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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1989)
Editorial f Daily , Nebraskan EdftovMtoard ■ InSMflhi aI fci~A-*— * I-«— Unsrimny vf > mirPiBw-unooni ' ■_' Amy Edwards, Editor, 472-1766 Lee Rood, Editorial Fate Editor Jane Hirt, Managing Editor Brandon Loomis, Associate News Editor Brian Svoboda. Columnist Bob Nelron, Cotamnist Jerry Guenther, Senior Reporter I 1 —--; ; ■ — —- - - i snips S3P •' lie APPEASING TVE GODS Cop addresses drug legalization First step is to teach young dealers evils of ‘easy money’ John is a white Chicago cop. He doesn’t want his full name used because what he has to say might not please his superiors, although many probably agree with him. “I’m a sergeant and I’ve worked on the West side by choice most of my career. So I know something about the problem of drugs. 1 think I know more about it than some of the people who do a lot of talking about winning the drug war and make the laws and set our national policies, but have never been on the street where everything is happening. “For yean I've been advocating, mostly to my friends, the legalization of drugs and using the billions we’d lave from trying to fight the import and sates to ctue those who want to be cured. “The way things go now, the courts will sentence drug offenders and people who steal to get drug money to rehabilitate*! as a condi tion of probation. “But what happens when they wait to go straight and can’t get into a program for six months, which is very common? I’ll tell you what They to right back to their friends and Mbits. So instead of spending all those billions pretending you’re doing something, some of the money could be used for rehab, some of it for ad campaigns not to use it, the way it’s done with cigarettes and liquor. “We’d still have laws against the sale to minors. You know, it pains me to sec how rich drug laws have made punks and the others are out of busi ness. “On the West Side, kids used to complain that we stopped them be cause they were black and driving a new Cadillac. That was true. Most often the car was stolen and we had to chase them. "But now that’s changed. Now the can belong to them and they’ve paid cash. And some of them aren’t even old enough to drive. "Those of us in law enforcement took like fools trying to fight a battle we can’t win. And that just breeds contempt for law and order. "You know, even if we were able to stop the coke from Colombia and Peru, it wouldn’t change things. It would come in from somewhere else. And if wc stopped that, it still wouldn’t change because now they can make this synthetic stuff right here. They’re doing it already. “The problem is the demand. And the only thing for sure is that where there is a demand, it will be satisfied. That’s a basic market principle, and that’s why all the arguments against legalizing and controlling drugs are nonsense. “Ml tell you what the biggest change in the last four or five years has been. It’s the drug dealers them selves. “Now wc have 13-year-old deal ers who make more than me. They go out and sell, then they give some of the money to Mom, who maybe lives in the Chicago Housing Authority or some dump. She needs it to make . ends meet “How can President Bush fault someone who lives in a drafty apart merit and is wanting for food and has no chance for a decent education or a job for selling drugs? “How are you going to convince the kids to get back to school so they can be a factory worker, or get a low paying job in a fast food place, or be unemployed; when they can sell drugs for big money? “Then they’re going to have kids and they won’t be able to steer them awiy from drugs or get them to go to school because they can’t lead by example. If you’re going to have values and morals, they have to come by example. And that’s why we have all the casual violence out there, the disregard for life said death. “The way we’re going at this thing reminds me of Vietnam. A quagmire. Lives lo6t. then we pack up and leave. “One of the reasons we study his tory is to learn from our own mis takes. Well, it looks like we didn't learn anything from Prohibition. “I keep reading that every poll shows that moat people are against any kind of legalizing of drugs. “You know what that tells me? It tells mr hat most people who get polled i~n't know what the hell is going on out here.*’ Thai’s one cop’s opinion. But I suspect it is also the opinion of thou sands of other cops in Chicago, New York, Lax Angeles and in moat cities where the problems are the same. Since they're the ones who arc actually fighting this no-win war, I respect their opinions more than the wora-warriors in Washington who have never been any closer to Chi cago's West Side, or New York’s Bronx, or Lor Angeles' Watts titan their TV sets cao get them. f. IMS Chkas* Trltea* Mtitnriflr Signed staff editorials represent the official policy of the fall 1988 Duly Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Its members are Amy Edwards, editor. Lee Rood, ediicnai page editor. Jane Hta. Mim “‘‘•or. Brandoo LooinH. wociile «ew« cduor, Bob Nebeii, coiamumi; Jeff Pmntn, col ironist; Brian Svobode, columnist « « » f* r» j; y i - *y t y Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The Daily Nebraskan’s publishers are the regents, who established the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the re gents, respcnsibtmy toe the editorial content os the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student editors. _ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Loners will he selected for publi cation on the haste of clamy, original ity, timeliness end space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains die right to edit an material sabndnad. Readers also are welcome to sub mil material as guest opinions. Whether material should ran as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, it left to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebranfena and sennet fee returned. Letters should be fiypewrii ten. ~ Anonymous submissions will not be considered far publication. Letters should include the author's name, year in school, major and growpaflili atkm, if any. Requests to withhold names wtti not oc tnnea Submit maceriaTl10 the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebemka Union, 1400 R St, Lincoln, Neb. 63588 0448.