Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1989)
'rM asa£.&atL. f FOR SALE ~~ Cliff s for Pocket Lghtersl 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Pinning Cigarsl, 140 N. 12th VEHICLES FOR SAI F. "" Akfru0^* au,oma,|C. air conditioning, AM/FM cassette $5750 or best offer 486-1704. " 1979 Datsun 210 Wagon, auto air, clean, $1850 offers Baers Automotive Sales. 1647 S. 3,477-6442. ?«T9,«o"7;S® * “ »■«<.. TICKET EXCHANGE 1 NU/CU football ticket. Best offer. Leave message for Melissa 436-0719. * 2 NU/CU Tickets for sale. 436-6130 2 reserved CU/NU tickets. $100 each or best offer (303)530-9385 ? tickets, NE vs CU Best offer. (303)786-3092 3 CU/NU Tickets. Will take best offer. Call Todd, 1 303 786-2815. For sale 2 OU/NU M/F tickets together. Beat offer. 435 2207 leave message For Sale: 2 NU-OU Tickets 40 Yd. 464 9768, Shawn I have NU/CUJekets for sale. $500 a pair 436-0985 Need NU/CU to. Call w/offer 436-6009. Ask lor Jim. One NU/CU ticket for sale. 436-9116. Wanted: NU/CO Tickets Call 435-0438 Before 5pm SERVICES I Learn Spaneh from a native speaker. Ravinet. 436 8932 MOVING? CALL NOW! Starving musicians need work Office & apt. furniture, pianos, etc. In town or out, 466-3656. STUDENTS Repair your credit rating plus lilt yeurtoank account with caon. For free detail*, write Brothereon Ulrich Btavenaon and Aaeociatee. P.O. Bos 30644, Lincoln, INE 66503 TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4T36 TYPING & RESUMES AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING 6 WORD PROCESSING Resumes, lermpapers-masterv'doclorates. books, misc typing, laser/letter quality printers, copier, dictaphone. Near UNL campus Affordable professionalism. Call 435 AVIS. Call CHER'S for all typino/word processing. 435-6567 FAX service available. CAN'T TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- NO TIMEIII We can handle all vour basic typing needs at: COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET Quality typing service from one page to dissertations. Timely and personable service 472-1152 or 477-2586 Ask tor Christy. Typing and Word Processing Resumes-Papers Call All-Type#. 477-0445.___ Typing-over 20 years experience. 488-0414 after 6pm and weekends MISCELLANEOUS Earn free jewelry, no investment or sales. Call488-9569. ANNOUNCEMENTS APR (African People s Union) Presents "Express Yourself" Talent Show & Party December 1 at Union Ballroom To sign up, call Dawana Williams by Nov. 7 436-8736 _ ATTENTION WORK STUDY STUDENTS! The Residence Hall Association is accepting applications for an afternoon secretarial posi tion. Must be able lo type, taka notes, and have a working knowledge of Macintosh Computers. Some evening work also required. $4.00/nr. Apply in person, 334 Nebraska Union. Dead line is November 10. Don't step onyour partner's feet -get the h*3'3' ROOM BUTZ ‘Dance instruction by Arthur Murray Dance Studio. NoverriQer 8th 8-10 n m City Uniorv Students $lj>ec couple (with UNL ID) Non students. $2 p#r coop!© Brought to you by F roo Uruvfwy-_ GOLDEN KEY New members interested holding an office: Don't miss the mandatory meeting Sunday. November 5. at 0:00pm, 512 Hamilton. * HITCHCOCK CLASSIC REAR WINDOW CATCH IT AT THE UNION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. SHOWINGS AT 7 A 9, MATINEE THURSDAY AT 3:30. *2/*LW|TH ID. SPONSORED BY UPC AMERICAN FILMS. SEE YA THERE I Interested in becoming a Business Owner? For ideas hear Dick Kimbrough, a Nationally Renowned Speaker, Wednesday, 7pm, EVERYONE WELCOMEI Nebraska Union. Room to be posted. Sponsored by UNL Entrepre neurial Society Lincoln Police Department Notice of Sale on Unclaimed Bicycles on November 4, 10 a.m. at Lincolnland Towing, 410 West P. No checks accepted. MOUNTAINEERING MEXICO’S VOLCANOES SEMESTER BREAK DECEMBER 27, 1989-JANUARY 13, 1990 Climb the 3rd and 5th highest peaks in North America. Enjoy the wilderness and civilization of Mexico on this foreign mountaineering expedition. Visit Acapulco to celebrate our summit? Trip Cost: $495 includes trans portation, lodging, equipment Sign-up deadline: No vember. Questions? Contact Jim or Bruce at Campus Recreation, Campus Recreation Center, 472-3467. ★ Parking Advisory Committee Meeting. City Union, No vember 6 2:30 p.m. Room will be posted. Pi Lambda Theta Meeting Sunday November 5. 6:30 in the Union. PIP PRELUDE TO NEPAL OUTDOOR ADVENTURES VISUAL ADVENTURES NOVEMBER 7, 1969 7tt)PM-8:00PM Sides oj Annapurna trek in Nepal Information on upcoming 1990-91 Nepal expedition QUESTIONS?CONTACT AMY AT OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION Room 55 Campus Recreation Center 472-3467 SNOW & ICE CLIMBING SEMINAR DECEMBER 6-10,1989 Learn the fundamentals of climbing in alpine environ ments, including snow slopes and frozen waterfalls. Transported ion, bdge accommodations, climbing equip ment. meals A instruction in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Trip Cost: $195. Sign up deadline: November 28. Questions? Contact Jim or Bruoe at Campus Recreation, Campus Recreation Center, 472 3487:__ * SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS From CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. OES MOINES. NEW YORK, DENVER At Klems IGA. 11th & F. 475-4720 TEA AND TRAGEDY UPC FOREIGN FILM PRESENTS GONZA THE SPEARMAN". SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 5TH. SCREENINGS AT 2:30. 4:45, 7. AND 9:15 AT SHELDON FILM THEATER. THE PIXIES Opening Act: THE ZULUS Agricultural Hall Nebr State Fairground* November 10 • 8:00pm UPC Concert* & Coffeehouse* U.S. Peace Corps Interviews November 9, 1989 Sign up m Career Placement NOW_ U.S. Peace Corps Video Tuesday. November 7. 7:30pm Nebraska Union UNL FLYING CLUB November 7. 7p m., NE Union. Anyone mte*e*ted wel come to attend. For information, call Clark 464-3153. Valentino's Downtown at 13th and O is announcing their Friday and Set urday night pizza bar from 10 p.m. to midnight. "All the pizza you can eat" for only 82.95 ♦ .50 draws. See you there! 55eek affairs^^= •BONDAGE* ' Anne B. (ADPi), Congratulations on making ASUN health board! Way to go1 _ Love, your Alpha Delt Sisters AZDs: On Halloween night it was spooky and scary, But the scavenger hunt was rdally first rate and we wanted to tell you we thought it was greatl Thanks for a great time. CONGRATULATIONS Rick M. and Tedd R. The Latest Men of Kappa Sigma to reoeive Disney Internships. _ .. . Good Luckl Dawn L. (ADPi) and Paul H. (Chi Phi), Congratulations on your pinning! We wish you the jest always! The Women of Alpha Delta Pi <ris D. e Dongratulaions on being runner up tor Homecoming \ Dueenl We're proud of youl Love, your A-Phi sisters. Vichelle G. (ADPi), Way to go on your MCATI We knew you would do eelll __ . Love, your ADPi sisters P.S. Physics-no pmhleml PERSONALS Women of UNL, I would like to meet a nice, caring woman who likes to ride bikes, go swimming, play raoquetball. and likes to sit outside under the stars. RVP, GRH Some very beautiful women, Women, look no furtherl We are handsome, caring, sensitive guys who are also tired of being used. Let's get together. Some UNL Gentlemen (UNL Studs) RSVP Sensitive and Caring Guys, We're looking for youf Helpl RVP _ Lost To the Beautiful Women, We re a Day Late. But We Know You Wait, Call the Love Shack, Nowl And Seal Your Fate 435-6516 _ Corky and The Boys Brian (Lambda Chit, Happy Birthday! Too bad it's still 2 years till you can buy your own beerl _ Tracy Mr. Warm and Caring: Where and When’ ____ BFD To the Non-Traditonal Student in Ag Econ 305 and 452: Why don't you just SHUT UP and listen. Dear Girl, Kegs away, see you in Colorado. _ Sincerely, Boy Paul I love you Sexyl You're the Greatestl xnxn.i Towel Man, Actually I was eyeing your shampoo bottlel _ Kathy Li-Ri and Gang, Than* for my b-day adventure. It was. .bumpyI You fluys are the greatestl And in the immortal words of Tiff I think we're alone now I Ghost Baby To the guy who smiled and said "HI" to me in front ot Candy Factory, Flay market area, on Monday about 2 30 p.m. I'd like to meet you. Please respond. _JCM FREE BEER Halloween party on N. 28. Thanks for ripping us off! We have Lie Ptt. i. Police report filed Return ALL items or cope get plate «. 476-7874. Kristie B., HAPPY BIRTHDAYI _ Love, Schniff Sheila T. Thanks for your hard work I "DEAD GHOSTS" was fun and spooky! _ Ghouls of Van Dorn Park Hey Harrounl Man, are you old Happy Birthdayl See, I didn't forget this time. __ Lisa Anne, Don't worry I won't let things get in the way of our friendship, it means a lot to me. Sean To al you righteous, sensitive, gutless band-twinkies: Sticks and stones may break my bones... If you can't take the heat, get off the lieldll Maybe if you all oould perform half as good as the Band did before 1987 you might have some room to talk. Tell ya what-I'll give my mouth a rest if you rest yours on my Johnsonll With love, Jackson ___ ._PJS. Bite Me K.L.K. I love youll You're the GREATESTI Better start getting ready. Love, Beeper GOOD LUCK AT KEARNEY TO THE UN-t RANGERSI _ YOUR RANGER-ETTE To the Drip: Do Olbes over the homelessi Perform handplani! on a conservative platforml Shred liberals, thrash flaqbum ersl Skate Republican I K. You know, it's not the size of the towel that nukes the man I Kathy (not K) CHILD CARE Nanny wanted in Boston. Mass. Live in Nanny for delightful, well behaved 8 year old boy, 6 year old girl, and new born baby. Room, board, car provided Salary negotiable. Start Dy January 1st or sooner. Enjoy New England on weekends. Call collect evenings (617) 235 9384 or (617) 965-0237. HELP WANTED == $$ DRIVERS WANTED $$ Do you need a second |ob, or just a little extra money9 Flexble hours and good pay make it easy. Earn up to $5 to $7 per hour and have fun doing it. If you are at least 18. have your own car and insurance, we nave a |ob for you. Call Domino's Pizza. 611 North 27th. _475-7672._ $4.35-$8 per hour Local company has openings in tele-marketing: year round work, pleasant working conditions. Evenings and Saturday mornings- 20 hours a week. Apply 9-4 Monday through Friday. Husker Heating and Air Conditioning, 5711 Hussell Drive. ATTENTION WORK STUDY STUDENTS! The Residence Hall Association is accepting applications for an afternoon secretarial posi tion. Must be able to type, take notes, and have a working knowledge of Macintosh Computers. Some evening work also required $4.00/hr. Apply in person, 334 Nebraska Union. Dead line is November 10. Basketball officials for 7th & 8th grade games Saturday mornings $15 guaranteed. Please call Karen Hanct, 473-0260 BRITTANY'S. Opening for part-time, experienced qual ity waitery. Please apply 2-4pm. CIRCULATION SALES Peed Corporation, an industry leader in the information processing industry, s currently seeking FT/PT circula tion sales representatives. We offer flexible schedules, weekly paychecks, low pressure atmosphere, and no cold calling. For more details can Joe or Dan at 477-8900 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. CITY UNION Wanted: dependable, energetic catering personnel. No experience necessary You set your own schedule. Call Art at 2-2453 or Jay at 2-2181. Computer Operator wanted. Must be eligfele for work - study. Good keyboarding skills needed Apply to Christy, Dept, of Educational Psychology, 472-1152. ENTRY-LEVEL COMPUTER OPERATORS EDS, a world leader in the management of information technology, has immediate part-time positions available tor computer operators EDS offers competitive salaries and a challenging work environment. For immediate consideration, contact Janice Tatum, EDS, 233 South 13th Street. Lincoln, NE (402) 434-1122 EDS An equal opportunity employer, m/t/v/h. Experienced construction superintendent for commer cial work in Fairbury area. Send resume to Tom Free man. 6010 North Villa. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Handy person to do handiwork House repairs, clean up. paint, etc. Hourly pay 466-3656. Barrymore’s Is hiring waitery. Must be able to work lunch hours. Apply at 124 N. 13th. Help Wanted: Warehouse and delivery Good driving record. J.J. Tobacco Candy, 5011 South 16th. Part time. Help wanted: part time general office duties. J.J. To bacco and Candy. 5011 South 16th. Looking for comedians to do local entertainment. 464 8844 or 464 2880 Marketing research telephone interviewers. We are now hiring for part-time positions evenings and weekends. Must tie available a minimum of 18-20"hours/ week. This is not a sales position. For more information call 475-4520 between noon-6 p.m. or apply in person at National Research Corporation. 1033 O Street. Golds Galleria, fourth floor. MM MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Expansion has created an immediate need in the Lincoln facility for Machine Operator Trainees to operate mail inserting machines on the first shift 7:45am-4:30pm Mon Fri; second shift 4:45pm-10:45pm Mon-Thurs and third shift 10:45pm-7:15am Sun-Thurs. Qualified applicants must be able to lift up to 35 bs, have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding & re tention skills. Employees successfully completing 500 hours of em ployment and meeting the qualifications (o' promotion to Machine Operator 1, will be eligible to receive an addi tional $100 compensation payment. Qualified applicants may apply by contacting the Person nel Department to schedule an interview METROMAIL CORP. 901 West Bond Lincoln Neb 68521 473 9707 Equal Opportunity Employer NANNIES APPLY NOW! As the Heartlands #1 agency, we have placed lOOstrom Nebraska in top positions nationwide. Since 1984 we Ye been earning people's trust with compatible, happy matches No costly training or lees required - our service is ABSOLUTELY FREE. We want YOU on our team, so call todayl ARCHER DAWSON AGENCY (402) 453-7666 Now hiring full A part-time waners/waitresses A bussers Night A late night hours. Benefits for full-time Apply anytime. Village Inn, 27th A Comhusker. Part-time Dental Technician Trainee. We will provide framing. Position open 4 00-6-00pm Apply m person. 125 South 9th._ Part-time doctor's office Experience preferred. Nalbar Vision Center. 3200 0, Suite A. Part time help needed, shipping assistant, Irom 12:30 4:30pm M-F. 475-4033, ask lor Mike Selling Part-time waitery, Fridays A Saturdays, good wages plus tip parties Ask lor Mick, 488-0929 Part-time, temporary Christmas hours Jewelry sales at tewelery store located at the Centrum Evening, day or weekend positions available S3.55-$4/hour Call 464 0771 to set an interview. TELEMARKETERS PART TIME EVENING A SATURDAY TELE MARKETERS. $3.75 HOUR ♦ COMMISSION. WILL TRAIN. RELAXED ENVIRONMENT ROYAL CARPET CLEANING 464-7900 VALENTINO’S DELIVERS THE GOODS When you’re ready for pizza...take advantage of these delivery specials: $Q 99 * Two medium cheese pizzas only ^ *7 • $Q 99 * Large single topping pizza and four Cokes only 27 • 99 * Medium single topping pizza and two Cokes only \ ‘Additional toppings extra. \tf^\ CaH 467-3611 \ p StMdMY ,hro Thur^UY?:0° pm ,o 11:00 p-m The Pizza Restaurant K ^ Fridaylhru Saturday $ 00 to Midnight -T* . TV J »i T I/iat- pe__0 I \ * Other menu items available ★ 1 fiat L/lCult C>tOp Wltil tlZZB.