The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1989, Page 8, Image 8
M tied BjCffyQflUn fluff lUpoiwr _ When Yvonne van der Kolk came to tto VmSimu last year, the had no intendongf running cross country. Nor did lie plan on being mi AU Araerica telec don. In Act, she said she didn't know what the words 'AU-Amer ica’ meant undl she earned that honor last season. Yet bosh things happened when van der Kolk came van dor Kolk to Nebraska last year from Hilversum, Netherlands as a freshman. When she was oily 15, American universities began to recruit her, van der Kolk said. And, while she origi nally replied''no way" to the idea of coming to the United States, she eventually changed her mind. In Apnl 1988, van der Kolk took a ‘ i to visit Boston Univer The choice was but she elected to leave the Netherlands in favor of becoming a Cumhusker. Nebraska assistant track coach Dave Harris recruited van der Kolk to ran the 809 end l^OO1 meter races. Cross country came as an after thought Van der Kolk said that origi nally she wasn’t very food ofttektea.,. ‘T was not planning on running cross country at all,'’she said, “espe cially because I had a long season in 198b. I lad just gone to tba^wiorl^ junior track andtield championships. I was a bit tired of the whole season. “Then I came here, and they said, ‘Well, are you gonna’ run cross coun try?”’ While she originally declined the offer, van der Kolk finally consented on the condition that she would not ran in all of the meets. Van der Kolk said running cross country wasn’t easy at first She said wasn’t sure how she was going to do entering her first meet last season. She finished 12th. N Van der Kolk said her anxieties wore prompted by the longer races and flatter courses that are employed in America. She said she was used to running 3-kilometer races, as op posed to the more-traditional 5-kilo meter races, over flatter courses. “It was completely different than the cross country I had ran in the Netherlands,” van der Kolk said. “There were three big hills. To the re* tit the team it was flat; because they were used to running hills. “The Netherlands is flatter than Nehruak^aolof me it waa,tough.” But van der Kolkmade the adjust ments and finished fifth at last year's Big Eight meet. v Then, the newcomer made herself blown nationally with a 16th-place finish at the National Collegiate Ath letic Association championships. That feat earned her All-America status, but the significance of the moment nearly was lost “At first, I didn’t know what ’All American’ was,” she said. "People said, ’Maybe you're going to be an All-American’ and I was like . . What’s an All-American?’” When she found out the honor was bestowed upon the best 25 runners, van der Kolk said she was pleased with the achievement “When I found out what ’All American’ was,” she said, “1 was really happy with that.” Despite her success in cross coun try, van der Kolk’s favorite races are soil the 800 and the 1,500. She has personal bests of 2:04.3 in the 800 and 4:13.98 in the 1,500. Van der Kolk was forced to sit out those events during the outdoor track season last year because of a ham siring injury suffered at the Big Eight indoor track meet This summer, van der Kolk re turned to Europe where she nui races in the Netherlands, Belgium, Ger many and Switzerland. She com peted in the Dutch Championships, where she finished third in the IpOO after resuming practice only a month earlier. Now, after a short break that has kept her from running cross country this season, van der Kolk said she is gearing up for the Portland Invita tional Oct 14. Gearing up, that is, in a controlled sense. “Cross country is not my main goal," van der Kolk said. “I like it, bnt I’m just building up a base for the outdoor season by running now." Van der Kolk has been running since she was eight years old. She has competed in two world chamjjuon pienships anditakfiTstint with the Dutch national team. Van der Kolk said she wants to compete in the European indoor next year, and has set a distant goal of competing in the Olympics. Cross country coach Jay Dirksen said the Olympics are not a far fetched dream for van der Kolk. He said van der Kolk is a special talent Hey crocodile get stuffed! All you can eat pizza $2.95 Tuesday 5-9 p.m. i 1320 ’Q' St. r Buy a Bunch After Lunch 3 for $1 Offer good Tuesdays, noon to 1:00 p.m. "* tv ’• i WALT DISNEY WORLD COLLEGE PROGRAM Walt Disney World Co. representatives will present an information session on the Walt Disney World College Program on Thursday, October 12,1989, 7:00 p.m. in the Student Union. Attendance at this presentation is required to interview for the SPRING '90 COLLEGE PROGRAM, interviews are scheduled for Friday, October 13,1989 in the Student Union (time to be announced). The foftowing majors are encouraged to •ilend: Business/Marketing. Communica llone, Recreation and TheMsr0rama. . t * * , . vTT. •* . 'i i' i Contact: Internship Office Phone:472-1452 I NU football player says team continues to improve, has shot at national title By Scott Stream Staff Reporter As the Nebraska football team continues to progress this season, so will defensive tackle Joe Sims. Sims, a junior from Sudbury, Mass., said ihat the Comhuskers are improving from game to game. * ‘We have a long way to go before we are satisfied," Sims said. "We are improving each week,, especially the younger guys and the older play ers are coming around." Sims attended Sudbury’s Lin coln Hi|h School where he met Mike Croel his junior year. The two have been close friends since, Sims said. Sims and Croel came to Nebraska together after graduating from high school. Sims said it was nice to have a friend around when he* was a fresh man because he felt homesick at first But with being on the football team, Sums said he quickly made new friends. j Sims’ major is criminal .justice and he said his main concern is to get a college degree. He would like to play professional football, if the op portunity arrives, but he said that he isn’t totally counting on it “My major concern right now is to keep studying hard and getting good grades,’’ Sims said. “If a team wants to draft me, I might go. But I’m not even sure I want to play professional football after college. “We are at a point where we’re proving we could be a great team that plays great,” Sims said. Sims said he is happy with the way the defense has been playing so far. Against Utah, the Huskers had some trouble stopping the Utes’s passing game, Sims said. “Steve Mitchell was the best quarterback that I have ever played aaainst,” Sims said. “And I’ve played against (Troy) Aikman and (Sieve) Walsh.’’ The Utes scored toward the end of the game making the score closer than the actual game, Sims said. Sims said that the defense had a mental letdown, i * * « “We were asleep on that last play, but we never will have a physical letdown,” Sims said. “No matter what the score, everyone always gives 100 percent.” Sims said the Huskers* chances m the Big Eight were as good as every one else’s, and that he thinks Ne braska has a good chance to finish first “If we keep playing the way we have, I think that we will havea good shot at a National title,” Sims said. “We just can’t be satisfied at this point in the season. We must fine tune the machine.” ‘Imperial KS™ CT7o includes almond chicken, jf ffyf .17 sweet & sour pork, fried rice, AT<m> Service Now Offering ““P*hot tea *“ . $Q95 on 1AKL-OUT TSO’a Chicken (not nmfliu) I 5pm-10pm (iinJitfturx ftg* ^0me to /°r Beet Quality* C«dl 474.2688701N. 27th Student Health and Accident Insurance Mid West National Life Insurance Company in Irving, Texas provides LNL students and dependents with medical coverage designed specifically for them. All undergraduate and graduate students who have paid their University Health Center foes are eligible for coverage under this plan. Their dependents are eligible for coverage although they must use community medical resources. The insurance policy will pay 80% of the first $2,500 of reasonable and customary expenses after a deductible has been met, and 100% of the expenses above $2,500 up to a lifetime maximum of $50,000. For treatment received at LNL 1 lealth Center, die deductible is waived and covered expenses are paid at 100%. Refer to your insurance brochure for additional benefits and covered expenses. Enrollment for flnt semester ends October 8, 1909 , 1, , : j, for the 89/90 School Vear are as follows: Student Only.;.S260.00 , Add for Spouse. .♦. 720.00 Add for Each Child.315.00 If you wi$h to be covered under this plan, you must fill out the enrollment cards available by mail or from the Student Health Center. Coverage becomes effective upon receipt of your payment ■ i* ' ^^!SSfor hb -SiSSBEj:- .1 NU football tickets on sale this week C ^limited number of tickets for Saturday i football game against Kansas State are on sale at theSouth Stadium ticket office. Tickets may be purchased from 9 *£*• to noon and from 1 to 4 pan. They may be charged on Visa or MasterCard. No tickets remain for Nebraska's game against Colorado on Nov. 4. ’