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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1989)
Courtesy photo Front row: Keri Hoesing, Brenda Althouse, Carmen Currey, Jeff Gromowsky, Michele Bobak, David Madigan, Tricia Ehlers, Richard Hansen. Second row: Bob Frost, Tiffany Seevers, Colin Croft, Rochelle Slominski, Kris Dillon, Bryan Hill, Courtney Butherus, Mark Davis, Harold Peck, Don Curtis. Homecoming court to be elected today From Staff Reports Voting for the 1989 homecoming royalty will be in both Nebraska un ions 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. Homecoming candidates include: Bob Frost - As well as serving as president of Alpha Tau Omega Fra ternity, Frost was treasurer of the Student Alumni Association. He also is active in Beta Alpha Psi Account ing honorary. ' Jeff Gromowsky - Gromowsky, a finance major, is the treasurer for the Innocents Society Senior Honor ary and secretary of Farm House Fra ternity. Bryan Hill - A member of Inno cents Society, Hill is the president of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska and a student regent Colin Croft •• Croft serves as president of both Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity and the Innocents Society. Mark Davis - While serving in the Student Alumni Association’s Board of Directors, Davis is the presi dent of the Nebraska Union Board and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Don Curtis - Curtis is president of the University Honors Program and first-vice president of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. He also is active in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands Association. I__ _ Dave Madigan - Planning to par ticipate in an architecture exchange program in London next semester, Madigan is past president of the Uni versity Programs Council-City and a member of the Mortar Board. Harold Peck - Peck, a finance major, is a member of Acacia Frater nity, Mortar Board and currently serves as president of the Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honorary. Richard Hansen - As well as serving as secretary of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Hansen currently serves as president of Mortar Board. Keri Hoesing - Named Ak-Sar Ben princess this year, Hoesing is a member of Mortar Board and served as rush chairman for Chi Omega Sorority. Tricia Ehlers — Ehlers is the co ordinator for the Student Alumni As sociation, and is a member of the In nocents Society and Delta Gamma Sorority. Kris Dillon - Dillon serves as president of the Arts & Sciences Stu dent Advisory Board, and is a mem ber of the Innocents Society. She also was rush chairman for Alpha Phi Sorority. Carmen Currey -- An elemen tary education major, Currey is the president of Chi Omega Sorority, an ASUN senator for Teachers College and a member of the Innocents Soci ety. Courtney Butherus — Bulherus is first-vice president of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, a member of Mor tar Board, public relations director of the Golden Key National Honor Soci ety and a violinist in the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra. Michele Bobak — As well as serv ing as vice president and pledge edu cator for Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, Bcbak is the co-chairman for the Nebraska Human Resource Institute and a member of the Innocents Soci ety. Brenda Althouse - Althouse is the vice president of both Chi Omega Sorority and the Student Advisory Board, and is the assistant coordina tor for the Student Alumni Associa tion. Rochelle Slcminski - Slominski is the president of Delta Delta Delta Sorority, a member of the Innocents Society and a 1988 Truman Scholar recipient. Tiffany Seevers — As well as being the selections chairman for Mortar Board, Seevers serves as the president of Panhellenic. She is also a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. The homecoming king and queen will be announced at halftime of Sat urday’s game against Iowa State. " _11 I — From New Orleans, Recording Artist Zachary Richard, the Cajun Rocker. Zachary Richards music was featured on The Big Easy soundtrack and he is considered to be the best of the Cajun artists currently touring. Wed., Oct. 25, 9:30-12:30, $6 The Zoo Bar136 No. 14th y 0 | JUAN WILLIAMS j Eyes on the Prize I Wednesday, November 1, 1989 at 8 P.M. in The Nebraska Union Centennial Room Admission Students with UNL ID. Free Non-students $1.00 « Free childcare provided “I know one thing we did tight Was the day we started to fight Keep your eyes on the prize, Hold on." 1 SPONSORED BY: UPC TALKS & TOPICS * AF RICAN AMERICAN SPECIAL i I EVENTS & ENTERTAINMENT * UNL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION * DREAM * | I UPC BLACK SPECIAL EVENTS & ENTERTAINMENT * MULTI-CULTURAL | i AFFAIRS I S_■ OPEN g I [DOCUMENTARY WIU. RE SHOWN IN rrs| RECEPTION > I | ENTIRETY TUESDAY, OCT. J1 AT *00 AM FOLLOWING g g J:06 PM & WEDNESDAY, NOS. I Al 1:00 PM. Lt i. rf..jBi__ 1 Andy Manhart Dally Nebraskan RISK from Page 1 drive down 17th Street, you know very few people drive 25 miles per hour,” he said. Becker said problems on this stretch of road arise because the campus combines a residential area - residence halls, fraterni ties and sororities -- with a business — the university. In addition to motor traffic, Becker said, pedestrians from residence halls, fraterni ties and sororities illegally cross 17th Street, compounding the speeding problem. “The next time we may be issuing tick ets to those crossing the street,” he said. Another problem area Becker noted was on the north boundaries of City Campus. “We have some motorists and students that are really taking some risks,” Becker said. Many pedestrians and drivers along 14th Street race oncoming trains, he said. “Itdoesn’tmake sense to try and beat the train,” he said. If a train collides with a motorist or a pedestrian, “the train always wins,” Becker said. “Maybe after reading some of the pub licity this has generated, maybe people will check their speed ... so we don’t have to. “Sometimes a court citation can be an expensive reminder,” he said. Beginning midnight Sunday, Oct 22 12:10 am. - Items reported stolen from vehicle parted in lot near H.C. Filley Hall, $124. ... . : '• 12:13am.-Two-vehicle, non-injury acr dent reported in Abel Hall fire lane, $50. 5:30 am. - Parting meter reported stolen from metered lot at 14th and W streets, $400. 9:16 am. - Purse and contents imported stolen from East Campus Union, $60. I 9:30 am. - Chair reported stolen from I Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, $350. I 11*35 am. - Tools reported stolen from vehicle parked in Abel'Sandra halls* me tered lot, $350. 12:45 p.m. - Hit-and-run, non-iniury acci dent reported in Area 20,1820 R St., $150. 2:07 p.m. -* License plates reported stolen from vehicle parked in Area 3,1640 Y St., $10. 3:07 p.m.« Hood ornament reported stolen from vehicle parked in Area 1,17th and R streets, $25. 3:18 p.m. - Man reported seen in Mabel Lee Hall clad only in his underwear. No ci tations given. 4:06 p.m. - Intoxicated person near Temple Building taken to the Detoxifica tion Center. ^ UPC Homecoming Committee & Budweiser Support THE HUSKER CENTURY - Aged To Perfection VOTE! Royalty Elections are Being Held Today . from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the City and East Unions TOMORROW NIGHT Dance to $ * * From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the East Union