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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1989)
QUINTET from Page 9 quintet has to come to understand the piece on its own. That can be a demanding and re warding experience for the quintet, Walker said. . “It all has to be internal, we have to come to know the music through the rehearsal,” he said. “It’s scary, because you never know what to expect in advance, you don’t know how it’s going to evolve from the first reading. It’s the risk you have to take.” But Walker said that’s what the performing arts are all about. “Performing is fraught with risk,” he said. “It’sjusta question of how much risk you are willing to accept as a performer.” Walker said the quintet also strives to perform pieces written by Midwestern composers. “As Midwestern musicians, we feel that we have an obligation to our art,” he said. For example, Walker said the quintet commissioned two Missouri composers to write pieces for the quintet to play. He said the quintet would like to sponsor an impartial contest of Midwestern composers in the future, complete with cash prizes and live performances for the winning pieces. ‘‘I think that shows the level of commitment we have to promoting Midwestern music,” he said. Walker said the small size of the quintet is an advantage, because it can travel light and move quickly, making performing for a variety of audiences easier. “We feel that chamber music is people music,” Walker said. ‘‘We feel that chamber music is music that can be taken to the people.” He said the quintet’s senior music series is a good example of how the quintet brings music to people who may not otherwise have access to fine music. The senior music series fea tures live performances in nursing homes and retirement communities. He said that due to logistics, large groups, such as symphony orchestras, cannot do this. Walker said the quintet perceives itself as more than five musicians playing music. It sees itself as a cata lyst for cultural growth in Lincoln. “It’s not just the music, it’s the whole concept of what music is about,” he said. And the list of patrons in the back of the program who volunteer their time or money indicates that others support the quintet’s mission. ‘‘They (patrons) believe in us,” Walker said. ‘‘They believe we will make the best programming decision that is possible.” Walker said that many groups of performing artists are faced with the uncomfortable decision of perform ing art for the sake of the art or per forming art for financial gain. He said the decision was an easy one for the quintet: no matter what, play heart felt, spirited woodwind quintet mu sic. “The question is, are you making the most of your art,” Walker said. “We may not have the biggest crowds yet, but we will.” The quintet has three more per formances left this season. “Music of Women Composers,” featuring quintet and choir, will be Dec. 12. “Music of the Low Countries,” fea turing quintet and narrator, will be Feb. 22. “Children’s Concert,” fea turing quintet and dancers, will be April 26. All concerts arc scheduled for 8 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 22nd and Washington streets. Remember family or friends with Special Occasion, Get Well or Memorial cards. WE'RE FIGHTING FOR \OUR LIFE $ American Heart % Association 1$W Nebraska Affiliate --- FOR SALE 10+ Piece Drum Set $800/obo. 477-9461. 2400 Baud IBM Compatible Modem plus Software $80. 477-6453._ Cliff's for Pocket Lighters! 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Pinning Cigarsl, 140 N. 12th Costumes! Stumped for ideas7 Shop ONE MORE TIME 850 N. 27th 474-2065 CRUISESHIP JOBS $300 - $900 Weekly Call Linda 9-4 Weekdays 1-612-456-0884 ext. C4910. Oenon stereo plus Mission speakers. New, in boxes. $550 obo. 477-0025. Marked-down Figurette bras Support, beautify bust; S M-L; doctor recommended. 477-0826. Reduced prices on Mary Kay product. Contact Cathy at 472-2483 days or 475-1208 evenings. Weightbench, HVY Duty. Adiusts for Military Press. $125/obo 435 4630 VEHICLES FOR SALE == '73 Datsun Pickup. No rust, good running truck. $750/ obo. 474-0614, days or 474-1676. 76' White Toyota Corolla, $1000. Must Seel Air/Ht, Snowtires 489-4473. 1987 Toyota Tercel 4-door, automatic, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette. $5750 or best offer. 486-1704. 1982 AM Spirit QT: Sunroof. AM/FM stereo cassette, factory mags & spoiler. 4 speed Six cylinder, exoellent mileage New speed rated radials. radar detector. Will show on campus. $2400 362 2621 York 1962 Renault, eacelent condition. $2100 o.b.o. 489 2828. 1978 924 Porsche. Great mechanical shape. 488-7387, 4752083 _ 1974 MG8 Convertible. White. Two Tops. Runs Great. S1500/OBO 476 8240 1972 Chevy Nova-Runs great, body in lair oondtlion. Needs very Irtlle work. 475-7966. Joe. Buying cars and pickups up to $3,000. PricedRite Auto. 1810WostO 475 1335 Honda Scooter 1964 -Aero 125. Very low mileage, $600 or beat oiler. Call Deirdre at 472-2720 days or 488-0420 late evenings. I976 BMW 2002, automatic, sun root. Good miles, good condrtion $2500 lirm. 330 4089 leave message TICKET EXCHANGE ~ ^or sale tickets to Iowa State and Oklahoma 474 7142 Need 4 tickets NU/ISU: 2 lemale and 2 mate together Call 466 6333. Needed 4 OU'NE Tickets. Call 436-0166, leave mes sage SERVICES = TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 32$ North 13th Street 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING A WORD PROCESSING Resume*, termpapers/masters/doctorates, books, misc typing, laser/tetter quality printers, copter, drtaphone. Near UNI campus. Affordable professionalism CaN 435 AVIS Call CHER'S for all typing/word processing. 435-6587. FAX service available. CANT TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- NO TIMEIII We can handle all your basic typing needs at: COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE _1630 QUE STREET Quality typing service from one page to dissertations Timely and personable service. 472-1152 or 477-2586 Resumes Professionally typeset or laser ponied $10-A15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing-over 20 years experience 488-0414 after 6pm and weekends. Need ride to Marion, KS or vicinity, November 10 or 11 Emily 466-3628 Will pay. ANNOUNCEMENTS_== *NU MEDS* Get ready for the UNMC Tour. Meet October 30 at the Union Fountain at 11 a.m., arrive home 5 p.m. Bring $1. Art* and Sciences Advisory Board Meeting Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the Union. Room will be posted. Det. Zimmerman LAPD On Gang Violence. October 27th. Nebraska Union, 10am. Room Posted. Sponsored by Criminal Justice Society. EMERGING LEADER PROGRAM Applications are due today! Turn in your application to the CAP office-200 NE Union or 300 Ne East Union. Goat Kids for Meat. Rose Eagle Grade-A Goat Dairy •791-5736 Firth, NE _ HOMECOMING BANNER WINNERS FH. AXO. LXA, Theta Xi. ODD. AGS. SN. Gamma Phi Beta. Look for your banners Saturday at the garnef HONORS PROGRAM STUDENTS TCBY Run. Sunday. October 29 at 2:00 before Momix Meet in Honors Program Office. You don't have to attend Momix to join in the funl HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINaT LAW & POLITICS Presented by David P. Forsythe at the UNL College of Law, November 2. 12:00-1 00pm in Room 113. Spon sored by NCLU Student Group. IANR Open House Displays, Tours in Agriculture, Home Economics, Natural Resources. East Union, ip a.m.-9 p.m. Octo ber 27. Phi Beta Lambda presents YUCK BOUQUETS A bouquet o' dead Hewers- really express your feelings! $ 1.50 at the Union. October 26, 27. & 30. SQUARE DANCE Fri. Oct. 27. 1989 7:30-10:00pm At the Auld Center, Antelope Par* $2 Donation suggested. Sponsored by Christians United. UNL Rugby Club... We hear your record is 9 A 1. and the game :his wee* » lust for fun. Now you thin* you'll win one more, your head's to large to fit through the door. You're strong and young and fit and fast, we're slow and old. we'll never last But this time you'll wmd up in defeat, cuz the one thing we do very well, e cheat UNL Alumni GREEK AFFAIRS Greg (Oelt), JOHNNY RULES IS KING. ALWAYS HAS BEEN. ALWAYS WiLL BE I From Your Dell Brothers HAPPY BOTH ANNIVERSARY, SIGMA NUI Hey Beta Boys, Zing, Zing. Zing Eeme Meeme Hailoweenie You're My Spoo* Take A Pumpkin Take a Plum. I got a Stick of Chewing Gum. No More Goblins. No More Ghosts. To The Betas. We're Here to Tcastl Beta Theta Spoo* 89, The Thetas ** PUMPKIN BAGS Last chance to get a Pi Beta Phi Pumpkin Bag. Stop at the booth in theLlmon from 10am-2:30pml SAE Welcomes our beloved and esteemed brother. Paddy Murphy to UNL, Nov. 9. 1989 Saul (SAM). Thanks for the pumpkin seedsl Yum Yuml Laura, J.J., Kris, (ADPi) Tt& dan is great I Kp and Shad, where were you71 Miller, we were trying to sleeplll Love, 360 A 34DD PERSONALS ^”7T Your shy votes on tha phone was intriguing and whan we mat. your intoxicating eyas and innocent smite en couraged me to write Have time for a wall in the pa* ?? Curious. Eric Babushka My other halt is finally 2L Happy birthday! Babush Nance. . . ^. I didn't forget! Hope your 21st b-day was filled with overflowing bottles of CAHTABAWI Love. Mich Lady Di, Your enthusiasm touched us. Thanks, Men of Novice B Barry, Happy Birthday! It's "#22" huh’ Well, try and have a good year anyway I Traci, Carrie & Sue P S. Congratulations on your engagement!?! Caren. Happy Birthdayl You're 21 now and you know what that means. A.Y.O A.Y? Jill P S. I hate you morel Brenda B.. Happy Birthday! Here's to Pina Colada’s, Thursday nights at the Rail, MAFH, the twins. Garland, your brother, "The Club," and Grandpa Charlie. We are still behind I See ya at The Sidetrack I Your sidekick, Sue V. P S When was the last time you had a "reel" date? -. .. —.. ■ The two girls I was behind Thursday, How could I read my paper, when you both have great legs. Calc 106 lo the guy stalking the second floor stacks Sunday afternoon. .It's actions kke yours that cause bad stere otypes. Scott Lisa Lisa, I’m here at ASU Basking in the Sun, Hoping that You Have a Happy 211 Wish I could have a Beer with you. Chi O Love and Mine. Steffi Weffi P S. Ha Ha Save me some HDBMOC Mark, You're full of Surprisesl I like that. Sure Tom: Just jag off, Michelle: Happy Birthday, Susan: Eric still loves you. B.S. Wednesday night, To the guy I smashed with my mountain bik^ Thanks , for being such a good sport. I'llbuyyouabeersometimel _ - Reckless HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY ANNETTEI ___ DAWN » COLL To the Mystery Woman Caller (10/25), How do you know so much about me? How did you know I put my head through the wall9 Whoareyou? Was very amused and excited to speak with you. Please call me again.... ____ M.C. My Sweet Candi: Our love resembles the ripe peach-full of sweet nector and kind of fuzzy. Your Bumpkin, KURT To the three Amigos of Calc. 106H, I am not amused with your stupid comments and asinine attemps to belittle the instructor Please control yourselves and let me enjoy the remainder of my semes ter of math in peace. CHILD CARE Child Care and Light Housekeeping Needed. 5 Days a Week. Afternoons Need Own Car. Call Susan. 421 3039._ Live-»i nanny needed lor boy (3) and girl (1) on Lonj Island (near New York City). Love ol children, oomplete responsibly during weekdays General housekeeping and minimum one year commitment required. Free board and pnvat* room, use ol car and pool. Start beginning ol New Year. Call Michelle Monday-Fnday days at 212 943-4825 or weekends at 516-351 6058 HELP WANTED = $$ DRIVERS WANTED $$ Do you need a second |ob, or |ust a little extra money9 Flexfcle hours and good pay make it easy Earn up to $5 to S7 per hour and have fun doing it. H you are at least 18. have your own car and insurance, we have a job for you. Call Domino's Pizza, 611 North 27th 475 7672 $4.35-$8 per hour Local company has openings in tele marketing: year round work, pleasant working conditions Evenings and Saturday mornings -20 hours a week Apply 9 4 Monday through Friday Husker Heating and Air Conditioning, 5711 Russell Drive. Custodian. Opportunity for advancement with a growing company. Above average wages, evening hours Lincoln Janitorial Service Inc., 435-1200. Experienced construction superintendent for commer cial work in Fanbury area. Send resume to Tom Free man. 6010 North Villa. Oklahoma City, OK 73112. Experienced Aerobic Instructors. Apply at the Downtown YMCA 4759622 Handy person to do handiwork. House repairs, clean up. paint, etc. Hourly pay. 466-3656. LITTLE KING S Part-Time Day Help Needed. 18 or over. Apply between 2 5pm, Monday Thursday, 10th A Saunders. Ask For Mike. Flexfcle Hours. Marketing research telephone interviewers. We ere now hiring lor part-time positions evenings and weekends. Mutt be available a mimmurrrol 18 20 hours/ week. This is not a sales position. For more information call 4754520 between noon-6 p.m. or apply in person at National Research Corporation, 1033 O Street. Gold's Galleria, fourth floor Ming Palace Rest .part-time waitery person. Especially Sunday and MOnday evening and some lunch. Apply in person. 1309 L Street. NANNIES APPLY NOW! As the Heartlands # 1 agency, we have placed 100'strom Nebraska in top positions nationwide. Since 1984 we've been earning people s trust with compatible, happy matches. No costly training or fees required our service is ABSOLUTELY FREE We want YOU on our team, so call today I ARCHER DAWSON AGENCY (402) 453-7666 Need extra money7 Applications are being excepted for part time checkers, sackers and Stockers. Flexible hours, excellent opportunity to earn money for Holiday spending. Apply at Hinky Oinky , 48th A Van Dorn. Now hiring Kare Bear Day Care: morning and afternoon positions available Apply 720 Westgate, 474 7200 ‘Must be friendly and responsible' Pauley Lumber Company is seeking motivated, people oriented students wanting the opportunity of gaining valuable sales experience in the Building/Materials In dustry. Applicants should have some experience in selling or working with building materials 25-30/hpw, would include weekends and flexible hours set-up around student's class schedule. Contact Don Medmaer io set up an appointment to discusses this valuable apportunity. 945 South 27th Street. - a This coupon is worth $40,00 for 2 donations m one week, for new donors and repeat donors who have no returned in 2 months. Plus receive a punch card for the month of November to win prizes!! *Trip for 2 to Las Vegas * 19" Color TV* ‘Boombox * Cash * And More* Our fully automated donor center is medically supervised by | a friendly, professional staff. ■ Your Donation May Save A Life! . LINCOLN PLASMA We honor all coupons from competitors. 126 North 14th Suite #2 474-2335 * — _ — — — — — J There’s a place for you at Oprylanc^! Opiylancj showpark is holding auditions in 30 cities coast to coast for the 1990 season. This is your chance to gain great experience performing in professional live musical produc tions. If you have talent, drive and a need to perform, there’s a place for you at Opryland. Opryland is a showpark unique in its variety, style, and quality of live musical productions. Wfe have a multitude of positions available in over a dozen different shows for singers, dancers, performers, conductors/pianists, instrumentalists, stage managers and stage crew members. For more information on any of our JU-city auditions, contact Opryland Entertainment Department, Room 9001,2802 Opryland Drive, Nashville, TN 37214 or call (615) 871 -6656, Operator 91,10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST) Monday through Friday. Omaha, Nebraska Friday, Nov. 3,1989,12:30-3:30 p.m. Emmy Gifford Children’s Theater, 3504 Center St., Rehearsal Flail. St Louis, Missouri Sunday, Nov. 5,1989,12:00-3:00 p.m. Marriott’s Pavilion Hotel, One Broadway, Hawthorne Ballroom. Kansas City, Missouri ■k Monday, Nov. 6,1989,12:00-3:00 p.m. A University of Missouri, The University Center, Pierson Hall. Ophjtmnd