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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1989)
Congratulations to Jenny A. (KKG) and Chad T. (Sigma Chi) on Your Pinning. _ Love. Kappas CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE NEW SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERSI___ ELVIS! ELVIS! ELVIS! * Fiji's, PiKaps and AXO's-study break at the DG house tonight at 10:00 in your honor...please cornel The Delta Gamma's Good luck to the crooner/composer of "The Lunchmeats of Love”l The Babes HAPPY SOTH ANNIVERSARY, SIGMA NUI Janet K. (DG), You were Incredible Friday and Saturday Night in the Volleyball Games. Keep up the Good Work...We re Proud of You. Love, Your Delta Gamma Sisters Jason M. (Sigma Nu). Congratulations on being selected to Student Foun dations! The Men of Sigma Nu Jeff K„ Congratulations on being chosen to Alpha Tau Al pha! The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma s for another great DUOI _ PI Phi's Ken K. and Eric O. (Sigma Nu). Congratulations on being selected to the CBA Advi sory Board. The Men of Sigma Nu Kris N , Perky P.. Shell P., Nicole P.. and Debbie P. (DG's) Congratulations on your selection into Golden Key Honor Society. Keep up the aoademie! Love your DG eaters Mark K. (Sigma Nu). Congratulations on being selected DG Anchor Manl _The Men of Sigma Nu Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma Special Olympics was a great suoceeel Thanks for a super dayl ■PI Beta Phi Nancy (Pi Phi) and Quy. Congratulation* on your angagamant W* low youl tha Pi Phi'* ft ft PUMPKIN BAGS Pi Bat* Phi Sorority wSb* sating oandy bags at the City Union. W*dna*day. Thursday, and Friday. Octobar 26 27, from 10am 2 30pm! , Stop by and ptac* your ordart Mil Tha FAC last Friday was a btaat Look forward la doing mora things with you guvs _Lava. Th* Data Oamma • eriu uu irui pun c on< Jut ulaI ons ON BEING selected FOR CBA ADVISORY BOARD YOUR CHI PHI BROTHERS Sigma My Ltd* Statin* W* wil b* having a meeting Ihi* Thursday at 6 p m Wa will b* carving pumpkin* at 7 p m Sea you there St*v* (DU). Have *wond*rtuiat*t Birthday Hop* you make it into Paartl __ Love, Stacy Stave K (DU). Happy ?t*t Hvthdayi To a Supar Quy. From an Admirer T Till any S ■ Bait ot luck with Homaoomng Royalty I Wa r* behind you all tha way I Lova Ih* Pi Phi * Trl 0*11 Flea Jack Bnaak Attack! AH You Can Eat lor 12 Thursday. 1GprH- lam AllhaTn Dali House -- uNiATuBTSTOTOiiPNT ^ • 30 p m • TONIGHT EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION PERSONALS EM* tot HomarxKmng King _Votal Votal Votal All Oar Wanchaa, Gat th* irg under 10.00 and wUI party Ilka you never have. Congrats on your gold madal. SjPinganli b# gr*« L. I'm not dona. _ M (10724) Quy who loaned me 1.50 at Pop Machine, Thanks a loti I owe you on*. _ M* Bil. Pal A Heather, You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog it you don't vote today for EM* wrka-in candidate tor Homecoming King, in th* Union from 0-8. Long Live UNL CREW! __ Tom (D.D.) Don’t vote tor a lor THE king! ■ ELVIS Wrrte-m candidate tor Homecoming King. Poll* open aUNUD*1'8,00 'n bo*h lJnion*- Anyone can vote-bring DLB. Happy 20th Today to one ot the joy* ol our live*. Love you I _ Mom A Dad Don’t *tay home... Don't vote lor a greek... Write in ELVI5I C. Aren't you out ol underwear yet? I mitt you. _ Cute* Teh, Happy Birthdayl Hope you r* leeling better. _ Sue, Tonya, Tammy Noticed. Surel I'll meet you tometimel _ Gill in Green Sweater Chri*ty, Thank* lor everything. You're a very speaal friend. "Dino" CHILD CARL ~ Child Car* and Light Housekeeping Needed 5 Day* a Week. Afternoon* Need Own Car. Call Susar,, 421 3039 Live in nanny needed lor boy (3) and girl (t) on Long l*land (near New York CMyl. Love ol children, complete re*pon»ibMy during weekdays General housekeeping and minimum one year commitment required Free board and private room, use ol oar and pool Start beginning ol New Year Call Michelle Monday Friday days at 212 943-4925 or weekends at 51u 351 6059 HELP WANTED umvcno wwn i cu ** Do you need a aacond |ob. or |uat a little aalra money"> Fleitol* hour* and good pay makeileaty Earn up to SS to 17 par hour and hava tun doing il If you are et least 18. have your own cat and inauranoa. wt hava a job lor you. Call Domino * Pi*»a, 611 North 27th 476 7872 _ _ $4.35-$8 per hour looal company haa opening* in tela marketing year round work, ptaaaant working condition* Evening* and Saturday momma* 20 hour* a week Apply 9 4 Monday ihm .gh Friday H Matter Heating and At Condition T-.g S7t t Kuaaell Dive A A W Restaurants Wa are took mg lor ftwndly. oourteou* people to Malt our mall raatuarant Wa need re*pon*bie people aa: lead counter*, ttarlmg wage 64 20,day oountar* tale*, start mg wag* 63 76 W* otter tlesibi* F T/PT hour*, Ire* Uniterm*, and (amity oriented working environment. Apply now at A 6 W Healaurant*. Centrum Plata, (A*k lor Deb) Gateway (atk lot Kathy) _ Custodian. K unity lor advancement with a growing oonrpany. average wage* averting hour* Lincoln Janitorial Service Inc . 436 TOO _ Fraterntie*, torontie*. campu* organisation*, highly mot>val*d individual* travel Ire* plu* earn up lo $3000* sponsoring trp* Cancun tup* South Padre teland Colorado Iki 1800 766 9191 ” mm ■ NOIfS. # Upcoming Test? Duy a single lecture or Subscription for the whole Semester Located in # Nebraska Bookstore 13th & “Ca jon's Notes hours 9:30*4:30 M-F Cal! 476-8006 Handy person to do handiwork. House repairs, clean up, >airtt, etc. Hourly pay. 466-3656. NSTRUCTORS NEEOEOI for older adult fitness classes. Will train. Call Life Time Health 471-7575. .ooking for a F raternity. Sorority or Student Organization hat would like to make $500 - $1000 for a 1-Week On 'ampus Maiketing Project. Must be Organized and Hard Working. Call David at 436-8100 or 436 8171._ Marketing research telephone interviewers. We are now hiring for part-time positions evenings and weekends. Must be available a minimum of 18-20 hours/ week. This is not a sales position. For more information can 475-4520 between noon-6 p.m. or apply in person at National Research Corporation, 1033 0 Street. Gold's Galleria, fourth floor. Need extra money? Apr i cat ions are being exempted for part time checkers, sackers and Stockers. Flexible hours, excellent opportunity to earn money f«r Holiday spending. Apply at Hinky Dinky, 48th 8 Van Dorn. Needed Now. All Types of Talent- Singers, Comedians, Groups. Dancers. One of the Fastest Growing Theatrical Agencies in the U.S.A. $-Top Dollar•$ Call Powers Enterprise, 435-8377. ask for Jimmie, for Appointment Now hiring Kara Bear Day Care: morning and afternoon positions available. Apply 720 Westgate, 474-7200. _‘Must be friendly and responsbie* Part-Time Delivery/Retail Sales. Four Seasons Paint. 200 North 88th. 464 8808 Professor in Educational Psychology Department needs part tima assistant to help with data antry on computer, library research and other clerical duties. Apply 116 Bancroft. I______1 ** EXTRA CASH ★★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your firs! time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you. Safer, taster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change ) (Mon. - Sat.) Free parking at any Park & Shop. University Plasma Center Assoclatod Bloscience, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 We accept all ads from competitors. Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omana, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association ot Lawyers Practice Limned to Immigration Law SAT., OCT. 28 ELMS BALLROOM SYRACUSE |30 MILES EAST OF LINCOLN ON HIGHWAY 2) COSTUME PARTY CASH PRIZES MINORS WELCOME DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 | 132 S. 13th Reservations Accepted 477-5122 j THINK $100!!! EVERY WEEKEND TIL CHRISTMAS!!! LaunDry Land will be giving away $100 every weekend from NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Come into LaunDry Land on Saturdays or Sundays and enter our drawings We will select a $100 winner every Monday. ■ - - ■ ■ ■ -- —-1 Our Halloween crazies are here! l Utllowcon is , /^lJ0 curly*this ycsir Ov' / so come in stxin I uikl see our ..= | Boo lki/;uirf , , (i**r , c. / Patty s -iLjcc**cflAL Shop •Aivunlmt! It> Ilk' pumpkin |Xikh. 1 Cent rum 477-K0I4 I9M HN* C«H _ 1 D 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus HOpen 11 a.m. for lunch 476-0787 11th & Cornhusker _I® HarperSchramm-Smith 4*0 07 Tw° 10" ! ! Cheese Pizzas i I Additional Toppings $.95 | SPECIAL _Expires 12-31-89_ j plus tax | Drivers Wanted $5-7 per hour 11 __■ Wednesday Nights OSCAR'S 25<t Draws Starting At 8:00 1.75 Well Drinks .85 Premium Drinks (some exceptions) 800 'O' Street Haymarketl Over $2000 In Prizes -Be Creative Start Getting Your Costumes Together for the BIGGEST HALLOWEEN BASH in Town! You won't want to miss it! Tuesday, Oct. 31 st KFMQ Live on Location Dance to Bobby Curious & enjoy the Drink Specials! cngw) 1 CRESTED BU1JLE NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHT!s STEAM B Oj£t JANUARY 2-12 * 5 OR 6 NIGHTS R. JSS1 .1