The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1989, Page 10, Image 9

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Dancers mix styles successfully
By Gretcben Boehr
Smuot Reporter * . , ;
An unusual mix of classical and
modem dance flavored the three
pieces performed by the Lar Lubo
vitch Dance Company Saturday
it Kimball Recital Hall.
14-member company from
New York was greeted by a full
house on the University of Ne
braska-Lincoln campus this week
The dancing was fast-paced and
it seemed that looting away for a
mere second might mean missing
The Lubovitch dancers each
have their own individual style and
the dance was choreographed to
allow their personalities to be ex
pressed to the audience.
The first number, “Concerto
Six Twenty-Two,” combined
classical with comical, modem
Exaggerated jogging and other
movements of a trio of one male
and two female dancers gave un
usual comic relief to an otherwise
fluid dance.
‘‘North Star,” the most modem
of the three pieces, was chaotic and
galactic yet maintained a sense of
pace which Lubovitch is known
Lubovitch’s choreography in
cludes a lot of circular running
movements and one can see how
his style lends well to ice dancing.
Lubovitch has created ice
dances for Olympic gold medalists
John Curry, Peggy Fleming and
Dorothy Ham mill.
The Adagio piece in ‘‘Concerto
Six Twenty-Two,” danced by
Sylvaiii Lafortune and Rick
Michalek, was one of the most
interesting of the evening.
The two men performed a re
markable dance of symbolism and *
feeling. _
Their performance featured
. lifts, which are unusual for a men s
duo in ballet. The dance seemed
symbolic of friends leaning on
each other.
The black costumes in “ North
Star'* appeared purple under die
lights, as if the dancers were in
outer space.
The dancers swirled around in
groups holding hands and pulling
other dancers into the center as if
they were galaxies of stars.
A solo in “North Star” Jby
Ronri Favors was the most un -
usual performance of the evening.
Under a • spotlight. Favors
jerked and flexed as if controlled
by mystical forces not her own.
Space-age music by Phillip
Glass was perfect for Favors' per
formance, which fasted about 15
The last dance was performed
to Brahms’ “Third Symphony.’’
Four dancers in colored cos
tumes intermingled with the rest of
the black-clad dancers.
At the finish, the dancers dra
matically walked Oft the stage at
different .speeds as the music
slowly faded.
On the technical side of the
performance, the lighting was
simple, yet effective.
At times during “North Star’’
the sound quality wasn’t perfect,
as crackling could be heard ova
the speaker.
But overall, the performance
was enjoyable for both ballet and
modem dance lovers. The com
pany’s style was unusual yet un
complicated by story line and al
lowed more personal interpreta
tion of expression in relation to
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Tragically Hip’s album, ‘Up To Here’
falls tragically short of brash originality
, By Dave Meister
Stiff Reporter
The Tragically Hip
MCA Records
The Tragically Flip's second al
bum, “Up To Here," is more of the
basic, mainstream, Rolling Stones
inspired music that falls short of the
brash sound it tries to establish.
The five-member band chums out
the simple, a verage bar band rock V
roll. Nothing special. The most origi
nal thing about it is its name, which
actually is derived from a Michael
Nesmith video called Elephant Parts.
All five members hail from King
ston, Ontario. The Tragically Flip are
Bobby Baker, guitar; Gordon
Downie, vocals; Johnny Fay, drums;
Paul Langlois, guita: and vocals; and
Gord Sinclair, bass and vocals.
The rhythm and instruments arc a
bland combination that disinterests a
person after the first listening. The
lyrics don't follow or flow well at all,
but bits and pieces of songs spur
temporary interest
“Up To Here’’ begins with
“Blow at High Dough," which is
supposedly its stomping anthem. It
Tryouts coming soon
starts out slowly and then tries to kick
in but leaves the vocals behind and
fails to establish any type of atmos
“I Believe In You” follows and is
supposed to be the dedicatkptype .
love song. The lyrics are a catchy pun
on words: I believe in you/ or I’d be
leaving you tonight
The closing song is ”She Didn’t
Know” which seems to be catchy
enough to remind die listener to wake
up and turn the album over. The song
has a fast pace and it relatively slick
aaddanceabte. The vocal and instru
mental blend of the cbdrus can carry
even the passive listener into a sing
However, it dies about halfway
through the tune as do most of the'
songs on the album. There is just
nothing interesting, no hooks, no
chamgeups and no sense of humor or
even emotion on the entire album.
The first, song on side two, “ Boots
or Hearts,'’ has a sound similar to the
laae-'60s. eariv-’TOs Rolling Stones.
Sometime this soog may even take its
place alongside “Hoeky Took
Woman” in jukeboxes all across
Texas because of the way it applies to
that type of atmosphere.
The following track "Eveiy Time
You Go” follows and again is noth
ing special except for its backing
vocals and strong rhythm guitar.
Probably the best song on the re
lease is "Trickle Down. The song
draws many comparisons to John
Cougar Mellencamp with its basic
sound and deep meaning. The song
depicts societal outcasts dealing with
the anxiety and distress of waiting for
the government or opportunities to
come around like in Meilencamp’s
most recent material. It moves well
and for once establislics the mood it
tries *> create. r o, . ..
The final two songs aren't even
worth listening bras they are more of
the same material as on side one.
The sound is tight and is a compli
ment to what they do but it’s been
done and redone by msny generic bar
"Up to Here” is a poor imitation
of the fresh rockabilly sound of
RJE.M. or the raw brashness of die
Rolling Stones.
The band needs a lesson in crea
tion, not imitation.
Lied looks for a few good singers
By Emily Rosenbaum
Staff Reporter
Auditions will take place to fill a
200-voice choir that will perform at
the Lied Center for the Performing
Arts March 17 and 18.
Singers from across Nebraska are
encouraged to try out, but the core of
the choir will be University of Ne
braska-Lincotn student*, faculty and
staff, said James Hejduk, associate
professor of music and director of
choral activities.
The choir will perform the choral
finale to Beethoven’s “Symphony
No. 9“ as part of an All-Nebraska
Choral and Orchestral Festival with
the Lincoln Symphony and Omaha
Symphony Orchestras. Robert Shaw,
Music Director Emeritus of the At
lanta Symphony Orchestra, will di
rect the choir.
Students can receive one hour of
academic credit for their participa
tion in the ebon, or may participate as
an extra curricular activity.
Auditions will continue through
the end of October and are scheduled
for Sriurdaya, 10 am to 2 pm., and
Sundays, 1 io 5 pm. Tryouts also can
be set up during the week.
All that is needed for the auditions
is a warmed-up voice, Hejduk said.
Heyduk saw a good singing voice
is an important prerequisite for any
one wanting io be a part of the choir,
bathe’s also looking for enthusiasm
and commitment.
“No one should shy away from
the auditions because they haven’t
had a lot of ringing experience," he
Hejduk rod he'll vocalize all
those trying out, lot them try German
pronunciation ami show them a few
excerpts from the Beethoven piece.
The aiditions are as 4 ‘stressless as
we can make them/' he said.
Rehearsals will start Jan. 15 and
continue every Monday and Thurs
day night until the veek of the per
formance. Some practices will be
sec tional rehearsals so not all choir
member will be required to be at
rehearsal evert' Monday and Thurs
Anyone interested in auditioning
for the choir gum schedule a time by
stopping at Hejduk’s office, 206
Westbrook htu«C Building'or by
calling his officq, 472 2993.
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