I SOUP from Page 10 is linked with vagrancy, but Grieves says that many of the people she sees have simply fallen on hard times, and are trying to find jobs. Tom can't help them all, but occa sionally you help to get one of them back on their feet again.' —Grieves “Every day I.see someone in the kitchen that I haven’t seen before,” she said. “Sometimes they’ll be here for« few weeks, then disap pear.” Grieves even has allowed some of her friends to sleep in her back yard, something that again has drawn complaints from neighbor ing businesses. “You know, I’ve had college students vandalizing my back yard and leaving beer cans in my park ing lot, but I never complained,” she said. “And yet when one of (the) homeless persons urinates in the alley, people get outraged. Don’t they understand that this is how these people have been forced to live?” David llansen/ Daily Ndiraskan Verona Grieves, manager of Stone Soup, a soup kitchen and laundromat, opens her doors to the needy and hungry of Lincoln. mm ~ |%fl ddf Familiar and stirring melodies by Mozart Beethoven and other great masters of m classical music merge with a colorful mosaic IW 3 YnTI of movement in an evening of dance by A _ The Lincoln Contemporary Dance Theatre. A Dance v^oncert Modernism and Classicism unite in exciting Howell Theatre djvcrsityt from the haunting beauty of "The Nov. 2,3,4 at 8 pm Moonlight Sonata” to the mischievous Nov. 5 at 3 pm rondo from “Eine Icleine Nachtmusic." THEATRE ARTS & DANCE 402/472-2073 Temple Building, 12th & R, Lincoln Cl UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN HEY PUMPKIN HEAD, COME SEE US FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN THREADS! Ill__ HOMECOMING SPECIALS Order your fresh corsages... .—^ ^^ or, get a silk corsage at 50% off / \ Boxed dozen roses only $27.50 And ...don't forget your red and white "N" carnations! 214 N. 14th 474-2273 _ ' ===[ I Hoodoo Gurus Appearing Saturday October 28 at the Music Hall* 8:00 p.m. Tickets on sale at Younkers $9.75 Tickets at the door $11.75 Sponsored by Creighton University Student Board of Governors From East L.A. THE WILD CARDS Contemporary Rhythm & Blues, strong on the vocals and dance steps! Don't miss this one. Thurs., Oct. 26, 9-1:00, $4 The UNL Independent Study program offers a way to pick up needed courses at any time during the year. You can take a course when you need to, not when the calendar dictates. ■ Take 12 months to complete if necessary ■ Choose from more than 70 credit courses ■ Learn from UNL faculty Call 472-1926 for details NOW! UNL Independent Study COUrSCS Division ol Continuing Studies . Nebraska Center. Room 269 that tit VOUf East Campus. 33rd & Holdrege . / . Lincoln. NE 68583-0900 SCheClllle UNL is a nondiscrimmatory institution ^ SAT. & SUN., OCTOBER 28 & 29^ I MICHELOB DARK & FREE GLOW IN THE DARK MUG MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 BUD/BUD LIGHT DRAWS & FREE FRIGHT NIGHT MUG TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 JACK DANIELS WOOTER HOOTERS & KEEP THE GLASS Suite 9_ 2137 Cornhu,sker|