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For the first few weeks the council meets, discussion will focus on informing members of UNL student services about policies and issues, she said. Once members become fa miliar with UNL policies and identify problems with them, Simerly said, the council will be able to advise Griesen knowledgeably. Warm Case Beer Coors Warm Casc 16 07. cans Coors Light n oo Coors Gold V Milwaukee’s Best 66 Reg or Light 24 cans Case Olympia C99 Reg or Light 24 cans warm Keystone ^49 Reg or Light 24 cans warm Seagram's ^ 79 Wine Coolers Warm 4 pk Andre 4 Flavors 49 I Champagne 750ml ** Vodka 749“ 1.75 Liter Busch or ^99 Natural ® 24 cans warm —————w—■ NOVEMBER PERM 25% Off (cut not included) Nov. 1-15 % Call Today For Your Appointment! Not valid with other otter* or promotions Promotional otters available with participating designers Long hair by consultation (HRlR €XpR€XX) bi|QaMtti Gunny Complex Linooln Gateway Shpg. Ctr. 3534 S. 48th St. 245 N 13th St. 6450 0 St. 488-3169 475-5550 466-2779 UNL Wildlife Club and Natural Resources Law Society members clean up an indiscriminate dump in the Cardwell Branch of Salt Creek Saturday near Yankee Hill Lake. Wildlife club preserves resources By Pattie Greene Staff Reporter Some students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln take their majors out of the classroom and into the real world on the weekends. UNL Wildlife Club members get out in the open on weekends to help preserve wildlife with conservation or social activities. Club President Erik Wagner said members help keep Nebraska’s streams clean and practice wildlife management techniques. An annual activity for the club is a stream clean-up in Lancaster County, he said. Wagner said the public relations committee selects a polluted stream and decides what type of tools will be needed to clean it. The Nebraska Department of Health offers money to groups that want to clean streams or lakes, Wag ner said. With the department’s help and money, the group has been able to use bulldozers and other tools. The streams aren’t just polluted with bottles and cans, he said. Members have cleaned up a stream that had been used as an-indus trial dump by farmers, in which they had dumped concrete, he said. Members also manage a 17-acre plot of land near Mead owned by the Lower Platte South Natural Re sources District. The plot gives members a chance to practice wildlife management techniques, Wagner said. They have planted cattails on the shore to con trol soil erosion, he said. Members have a chance to prac tice land relations with the farmer who farms the area around the 17 acre plot, Wagner said. “He plowed up some of the grass we planted one year,” Wagner said. This year the club set up an alumi num recycling trash can in the East Union, Wagner said. “(But) most people think it’s a normal trash can,” he said. Club members teach outdoor edu cation to elementary and junior high school students with slide shows, animal hides, bones and skulls. Wagner said the club has taught up to 4,000 students in one year. Members also have taught hunter safely classes at the fairgrounds and Antelope Park, Wagner said. Working with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the club has electroshocked area lakes to deter mine fish species and population size. The club’s concerns committee is active in Nebraska Natural Resources District legislative hearings testify ing on environmental bills. For ex ample, Wagner said, members have testified at the Two Forks Dam hear ings. “It gives you a good chance to practice your public speaking skills,” he said. In addition to all these activities, members find time to have fun Wagner said they have fall and summer campouts, trap shoots, hog roasts and other social activities. The club’s awards banquet at tracts about 200 professionals every spring, Wagner said. At the banquet, the Howard L. Wicgcrs outstanding conservation award is presented to the most outstanding conservationist in Nebraska. The club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.rm in the East Union. iri briftL Panel discussion set for Saturday From Staff Reports Jer/y Kosinski, author of the book “Being There,” will dis cuss freedom of speech at Doane College Saturday in the wake of efforts by some Ne braska parents to ban his book. Kosinski will debate the censorship issue in a panel dis cussion titled ‘‘Reading, Teaching and the First Amend ment.” He will speak at Heck man Auditorium on the Doane campus in Crete at 10 a.m. The panel is sponsored by the Nebraska CivU Liberties Union and the Academic Free dom Coalition of Nebraska. A group of parents who ob jected to descriptions of sexual acts in the novel requested last February that the book be re moved from the Crete high school curriculum. The school board did not ban the book, but did support guidelines for closer scrutiny of the required This coupon is worth ^ $40.00 V%> * tor 2 donations in one week, £>, v) ■ for new donors and repeat donors who have not '6L * returned in 2 months. | Plus receive a punch card for the month ■ of November to win prizes!! •Trip tor 2 to Las Vegas * 19" Color TV* ‘Boombox * Cash * And More* Our fully automated donor center is medically supervised by a friendly, professional staff. Your Donation May Save A Life! jT • LINCOLN PLASMA SXRl We honor all coupons from competitors. '*••*»• ■ 126 North 14th Suite #2 474-2335 1 L..T". — — — — J I JUAN WILLIAMS j Eyes on the Prize I 1 Wednesday, November 1, 1989 at 8 P.M. in The Nebraska Union Centennial Room Admission Students with UNL II). Free Non-students $1.00 I Free childcare provided “/ know one thing we did right Was the day we started to fight Keep your eyes on the prize, Hold on. ” SI ON SO REI) HY: 11 Pi. 1 ALKS & TOPICS * AFRICAN-AM FRH 'AN SPFC1AI KTC,T»rSvMvfLNJ • ,INL Sm ,AL VCLB.^CK SPECUL hVENTS a ENTERTAINMENT • M At r AIKS 1KM l Ml M ARY "\\|| I UK SHOWS IN ffs ENTIRETY TCKSDAY, OCT. 31 AT VitMl AM A 3:00 I’M A 3VKDNKSI3AY, NOV. | AT 1:00 I’M.