroom, $335,475-3055 or 489 2203 _*_ NEW APARTMENTS 3>Bedroom 2-Baths Ceiling Fan. Microwave. Laundry Hook-up, Noi Pets $525 2540 W Street. Available Decenter 1. 483 60 >7 and 483-1130. _ ___ REDUCED FOR WINTER 2 BEDROOM ONLY 1329 South 14th $250 Old Fashioned Charm/Campus Uose ONE BEDROOM ONLY 931 Oak „ *250 Newer/Campus Close Call Keith at 489-0621 Studio Close enough to walk to campus. New deoor $260. Cherry Hill Management 489-3387 LOST & FOUND Lost: Calendar. Sometime in Hamilton Hall Rm 119 Laat Thursday Call 436-6181. ___ Lost Watch in women's bathroom in Averv Hall Novem ber 2 around 3:15. If found please call 472-1461. leave message WANTED______ZZ BACKTRACK RECOHUS 3833 a 48th 489-3817 Buying, selling records, tapes, oompad discs-cheapest posters in town. ADOPTION I X A voung. educated happily married couple unable to have children want to give the love we have so much ot to a new bom. Our home is warm and loving Ws have two cats and a dog with a fenced-in yard in a country setting We can help make this time of difficulty much easier for you Please call Mary Loo orEdcoltedanytime914 CSS MSS. Legal and confidential. Expenses paid._ ADOPTION We have seven adoring nieces and nephews whom we H love very much We want desperately to adopt a new born to shower with love, affection and all that life can offer Expenses paid, legal and oonfxjentiai Call colled anytime 212-724 3347 ADOPTION We are a happily married, lovino couple who can t wait to give hugs, kisses and all our love to a 1 very precious new-born We have a beautiful home, backyard and a large loving extended family awaiting our J little bundle of »y. Expenses paid os legal, call colled anytime. 718-541-5066. SOCjALSERVICES ~ j PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483 2809 I -jw iw. Jim’s Journal by Jim Tod*f 5tpv* Jsid 1 he hetded t# b«y c\ vw', r r Cost. .T**, ^A I I vioSW t Joy *9 i x Viev\^ out sK«f* pi*^ -faro*f wiH K«M ** /^ VsJe vJ^vit t* a -few fr;€^ o* * viWf boncH «f Ci^'’ didwt |;k* *+) of 4h%v* a*4 i Kt' 4 K«oi« 4© 3 • Utk'tM ^ **** U4«r THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON MtftuM »* Umxftrftftl ^ftftft SftdKftlft I Another great moment in evolution. ACROSS 30 Contribute 82 " Yankee 11ndulge, with 33 Beef '"gred.ent Doodle dandY '^0" 36 Harem room 63 Take view .Commoner ' »Bizarre ol(d,.approve) 10 Trick 39 Upon Prefix * 64 Howery dreamer 14 Endure 40 Chauffeurs 66 Spouse 15 Wander 42 DrooP 67 Fruit drinks 16 Unlock 43 Kind °* ener9y 68 Scottish noble 17 Flowery luxury <6 Actress Garr 69 Produced 1» Employed *!"00pa °"Sp,,n9 90 Gmner_ 47 ^anc,uary 70 Emit fumes 20 Ginger- Martha 21 Wail Graham's field 71 ™ on a ranch 22 Novice 51 Bet 23 Decrease 53 Classified 25 Lukewarm 57 Oz" lion Bert DOWN 27 Outshine 59 Crown 1 Secret group Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE waters 4 Tokyo's former name 5 Involuntary response 6 Graduation ball 7 Misplace 8 Occurrence 9 Defeated 10 Habitual ritual 11 Flowery baby talk 12 Prophet 13 Inner Comb form 18 Bitterness 24 Tennis segment 26 Mil captives 28 Prepare for publication 29 Washed 31 Snare 32 Border 33 Isolated plateau 34 Mil addresses 35 Flowery ' segregationist 37 Queen of heaven, to Homer 40 Slip a Mickey to 41 Hair tints 44 Unnerved 48 Part of H M S 48 Applelike fruit 50 The Iceman 52-Janeiro 54 Large powerful ‘ person 55 Correct 56 Defies 57 Gentle, meek one 58 Jewish month 60 lo (precisely) 61 Twilight 65 Exclamation of surprise