The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1989, Page 10, Image 9

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Looking down the great hall of the State Capitol Design detsllsofblson, coni «ndHrds on the gr**e
of the balcony. i i . .
Capitol's artwork histone
By Gretchen Boehr
Senior Reporter__ 1
Murals, mosaics and inscrip- <
tions inside the Nebraska State ]
Capitol tell stories about democ
racy, early settlers and nature, said
Bob Ripley, manager of capitol
restoration and promotion.
"What makes the capitol so sig
nificant is that it reads luce a book,”
he said.
"Everything represents native
plant or animal life or the evolution
of democracy.”
Ripley said one chapter begins
at the front entrance with inscrip
tions about a government’s re
sponsibility to its people.
Throughout the capitol, inscrip
tions snake their way around the
tops of stone walls. Some of these
are qdbles by Aristotle, early presi
dents, Indian ritual songs or
Hartley Burr Alexander. . ,
Alexander was the thematic
consultant for the capitol and
worked closely with the architect,
Ripley said.
Alexander's depiction of early
democracy includes Moses and die
Ten Commandments, which repre
sent early Christian law. Most or the
ait work was chosen by the archi
tect and Alexander.
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
and Alexander specified the theme
and told sculptors and mosaidsts
what to create. The capitol took 10
, yean to build, Ripley said.
Ripley said 12 murals and about
’ 20 busts nave been added since the
capitol’s completion.
These pieces weren’t specified
by Goodhue or Alexander but fit
the capitol’s theme, he said.
"Ihe addition of the murals fol
lowed the original program,” he
said, "to keep the book as a
The murals and some of the
busts are displayed in die rotunda
A chandelier in the north en
trance vestibule represents the
sun. The chandelier is a round
globe of light bulbs with arrows
separating each sixth bulb in the
outer ring, Ripley said.
“Bracketing each arrow is a cius
er of wheat and corn.”
The foyer chandelier is deco
ded with ears of com with a bison
lead at the bottom of each ear.
The three mosaics in the foyer
represent gifts of nature to people,
rhese gifts are earth, plant life and
tnimal life, he said.
The chandelier in the rotunda
chamber includes the 12 signs of
the zodiac.
“The theme of the rotunda is the
whole universe - the concept of
the universe in a world sense,"
Ripley said. '
“It refers to heavens and various
symbols within nature.”
The center piece in the rotunda
is a floor mosaic of Mother Nature
flanked by the four natural ele
ments - earth, wind, fire and wa
In the rotunda dome, a ceiling
mosaic contains eight angel-like
figures depicting the eight guiding
virtues of noble living.
Ripley said the two legislative
chambers on the east and west of
the main rotunda are symbolic of
two civilizations which occupied
early Nebraska.
Tne east represents Plains Indi
ans and the west represents pio
“The west chamber represents
the multitude of races which have
inhabited Nebraska since the lime
of the Indian," Ripley said.
The theme of tne east chamber
begins with hand-caived Indian
The chamber also displays a
woven tapestry of 10 nomadic
tribes who lived in and around
Nebraska, Ripley said, r
The four aspects of Indian life -
village, hunting party, war party
and peace council - are repre
sented in a ornamental tile dome.
In the west chamber, hand
tooled leather doors symbolize
pioneer craftsmanship, Ripley said.
The sold leaf on the ceiling’s
walnut beams depicts Nebraska’s
early settlement.
Ripley said the busts are dis
See AIT on 11