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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1989)
FOR SALE ATTENTION- GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U-re pair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1 602-838-8885 Ext. GH 4005.__ ATTENTION- GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100 Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus' Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885 EXT. A4005. Cliffs for Beer Steinsl 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Imported and Domestic cigarettes! 140 N. 12th St. VEHICLES FOR SALE = 1987 Toyota Tercel 4-door, automatic, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette. $5750 or best offer. 486-1704. 1980 Honda Prelude. Auto Sunroof, 5-Speed, AC, $2300. 475-1882. 1979 Datsun 210 Wagon, auto air, clean, $1850, offers. Baer's Automotive Sales, 1647 S. 3,477-6442. 1978 924 Porsche. Great mechanical shape. 488-7387, 475-2083,_ 1977 Monza GT. 4-speed, sun-roof, $650 - will deal 466-6985 evenings, keep trying. Buying cars and pickups up to $3,000. PricedRite Auto, 1610 West 0.475-1335. TICKET EXCHANGE === 1 NU/CU football ticket. Best offer. Leave message for Melissa. 436-0719. 2 reserved CU/NU tickets, $100 each or best offer, (303)530-9385. 2 tickets. NE vs. CU. Best offer. (303)786-3092. 3 CU/NU Tickets. Will take best otter. Call Todd, 1-303 786-2815._ CU-NEB TIX Package o< 8 or less. Best offor, Ken (303)786-3643._ For sale: 1 CU ticket. Call Lisa 467-3093, leave mes sage ____ _ I have NU/CU Tickets for sale. $500 a pair. 436-0986. Need NU/CU tix. Call w/otfer 436-6009. Ask for Jim. One NU/OU ticket for sale. 436-9116. _ _ Wanted: NU/CO Tickets. Call 435-0438 Before 5pm. SERVICES ~ Learn Spanish from a native speaker. Ravinet, 436 8932 _ MOVING? CALL NOW! Starving musicians need workl Office & apt. furniture, pianos, etc. In town or out, 466-3656. STUDENTS Repair your credit rating plus fill yourbank account with caah. For free details, write Brotherson Ulrich Stevenson and Associates. P.O. Bo* 30644, Lincoln, NE 66503 TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 a i=i m >=i i=i i=i i=i ■=< i "* r=i i_i m r=i !" EDEE SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FoTj rnEC STUDENTS WHO NE D i MONEY FOR COLLEGE Every Student it Eligible for Some Type of Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. I • We have a data bank of over 200,000 listings of scholarships, fallow ships, grants, and loans, representing over S10 billion in private sector funding. I • Many scholarships are given to students based on their academic interests, career plans, family heritage and place of residence. • There's money available for students who have been newspaper carriers, I grocery clerks, cheerleaders, non-smokers ..etc. | • Results GUARANTEED. | A,, For A Free Brochure w fl | j ANYTIME (800) 346-6401 frS | I SBBBBBSSSBSBSSBSBSBBBBBBB Dally Nebraskan file photo Nebraska’s Dave Droegemueller grimaces during competition last season. Several positions remain open Wrestling meet to determine starters The Nebraska wrestling team will hold its final tune-up for the upcom ing season when it stages a red-white dual Friday. Nebraska wrestling coach Tim Neumann said the match is important because several Comhuskcrs still are battling for starting positions. He said he wants to name starters at those positions based on the performances he sees in the 7:30 p.m. match at Harvard High School. Neumann said the positions which remain open are in the 118, 158 and 177-pound weight classes. He said Nebraska, which is ranked sixth by Amateur Wrestling News, needs to find competitors at those weights because it will open its season Nov. 10 at Laramie, Wyo. The wrestlers who are battling for a starting spot in the 118-pound weight class are Jon Buxton, Jeremic Eckley, Butch McFec and Brian Williams. Jamie Penning is battling Dan Harrison in the 158-pound class, while redshirt freshman Corey Olson is trying to hold off Tucker Th ompson in the 177-pound competi tion. “We II have some talented guys on the mat,” Neumann said. “It’s just a matter of seeing who will take charge.” Neumann said he feels good about this year’s team. The Huskcrs return 12 letterwinners, including seven starters, from last year’s team that compiled a 12-6-2 record and fin ished 17th at the NCAA champion ships. The returnees include All-Amer ica selections Jason Kelber (126) and Scott Chcnowclh (167), veterans Layne Billings (142), Paul Herrera (150), and Dave Drocgemueller (134), and heavyweights Joe Ma lacek and Sonny Manley. Neumann said last season that Manley would be redshirted this year so Malacck can complete his final year of eligibility. Neumann, said the returnees will play a key role this season because the Huskcrs will face one of the toughest schedules in school history. In addition to facing 3rd-rankcd Oklahoma and Sth-rankcd Iowa State in dual meets, Nebraska will join the nine other top-10 teams at the Na tional Team Championships Jan. 12 and 13 in Hampton, va. Amateur Wrestling News chose Oklahoma State, the defending na tional champions, as its No. 1-team, followed by Arizona State, Okla homa, Iowa and Minnesota. Penn State is ranked seventh, followed by Iowa State, Michigan and North Carolina. Neumann said he knows Ne braska's schedule is going to be tough. “We have four of Five times dur ing the season where we will need to be at our peak level in order to per form well,” he said. Friday’s matchups include: 118 - Buxton vs. McFec or Wil liams, Ecklcy against Jim Sanchez; 126 - Kelbcr vs. Dave Droegemucller; 142 - Randy Street vs. Billings; 150 - Paul Herrera vs. Darren Droegemucller; 158 - Penning vs. Harrison; 167 - open; 177 - Olson vs. Thompson; 190 - Chris Nelson vs. Tommy Robbins; Hwt - Malacck vs. Manley. HYPE from Page 17 which team gave the better beating. If he knew so much he wouldn’t be playing for Missouri. And if Bob Stull knew so much his team wouldn’t have been stomped into the ground by both teams. And why compare the two teams’ offensive lines, when the two lines are never on the field at the same time. So the empirical route is abandoned, re placed by stomach emotions. No wonder gut feelings are often as wrong as WOOPS. The last time Nebraska experienced Hype Week was in 1987 before the Nebraska-Okla homa contest, which was billed as Game of the Century II. Gut feeling said the game would be fantas tic. Gut feeling knew the teams were evenly matched. Gut feeling said the game would be in doubt until the end and Nebraska would win because the Comhuskers were at home and it was Tom’s turn at the national title. But the Sooncrs shut down the Husker of fense faster than you can say, “Put in Clete Blakcman!’’ But readers want to know what the sports writers think so everyone can say, “What an idiot!” We take our guesses on Thursday and take our lumps on Sunday. So here goes nothing but my reputation and credibility. Gut feeling says the teams arc evenly matched on paper or in WOOPS. The home crowd at Folsom Field will help a bit, but the nasty fans in Boulder, Colo., also might fire up the Huskers more’ than the 76,000 corpses at Mausoleum Stadium do. The difference will come from Colorado’s spirit. Colorado has the spiritual advantage be cause the Buffaloes need, not want, to win more than the Huskers. Nebraska won the Big Eight last year and will be back in contention in 1990. Colorado last shared the title in 1976, and who knows when they will have a team this good again. Nebraska will always have 1970, ’71 and the real Game of the Century. Colorado has that stupid buffalo. Gut feeling says Colorado by a field goal or touchdown or something in between. All the people reading this will be silting in front of the television with their popcorn Satur day afternoon, hoping I’m wrong. And I’ll be at home in front of the tube myself. When gut feeling is right and Colorado wins 21-17, I’ll say to myself, “WOOPS!” Domcier is a junior news-editorial major, and a Daily Nebraskan reporter and columnist. I NBA’s Utah Jazz picks former Nebraska player I Former Nebraska basketball guard Eric Johnson is the newest member of the Na tional Basketball Association’s Utah Jazz. Johnson, who completed his collegiate eligibility last season, is the brother of Vin nie Johnson, who is a guard for the Detroit Pistons. iwi—nmiiiiiiiiiiin—iiinniiiiiiiiiiiiii i a,.. Need A Lawyer? ASUN Student Legal Services Center offers free legal advice and representation to / UNL Students. / For an appointment call 472-3350 ^ or stop by Room 335 Student Union I Take on a II leadership roll. 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