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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1989)
Program includes nine dances - . • Dancers prepare for November production • • _ • j By Gretchen Boehr Senior Reporter Student and faculty dancers are in their fifth week of practice for the upcoming fall concert of the Lincoln Contemporary Dance Theatre. “The Masters Meet Modem” includes nine dances choreographed by faculty and students at the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln and will be performed Nov. 2 through 5 at Howell Theatre. “To Have and Have Knot” is an example of some of the creatively choreographed and physically chal lenging pieces included in the con cert. This is a “trio” danced by Craig Ellingson, Melissa Mapcs-Raasch and a rope. The dancers are bound together at the wrist by an approxi mate four-foot length of rope and perform modern dance to Chopin’s Waltze in C sharp minor. Laura Milan, dance professor and choreographer for this piece, said the rope makes “To Have and Have Knot” especially challenging. “Craig and Melissa arc at the mercy with what happens with the rope,” she said. Mapcs Raasch and Ellingson said dancing with the rope had its surprises. During the dance they twist, turn and somersault over each Hl 0^ 6?1" C *t>£> ;| Tickets: $13, $9 A Mid-America Arts Alliance program with the support of the ! | Nebraska Arts Council and the National Endowment for the ArU. J § For Tickets Call 472-4747 (Monday-Friday, 11-5 pm[_ other, sometimes getting tangled in the rope. “This piece with Craig is very challenging,” Mapes-Raasch said, “and the third element makes it to tally different.” Both have choreographed pieces for the concert. Another dance choreographed by Milan is “The BelleTolls For You.” In this piece the only female dancer, Cary Twomey, never touches the ground during the entire dance which lasts about seven minutes. Twomey is lifted from one man to another as the six male dancers take turns falling at her feet. Twomey said it was sometimes hard to trust the men. i This group of dancers needs to be | in unity at all times, Milan said. “The male dancers have to know where she is at all times,’ ’ Milan said, “because her safety relies on them.” “Some nights, it’s really easy and other nights it’s difficult,” Twomey said. Twomey said she could feel how focused they were by the way they lifted her. Milan said she had to go out and recruit strong men for this dance. As a result, the male dancers are at all levels of learning. “Some of them have only had three dance classes,” Milan said. In fact, Twomey and Mark Ja ---— ————————■ FOR SALE >400 Baud IBM Compatible Modem ptu* Software $80. 177-6463._ ___ I foot couch, excellent oondition. $150.466-4257 after 5. Cliff s tor Usher* and Wedding Giftsl 140 N. 12th. CltMs lor Imported and Domestic cigarettes! 140 N. 12th St _'_ Costumes! Stumped lor ideas? Shop ONE MORE TIME 850 N 27th 474-2065 _ CRUISE SHIP JOBS $300 $900 Weekly Call Linda 9-4 Weekdays 1 612 456 0884 ext. C4010 Denon stereo plus M*sx>n speakers New. in boxes $550 obo 477 0025 __ It It True Jeeps lor $44 through the Government? Call lortact*' 1 312 742-1142. Ext. 3153A ___ Marked down Fgurette bras Support, beautify bust; S M L, doctor recommended. 477-0826. Reduced prices on Mary Kay product. Contact Cathy at 472-2483 days or 475-1208 evenings. VEHICLES FOR SALE = 79 Oatsun Pickup. No rust, good running truck. $750r obo. 474 0614. days or 474 1676 1987 Toyota Tercel 4-door, automatic, air conditioning. AM/FM cassette $5750 or best oiler. 486 1704 1982 Renault. excetont condition. $2100 o.b.o. 489 2828.___ Buying car* and pickups up to $3,000. PricedRite Auto, 1610 West Q.475-1335.___ Honda Scooter 1984-Aero 125. Very low mileage, $600 or beet oiler. Cell Deirdre at 472-2720 da ye or 488-0420 late evenings. 1981 Mustang: 57,000 miles. 4 cylinder, 4 speed, air conditioning, no rust. 474-1029 TICKET EXCHANGE For Sale: 2 NU-lSU Tickets. Call Anytime 477-8739. Need NU/OUG/A Ticket. Will Pay Top $ Call 436-0678. Need 1 Female Ticket lor Iowa State. Call Jell, 488 1537, alter 5pm. Need 5 OU/NE tickets Call anytime ask for Juke. 467 4952. Willing to pay top dollar! VALENTINO’S DELIVERS THE GOODS When you're ready for pizza...take advantage of these delivery specials: $Q 99 * Two medium cheese pizzas only $Q 99 * Large single topping pizza and four Cokes only 99 * Medium single topping pizza and two Cokes only \ ‘Additional toppings extra CaU 467-3611 •0MeiltillOi& That Didn't Stop With Pizza recke are the only dance majoi» **■ this dance, she said. Milan said one thing that made it difficult to recruit men for this dance was a prejudice against dance lor men. It still is thought of as sissy or feminine for men to dance, she said. “I think the strength and coordi nation needed for dance is more than is needed for football,’ Milan said. Iliya Azaroff, one of the male dancers, agreed. “It definitely helps your bal ance,” he said. Azaroff, a junior music major, said this is his first dance perform ance. “This is something I’ve always wanted to do all my life and never had a chance to,” he said. This also is the first performance for Joe Davis, a member of the ROTC. “I just wanted to learn how to dance,” Davis said. The music for “The Belle lolls For You” is Mozart’s Clarinet Con ccrto in A. Ellingson, John Warren and Brian Irons are the other dancers in this piece. Ellingson, a senior music theater performance major, also will perform in the piece he choreographed, “Out To Play Again,” to Mozart’s Horn Concerto in E Hat. “This is about a little boy in a park imagining things and people,” he >aiu. Originally “Out To Play Again was to different music, he said. “But this classical music ex panded my ideas for the dance, Ellingson said. The Concerto is very lively, bouncy and playful, Ellingson said. Mapes-Raasch, a senior dance major, said the dance she choreo graphed, “A Canon Study,” is like a dance in the round. “The dancers are all about one count behind each other,’ she said. “A Canon Study” is to the music of Pachelbel’s Canon in D major. Mapes-Raasch also is the chore ographer and director of Orchesis, a UNL dance group. 'Some of the dancers are in more than one dance in ‘ ‘The Masters Meet Modem,” Milan said, and practice is a big commitment. Juggling classes, jobs, practice and outside dance activities can be come a challenge, the dancers said. Depending on which dances they are in, the students spend anywhere from nine to 15 hours a week in prac tice. The dancers said they had become friends since they were together so much. Azaroff said dance has be come his social life since he wasn’t a dance major. Faculty choreographers and danc ers arc Nancy Curtis Brestel, Milan, Jill Lile and Dee Hughes. Need two ISU ticket*, one mate one female. 402-494 3916. 8-5. Ask for Kelvin. NEED: 8 tickets to NU/ISU game. Cal 478-2583 ask for Todd Needed: 4 OU/NE Tickets. Wiling to pay top $0oHar$l Call 436-0166. leave message._ Wanted: 2 NU/CO Tickets. 477-5348. FOR SALE: 2 pairs of GA ticket* for Iowa State game. Call 475-9301 $30 for each ticket. SERVICES = GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons, beginners or advanced Zager Studio 423-2709 _ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING A WORD PROCESSING Resumes, termpapers/master*/doctorates. books, misc. typing, laser/letter quality printers, copier, dictaphone Near UNL campus. Affordable professionalam. Call 4 35 AVIS. Call CHER'S for all typmg/word processing. 435-6587. FAX service available. CAN'T TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- NO TIMEIII We can handle all your basic typing need* at: COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET Carolyn's Typing Service All typing needs done promptly. 423-8791. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $10-81S plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing-over 20 years experience. 488 0414 after 6pm and weekends ANNOUNCEMENTS = "God As Straight/Gay • God and Eros ' Thursday, October 26 THEOLOGY*FOR*LUNCH City Union Room Posted 12 Noon Brown Bag Lunch 12:25PM Program Speaker: The Rev Larry Uoerr, Campus Minister United Ministries in Higher Education First Respondent. The Rev Jim Sennett, Grad Student - UNL Dept, of Philosophy Faculty/Staf f/St udenta Welcome! Administrative Management Society Meeting 6:30pm, Wednesday. October 25th in Union. New Members Welcome. ln,#rnational is holding a meeting Thursday 26tn at 8pm. Room to be postea Please join us I > Det. Zimmerman LAPD On Gang Violence. October 27th, Nebraska Union, 10am. Room Posted. Sponsored by Criminal Justice Society „ _ u „ EATING DISORDERS ^»tef^7NEUni0n F"™ ««• WOMEN IN PERSPECTIVE Don't Just Complain Farm Action Concerns Tomorrow's Society FACTS Mooting. Wednesday. October 25. 6:30pm East Campus Union EMERGING LEADER PROGRAM New Students: The deadline lor applications has been extended until Friday. Pick up an application at the CAP oflice. 200 Ne Union. 300 East Campus Union, or at the Culture Center. FLAP JACK SNACK ATTACK! FLAP JACK SNACK ATTACK! Folks. Ah |us' wanna tell y'all that ah'm ba<A. and ah d sure appreciate y alts vote luh homecoming king today -Tnank you very much...ahh ELVIS HOMECOMING ROYALTY ELECTIONS 8am-8pm, TODAY. Vole at City or East Unions HOMECOMING BANNER JUDGING WEDNESDAY 6 JOI'M I hope I don't get a Yuck Bouquet! -UNL Parking Police IANR Open House Displays, Tours in Agriculture, Heme Economics, Natural Resources. East Union, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Octo bar 27. Lutherlest 89 at University Lutheran Chapel. Friday October 27th. 6:30 p m. See you there! MANAGER S MEETINGS Intramural volloyball managers meeting: Thursday. 10/ 26.6:30 p.m Nebraska Union (room posted) Intramural co-rec indoor socoer manager s meeting Thursday, 10/ 26. 7:30 p.m Nebraska Union (room posted). Intramural co-rec basketball manager's meeting Thursday. 10/26. 5:30p.m. Nebraska Union (room posted). Failure to have a team representative in attendance will result m the loss ol $7.50 ol the team's lorleit lee. Meet the new women faculty on campus. Room TBA. 3:30-5 00pm. Thursday. Nov 2. Relreshments avail able. For more mlo.mation call WRC, 472-2597 OK, ilNL Here's the scoop: WHAT: THE BIG RED PARTY HOW BIG: VERY BIG WHERE: East Campus Union WHEN: Tailgate party at 4:30-6 15. Dance (with UE AWAKE) at 9 p.m. WHY: To celebrate 100 year* o» Husker football-Home coming '891 We've got il goin' onl_ Parts Italiano? Se vorrebbe parlare con gli altn studenti d italiano. per piaoere venga al Coflee House. 13th & P, giovedi sera aile 5:30. Gruie Phi Beta Lambda present* YUCK BOUQUETS A bouquet ol dead llowers- really express your feelings' £1 50 at the Union. October 26. 27. A 30. Pm-Pt)*rrr»cy Club Meeting 6pm tonight in the Union Room will be posted ic if PUMPKIN BAGS Pi Beta Phi Sorority will be selling candy bags at the City Union, Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday. October 25 27. from 10am-2:30pml Stop by and place your orderl TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Women have the right to be safe at night Looking for people to serve on a planning committee for a rally and march. Initial meeting on 1025189 at 4 p.m. in the Women's Resource Canter. Call for information The publications board will meet at 445 p.m., Wednes day. October 25. in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. Those interested in speaking to the Board can participate in the Open Forum at the beginning of the meeting GREEKAFFAIRS____~