The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    Connie Sheehan/ Dally Nebraskan
The 1950s room of the Original Rock n’ Roll McDonald’s. Each room is decorated with nostalgic
memorabilia, from four life size Beatles figures to the original Superman telephone booth.
FOOD from Page 5
ner, in a sense. The Supreme was
topped with cheese, pepperoni,
onions, green peppers and mush
rooms. The Vegetarian was a gar
den of cheese, onions, green pep
pers, mushrooms, zucchini, as
paragus, red peppers, yellow
squash and eggplant. And these
toppings were chunks, not like
we’re used to with delivery pizza
The cheese was thick. When
dished up from the pan, it strung
out thick Next came the tomato
sauce on top of the cheese, equally
as thick. The ingredients that indi
vidualized each pizza topped off
fhis masterpiece.
Besides the plethora of ingredi
ents, the crust was perfection in
itself. It was thick — deep dish - but
had a fine crispy bottom that only
a perfect oven and time could cre
It took about 10 minutes to eat
the first piece. It was so thick that it
required a fork instead of the usual
pick it up and stuff it in. About half
of us had eyes bigger than our
stomachs as we reached for piece
number two. As much as we tried,
none of us came close to finishing
The most distinctive difference
was the fact that the pizza received
its taste from the ingredients and
not 20 gallons of oil to make it taste
Italian. In fact, students may not at
first recognize it as pizza without
the familiar two-mile oil slick asso
ciated with delivery pizzas.
Of course, every Garden of
Eden has its downfall, and this one
came in the form of beverages.
Although the entree prices are
listed, the beverage prices aren’t.
When we received our bill for
$51.85 — tip included, we discov
ered that beverages alone cost $17.
The pitcher of warm, flat beer cost
Students traveling on a light
budget, beware.
. .. about last night
Cold pizza on a Saturday morn
ing ... it doesn’t get any more
American that that. Although we
fell financially drained from the
night before, we did end up with
four pieces of leftover piz: „.
Each piece was individually
wrapped in white paper. All of the
ingredients were shifted a little to
the side, leaving the crust slightly
exposed. The pizza did hold to
gether better and w as easier to eat.
Although it would have tasted
better microwaved, nevertheless, it
tied us over for about six hours
until dinner and another morning
for breakfast.
Two all-beef patties, special
sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles,
onions on a sesame-seed bun
We passed up the Hard Rock
Cafe for McDonald’s. Not just any
“Big Mac, fries and Coke”
McDonald’s, butTheOriginal Rock
n’ Roll McDonald’s, 600 N. Clark St.
As we approached it we saw the
delivery truck -- not the one that
delivers frozen filet-o-fish and
hamburger patties, but the one that
delivers quality McDonald’s food
to your home. The brochure says,
“The MacMan, our very own deliv
ery man, delivers for catered meet
ings and for orders from our regu
lar menu."
Yes, they cater too.
But enough about the unusual,
added bonuses of this McDonald’s.
Inside, the trip gets a little weirder
— for a McDonald’s.
All of a sudden you’re in a time
capsule, jetting back to the 1950s
with a 1959 red Corvette parked in
the dining room. Peggy Sue and
Ralph are watching a movie at the
Ski-Hi Drive-In in Chicago.
As you venture farther, you
encounter a juke box, a hologram
and nostalgic kitchen sets. Go even
farther . . . into the James Dean
Room. A wall of James Dean stares
down as you sip your cherry Coke.
Another wall recalls headlines
from his fatal car accident. In a
glass case in the center, Beatles
memorabilia are propped up with
British smiles and mop tops. There
are leopard-skin curtains and an
original Marilyn Monroe doll along
the walls. Albums on the ceiling
span the decades of pop music:
The Supremes, John Denver, Willie
Nelson, Pete Seeger, The Spinners,
Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel,
the list goes on.
Turn the corner again and
Superman’s favorite telephone
booth appears. Push the button . .
. and out of the sky . . . it’s Super
man. Life-sized replicas of the
Beatles cast in white march ahead
single file in a glass case sur
rounded by bar stools. Beatles
posters cover the walls. A stuffed
Elvis doll sits slumped over in a
See FOOD on 8
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