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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1989)
Part-Time Custodial Help Needed. Afternoon or Late Evening Hours Available. Apply Rm 314, East Union. PT/FT, Janitorial Positions. Downtown Location. Good After-School Job. $3.75/start. 489-5886._ SALES Regional T-Shirt company now hiring a campus sales rep. to aervice the Fraternity and sorority market. This position has excellent earning potential for the right person. For more Information and an appoint ment to Interview, pteaee call collect 1-303-484-7414. SPRING BREAK 1990- Individual or student organiza tion needed to promote our Spring Break trips. Earn money, free trps and valuable work experience. APPLY NOWII Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800-327-6013. Students needed now, part time phone work. Evening hours. 467-4314 Teach English at Chinese Kinderschool in Taiwan. 6 months term. Openings Decerrtoer 1, January 1. Febru ary 1. RT. airfare and salary. Send Resume to B. Lamplot, Route 1, Box 46, Thurston, NE 68062 (402) 385-2508 _ Tony and Luigi’s Part-time, Full-Time Kitchen Help Needed. Apply to a Manager. $4-$4.50/br. 5140 O Street. 466 2351. Wanted- Spring Break Sales Representatives. Aver age $3500 Commissions, Part-Time, Flexible Hours, Plus Free Vacations (Cancun, Bahamas. Bermuda, Etc.) Call Vacation Planners 1 -800-47-PARTY. ROOMMATES Female roommate wanted to share house. Low rent in exchange for housework. 466-3656. Female to share furnished 2-bedroom house. 22/D. Utilities paid, $150, $100 deposit. 488-5606. HELP! Available immediately, Male or Female, near campus. Own carpeted BR. window AC. shower. CLEAN AND COOL I $137.50 + utilities. Call Clay 475-1396 leave message. Need non smoking female roommate 435-6585 Need non-smoking roommate for 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Close to campus. 474-3531. Need responsible roommate for largo 2 bedroom, 489 4326, after 5 Responsible female roommate to share 2 bedroom *Mrtment. $185 plus deposit and utilities. 474-5680 evenings. Responsible male needs roommate for large 2-Bdtfroom house. $180+ Utilities. 477-6453 Roommates wanted: 1900 B. St. $125/month. utilities Mid. 476 2583. HOUSES FOR RENT 2521 P Street. $300+Utilties. 3-Bedroom, 1-Bath, Woe Floors. Call 483-9628, Evenings M-F. 34th & Q, 3 bedroom with garage. Appliances possibli $430. Call Gail, 421-1767. 5 bedroom/2 bath, available Dae. 1. $650. 2304 U S 475-1579. 488-G061. APARTMENTS FOR RENH *$180--$455-Nice furnished efficiencies. 1 and 2 be< rooms, and townhouses. Close to downtowi Call for more information at 477-3648 or 423-5800. 1 -Bedroom, Furnished Apartment for Rent from January May. Contact Penny at 435-7974 2527 H Street 2-Bedroom. All applianoes and balcorj $329+ Deposit. 2532 T Street. Large, 1 Bedroom, P appliances, balcony, S260+Deposit. 1310 A Street. Bedroom. Utilities Paid. $240+Deposit. 467-3645. 2814 Everett. 1 -Bedroom. Low Utilities S255+Utilities*Deposit. 435-4464 or 464-9796, Jody. Close to UNL, moe 7 BR apt. a/c, no pets, 423-0089 HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Great one and two bedroom apartments available. ‘Close to East Campus CALL TOOAY 466-8611 (l eave Message) Joseph E. Kean Company, 474-1666. Near Campus, 1-S»droom with Balcony. $275/mo. 423 1029,474-0360.__ NEW APARTMENTS 3-Bedroom 2-Baths Ceiling Fan, Microwave. Laundry Hook-up, No Pets $525. 2546 W Street. Available DecerTtoer 1. 483-6051 and 483-1130._ Nice 2 bedroom with fireplace. Dave 472-5785 or 487 1279,__ Nice. 1-Bedroom Apartment. $235. 1825 South 14th Call Eldon, 483-6003._ REDUCED FOR WINTER 2 BEDROOM ONLY 1329 South 14th $250 Old Fashioned Charm/Campus Close ONE BEDROOM ONLY 931 Oak $250 Newer/Campus Close Call Keith at 489-0621 Unfurnished large rustic basement apartment. $200 + utilities. 476-6910, 467-4891 ALL THE C<WoKTS of h'OyAE WITHOUT THE HE LA : f THE FAR 5IDE By GARY LARSON I'M? ’WZ Carl shoves Roger, Roger shoves Carl, and tempers rise. ! LOST & FOUND ,j Gold bracelet found at bar last weekend. Call 477-8977. Loaf red plastic 3 ring notebook containing Spanish “ not**. REWARDI 436-8710. Lost: Class Ring. Linooln High School '89. Reward. , Please contact Candy-435-5610 or 474-5161 (leave message please) = ADOPTION ~ r -.= L ADOPTION ” We have seven adoring nieces and nephews whom we love very much. We want desperately to adopt a new i. born to shower with love, affection and all that life can offer. Expenses paid, legal and confidential. Call collect anytirrvs 212-724-3347. Consider Adoption. Colorado Couple wishes to Adopt a newborn. College Educated/UNL, Legal and Confiden tial. Call Chari and Mke Collect or leave message. 303 II 279-2044, _ SOCIAL SFRV1CES_ ~ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment 483-2609. Wednesday (It's all downhill from here.) 75<t night Bottle beer* Kamakazies Well drinks* 16 oz. draws Get Shot and Stuffed at The Watering Hole Night Owl Menu Burger, Fries, Pop.$3.00 ^ Cheeseburger, Fries, Pop.$3.25 Pattymelt, Fries, Pop.$3.25 Cold Ham Sandwich, Fries, Pop.$3.75 Cold Salami Sandwich, Fries, Pop...$3.75 Shots $ 1.50 laco salad.$3.75 Cuervo uoia Buffalo Wings.12pc. $2.(X) Wild Turkey .18pc. $3.00 Kamikazes Nachos.$1.75 $2.75 pitchers BeefNachos.$2.50 .60 draws The Watering Hole 1321 "O" St. 438-305' Come Hang Out on Halloween! Jim’s Journal ' . by Jim Tkf NevJ ^rk T,ywf5l a>i«r K* s bnp*|r-p€ni At le*v,v •for H* by $***. wW© w** ^nvV'cKir} 'TKf x©k*r‘* w;U-" ''kU\h yco hwsewse*'* A# sv.i. («f i I $te*p l<*k9* khcw vJk*t w** <5*i*3 o*. ACROSS 1 Designate 4 Dalton formerly of "Falcon Crest" 8 Hidden explosive 12 A Guthrie 13 Green tint 14 Steve Cram, e g 15 Spirit of tie sea 17 More slippery 18 Firefighters' instruments 19 Geological ridges 20 Cool cat scry 21 Aversion 23 - —de-chaussee (ground floor) 24 More nimble 27 Meter preceder 30 Exude 33 Miller's"-the Fall" 35 Whitney, to Dionne 37 Pindar product 38 Measure of capacity 39 Nurses in the Orient 40 Standard 42 Beatty and Rorem 43 Babbled Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 45 Prince Valiant's 'son 47 Make new again 50 Pod preceder 53 Like some cells 5« Do slaloms 58 Morning sound 59 Man in the street 60 Bustles 61 Other Comb form 62 '-and the Swan Yeats 63 Fencing weapon 64 A loser to Louis 65 Hero chaser DOWN 1 Refrain syllables j 2 Sergeant York 3 First # Secretary of Transportation 4 Coat metal 5 Stems of hops 6 Sanctified 7 Sandburg's "The People, 8 Loaded cocktail 9 Netter Nastase 10 At no time, to bards 11 Makes a boo-boo 12 First donor? 14 Co-Nobelist in Literature 1904 16 Ornamental stone 19 Clairvoyance letters 22 Late bloomer 23 Cousin of John Doe 25 Maior chaser 26 Willis of N B A fame 27 Miscellany 28 Flaccid 29 Kind of drop "-Cane' 32 Knot-lying words 34 Els, e g 36 Respects 41 Toro tempter 44 Goal 46 Porter 's Sweeney 48 Four-stringed instrument 49 Anoint, once 50 Subway must 51 -la Paix 52 "-girl'" 53 Top of the monk 54 Poorly proportioned 55 Miami's county 57 Salvador of art 59 Part of a boxer's arsenal