The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1989, Page 19, Image 19
PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons rndude use of guitar. Zager Studio 423-2709 TYPING & RJSLME§_= America's Oldest and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6738 3701 OSt, #0-7 Call CHER'S for all typing/word processing. 435-6587. FAX service available. Quality typing service from one page to dissertations. Timely and personable service. 472-1152 or 477-2586. Ask for Christy._ Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. $10-815 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Reasonable rates. Leave message Betty: 489-5806 Kathy: 435-6560. Typing and Word Processing. Resumes Papers. Call All-Typee, 477-0445 Typing-over 20 years experience. 488-0414 after 6pm and weekends. announcements = APPORTIONMENT FOR THE MARCH 1 WO STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS College/Division Number of Senate Seats Agriculture 2 Division of General Studies 4 Architecture Arts & Science 6 Business 4 Criminal Justice Dentistry Engineering Graduate 5 Home Economics 1 Journalism 2 Law Nursing 1 Teachers 3 Division of Continuing Studies 1 Posted 11-01-89 If you have any questions contact Jim Langenberg at 472-2581. APR (African People s Union) Presents "Express Yourself" Talent Show & Party December 1 at Union Ballroom To sign up. call Dawana Williams by Nov. 7 436-8736 ASUN Information Day November 2nd. Thursday 110Oam-3:00pm Meet with student representatives from your college. Booth locations: Agriculture Animal Sciences A East Union. Architecture-City Union, Arts A Sciences An drews, Hamilton, Oldfather Bldgs, Buslneaa-CBA. Criminal Justice-City Union, Oentietry Coiieae of Dentistry, Engineering-Nebraska Hall. General Stud les-City Union, Graduate-City Union, Home Econom ics-Home Economics Bldg. A Easl Unon. Journalism Avery Hall, Law Law College Bldg . Teaehers-HenzIA Hall. ATTENTION WORK STUDY STUDENTSI The Residence Hall Association is accepting applications for an afternoon secretarial posi tion. Must be able to lype, take notes, and have a working knowledge of Macintosh Computers Some evening work also required $4.00/hr. Apply in person, 334 Nebraska Union. Dead line is November 10. Attention SAA Meeting 5:00 Today at Wick Treats for all. ATTN Pre Med Tech Students lambda Tau meeting on November 2nd, 7 p m. at the Health Center Guest speaker about World Health Or ganisation. Any questions? Call Dons at 472-7470 or Jody at 467 3444 CALEB PROJECT Thursday. Noverrtaer 7 at 7:00PM Room Posted in Nebraska Union Sponsored by Inter Varsity Chrmtian Fellowship Correy: Get psyched for ASUN Info Day. November 2nd. 1100am-3A0pmlll D.B. GOLDEN KEY New members interested holding an office Don f miss the mandatory meeting Sunday. November 5, at ft 00pm, 512 Hamilton. _ Harold: Bring your list of suggestions to class on Thursday so you can drop them off at the ASUN Info Day booth. Mike OMICRON DELTA EPSILON The National Economics Honorary will meet 5 p.m. Thursday, November 2nd in CBA 341. Members and interested persons welcome. Pi Mu Epsilon is having a meeting Thursday. November 2, 6 00pm in Room 107 Oldfather We will discuss plans lor next semester New members from last year may pick up their certificates. ( SEX, LIES, AND TIE DYE Thursday, November 2, 3-5 p.m. East Union-Tie Dye class $1 students, $2 non-students. Needed-100% Cotton shirt; dye is provided. UPC Kaleidoscope Society of Professional Journaliele Meeting TONIGHTlI 7p m„ 217 Avery. Get involved with UNL’s Hottest organization. _ 4c SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS From ?H7c™*ANSAS CI^.DESMOinesNEW YORK, DENVER. At Kleins IGA, 11th A F. 475-4 720. TEA AND TRAGEDY UPC FOREIGN FILMc.^f5NLSovfSBER THE SPEARMAN". SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 5TH. SCREENINGS AT 2:30, 4.45, 7. AND 9:15 AT SHELDON FILM THEATER. HEY! i Come meet the new women faculty on campus Thursday, Nov. 2, 3:30-500 Pewter Rm„ NE Union , For more information call WRC. 472-2597. ★ HITCHCOCK CLASSIC REAR WINDOW CATCH IT AT THE UNION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. " SHOWINGS AT 7 & 9, MATINEE THURSDAY AT 3 30 $2/$1 WITH ID. SPONSORED BY UPC AMERICAN I FILMS. SEE YA THEREI j H e a BYOT Party! ( Bring Your Own T-Shirt. (100% Cotton) SEX, LIES AND TIE-DYE November 2, 3-5pm, East Union $1 - Students: $2- Non-Students __ UPC-Ka laid oecope KLPAC There will be no meeting the Thursday, bul we will have a meeting next Thursday, Noventoer 9th at 6:30. Hope to see everyone there I Learn how to be a Dirty Dancer ...Don't mss BALL ROOM BUTZI November 8th, 8-10 p.m., City Union. Brought to you by Free University. ASUN Information Day November 2nd. Thursday 110Oam-3:00pm Meet with student representatives from your oollege. Booth locations: Agriculture-Animal Sciences & East Union. Architecture-City Union. Arts A Sciencee-An drews. Hamilton. Oldfather Bldgs., Business CBA. Criminal Justice-City Union. Dentistry-College of Dentistry. Engineering Nebraska Hall. General Stud iee-City Union. Graduate City Union. Home Econom ica-Home Economics Bldg. A East Union, Journalism Avery HaH. Law-Law College Bldg., Teachers-Henzlk Hall. THE PIXIES Opening Act: THE ZULUS Agricultural Had Nebr. State Fairgrounds November 10- B OOpm UPC-Conoerts & Coffeehouses U.S. Peace Corps Interviews November 9, 1969 Sign up in Career Placement NOW U.S. Peace Corps Video Tuesday, November 7, 7:30pm Nebraska Union UNL AD CLUB, Membershp Meeting November 2, 1969 at 500, room 103 Avery. Everyone Welcome. _GET INVOLVED! UNL Bio Club/Tri Beta meeting tonight 7 p.m. in Manter Hal! 129. Speaker is Dr. Lynch. UNL MARKETING CLUB Meeting today at 6 p.m. in the Union. Room will be posted Presentation by Proctor and Gamble Hope to see you there. UPC Mapr Concerts Meeting, 6PM, City Union. Sign up for Up-Coming Shows Valentino'a Downtown at 13th and O is announcing their Friday and Saturday night pizza bar from 10 im. to midnight. “All the pizza you can eat" lor only $2.95 ♦ .50 draws. See you there! WE WANT YOUR OPINIONS AND SUGGESTIONSII Pick up info on ASUN, Government Liaison Committee (the lobbying force of the student body), the Student Information Center, and Student Legal Serviceslll Tak to YOUR reps from ASUN and student advisory boards. Tell them YOUR opmionsl Find out morel ASLIN Infor mation Day. this Thursday. 11 00-3.00 Booths located across East and City Campuses. GREEK AFFAIRS ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Meeting at 600pm on Thursday November 2. H you haven't gotten your Melodrama tickets yet, please contact Uarla on or before Thursday. AGS and Theta Xi. The Cyclone turned and "Herbie "burned- We rocked on the display and had tun in the hay. Thanks lor a great week* Love, TriDelts Cary T. (Gamma Phi), Good luck this weekend in your Lincoln Conterrpo rary Dance performance. Were all rooting for you I Love, the sisters CHEERS TO THE DELTSH Thank you lor a FUN Homecoming week. You guys are GREATII Love. Chi Omegas Julie C. (KKG). We wish you the best ol luck running lor a National FFA Office The Men of Farm House Monica S. and Sue C. (DG s). * Congratulations on your internshps at Disney! We ll miss you next semester Love, your Delta Gamma sisters To the blond in the last row ol the greek yearbook house picture Close your mouth! _ Tn Dells & AGS. We had such a great time with you guys last week. Thanks lor helping make our Homecoming display a success Next time though, instead ol torching the display lor a greand Imale. are should torch the Houses I Theta Xi PERSONALS~ To our beloved D. Jackson. Why don't you give your mouth a rest and the rest ol us a break?l To some very beautiful women. For all the gorgeous, caring, sensitive guys. Go EAST 2BW Very Beautiful Women. There are lots of sincere men on this campus, me lor one Although we are admittedly hard to lind. could you be looking m the wrong places’ UNL STUD? fhonda (Sandoz 4), Drop the Jerks. _ J.C. (ery Beautiful Women, Here I am. 464-9 ?68. totioed, 436-8642 Girl in Green Sweater o "Some Very Beautiful Women", It is obvious to all us caring, sensitive guys (from the ilacing of "gorgeous" in front of "caring and sensitive" in our personal, as well as your signature of "Some Very leautiful Women") that the covers which bind the books if the men at UNL are at the top of your priority list and ireoccupv the heads of your beautiful, tired, and used odies Why sign your personal "Some Very Beautiful Vomen" when the caring and sensitive men you are coking for are looking for caring and sensitive women. Bothered Aichael, HAPPY 20TH Love You. Wendy I. Pper, (P. Sa 232) Don't beat a dead horse, put a cork in itl Your "don't get a word in edgewise classmate -teply to Some Very Beautilul Women who are Tirsd of JemgUsed: There are some gorgeous, caring, sensitive juys on campus. You |ust have to know where to look. Some Gorgeous. Caring, Sensitive Gujrs ro the Beautiful Women, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're looking in wrong nlaoes. You're probably looking in Frats for huge muscu ar guys, with no personalities. Dorins might not have luge guys, but do sometimes contain sensitive, intrigu ng men, for instance myself. A UNL Prince (not stud) fo the RVP's, If you beauties are suffering delusions. With crass adolescent protrusions Here are three guys Erogenously wise Who will refrain from inflicting oontusions. So what do you say To some chilled Chardonnay. Slow dancing And evening romancing? The 3 M 's Some Very Beautiful Women. I don't conside' myself gorgeous or a stud, but I qualify for everything else. Been used in the recent past, so I'm a little gun shy. Interested? RVP Rick UNL Volleyball Team, Have a great weekend and take Texas by storm. Volleyball Pep Band Christie, Happy Birthday1 Journals. Koogle, Matza Ball Soup We re too defensive in English and too lazy in Poll Sci. Snuggles loves you - I love you more Love, Mand Men of UNL, The "beautiful women" don't know what REALLY counts All WE need are good looks, a last car and a VISA Gold Card. We re wild, crazy and lookina for someone fo share life's greatest moments RVP if you are ambitious, outgoing and know who you are There's no oscape from usl FREE BEER Halloween party on N. 28 Thanks for ripping us otfi We have Lie Pit. i. Police report tiled Return ALL items or cops get plate ». 476-7874 Beautiful Women, We have been looking for you, but we didn't think you were available Thanks for proving us wrong. UNL Suds, RVP Beautiful and Used Women. If you're tired of boys and want a man with manners, then suggest a meeting. Mr. Warm and Caring To On* Whisper, Thanks for th# great Halloweenl You're a stud Next time we will do it when the neighbors aren’t home Your Two Drummer Wanna Be's Madonovan, Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun -Indirect sister o’ the bond Terry, Terry, Terry (double “r" scrambled in w/a T, and E and a Y). You spend too much $11 Soccer A the conee shop Dumb songs. Chinese men and little gang members in th* Reunion. Fun. Love, 3 A s scrambled in w/an M and an N and a D. DONOVAN H I were a gossip, which I'm not. I'd tell everyone IT S YOUR BIRTHDAY! Why don't you come see me up in Omaha sometime7 I'm m love with YOU. girl- anyone ever tell you you re beautiful7 Luv. Maurice (Taco Bell) Donovox. Happy B-Day I'm going crusm' later il you want to go God knows my desperate O Street buddies would like to meet a foxy babe like you (Just don t turn them to stone ) Lincoln High Boy Dominator. Happy Birthday to a truly outstanding grewk^ ^ DONOVAN You re such a BRATI See you at CLIFF’S at 700. Wouldn't miss this! KULUS Lenore. _ ... I had lun with UEO on Halloween It was especially moe to see the maiden th# angels named Kelly Anne (who doesn't get personals). Edgar Dork Bah Poe To the lunny girl from her Inend: It amt the clothes that you wear, or your big hair, baby I Happy B-Day. B.D.I Randy, Paula Abdul. 3. Pissposil and the rest of the gang hope it's a dandy one. Get psyched alter your Prairie Fire tishbowl tonight, well see who won't be feeling so goodl Oh Lisa. God Yesl Love ya. L. Thrustmeyer Michael (1217 C). Happy Birthday My side misses youll „ „ ... Love D.D.W, Beautiful Women. Perhaps il you're tired of being used, you should not advertise lor studs As lor me, I might lit your require ments but realize I am also tired ol same. Michael - 1 Wefve gone bucking mad! Cover Pitchers Domestic Beers Well Drinks Thursday night only My Connie Twin Have the best, get the best on your B.D.I No he doesn't have two children, but never let it be said that 1 H passed through my big Ijps. Love, She butt Hey Towel Man, I'm not sure if your towel is big enoughl I CHILD CARE ~ \ c Nanny wanted in Boston. Mass. Live in Nanny for delightful, well behaved 8 year old boy. 6 year okJ girt, and new born baby. Room, board, car provided. Salary negotiable. Start oy January 1st or sooner. Enjoy New England on weekends Call collect evenings (617) 235 9384 or (617) 965-0237. _. Student Mom, professional Dad need care giver for 8 and 5 year olds, with light housekeeping duties. Start at minimum wage, provide own transportation. Call Cindy for information 488-7345. HELP WANTED ~== $$ DRIVERS WANTED $$ Do you need a second job, or just a little extra money? Flexible hours and good pay make it easy. Earn up to $5 to $7 per hour and have fun doing it. If you are at least 18, have vour own car and insurance, we have a job for you. Call Domino's Pizza, 611 North 27th. 475-7672 ■---1 ATTENTION WORK STUDY STUDENTS! The Resident* Hall Association is accepting applications lor an afternoon secretarial posi tion. Must be able to type, take notes, and na/e a working knowledge of Macintosh Computers. Some evening work also required $4.00/hr. Apply in person, 334 Nebraska Union. Dead line is November 10. BRITTANY'S Opening for parl-time. experienced qual ity waitery Please apply 2 4pm CIRCULATION SALES Peed Corporation, an industry leader in the information processing industry, is currently seeking FT/PT circula tion sales representatives We offer flexible schedules, weekly paychecks, low pressure atmosphere, and no cold calling. For more details call Joe or Dan at 477-8900 between 8 a.m. and 8 p m. Marketing reeearch telephone interviewers. We are now hiring for part-time positions evenings and weekends Must be available a minimum of 18-2Qriours/ week This is not a sales position. For more information call 475-4520 between noon-6 p.m. or apply in person at National Research Corporation, 1033 O Street, Gold's Galleria, fourth floor. MING PALACE RESTAURANT Part-time kitchen help and waitery person Especially Sunday and Monday evening and some lunch. Apply in person. 1309 L Street. Handy person to do handiwork House repairs, dean up, paint, etc. Hourly pay. 466-3656 LITTLE KING’S Part-Time Day Help Needed. 18 or over Applybetween 2-bpm, Monday Thursday, 10th & Saunders, Ask For Mike. Flexble Hours. Looking for comedians to do local entertainment 464 8844 or 464-2880 I IxapRARSl 4k* ? | BoDuJeiSFf* + \ 3 t BUD LlQMT--r . 1 Ill H I Mlt-LEA tlTE Y sV7 - , iviiCMet-oBTjAim Aro 322 South «tm 6T»e*T UNCOUH, NS,4 74-QSCI Computer Operator wanted. Must be eligible (or work study. Good keyboarding skills needed. Apply to Christy, Dept, of Educational Psychology, 472-115Z ENTRY-LEVEL COMPUTER OPERATORS EDS, a world leader in the management of information technology, has immediate part-time positions available for computer operators. EDS offers competitive salaries and a challenging work environment. For immediate consideration, contact: Janice Tatum, EDS, 233 South 13th Street, Lincoln, NE (402) 434-1122 EDS An equal opportunity employer, rrVf/v/h. MM MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Expansion has created an immediate need in the Lincoln facility for Machine Operator Trainees to operate mail inserting machines on the first shift 7:45am-4:30pm Mon Fri; second shift 4;45pm-l0:45pm Mon-Thurs and third shift 10:45pm-7:15am Sun-Thurs. Qualified applicants must be able to lift up to 35 bs, have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding A re tention skills. Employees successfully completing 500 hours of em ployment and meeting the qualifications for promotion to Machine Operator 1, will be eligible to receive an addi tional $100 compensation payment. Qualified applicants may apply by contacting the Person nel Denari men! to schedule an interview. II1ETROMAIL CORP. 901 West Bond Lincoln. Neb. 68521 473-9707 Equal Opportunity Employer Now hiring full A part-time waiters/waitresses A bussers. Night A late night hours Benefits for full-time Apply anytime, Village Inn, 27th A Cornhusker. Part-time Dental Technician Trainee We will provide training Position open 4:00-6:00pm. Apply in person. 125 South 9th. Get your CANS to Herm’s We Pay The Going Price for aluminum cans Hour* tor cane S-4 M-F, 9-4 Sat WARM BEER CANS Bud & Bud Light $059 Miller $Q59 (Reg-Llte-Dratt) case v Coors160Z. $Q99 (Reg.-Light-Gold) case w Busch Natural$099 Keystone I (R^-ugW) A4 1 Old Style $E99 ! (Reg.-Light) case W Milwaukee’s Best $E59 (Reg.-Light) case W Phillips Vodka 1.75 $7.99 Less mall In rebate $-2.00 Net cost after rebate *5»s Zonin Asti 99 Spumante 750 mi "V Conveniently located for easy entrance and exit I NEED CASH? 1 Highest $ paid for used records, cassettes A compact discs! 114th & 0 St. EasLParkP'azaI Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celcbrationr I Come Watch the Huskers Play | | Colorado this Saturday on I 1 BIG SCREEN TV'S! I 2 3 :§ Enjoy the game on 6' x 8' screens and enjoy the specials: | * $1.00 Bloody Marys and Red Draws g 150c Keystone Beer 25c Tacos Prize Drawing! | | 25c Drink Specials everytime the f Huskers score! jDoors open at 11 A.M. & NO COVER till 7 P.M.| [ Your ~ j j First Drink (ZMratidn j ! FREE N^‘l* J I Offer Expires 11/5/89. Validate at Door, One per Cxistomer.1