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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1989)
mmHAUi - 4**^ft"* ooMo KC MO. OaL S. ^■scgsaaas-iar1 ,-,» For8olo8oa«on>hidonlPoc4bWmcliot. Cod472-iaft. &sa. fam—* '-* «-« «—■' WejMd; Four to til ItahMo tor Oregon State gwns. 4*7 *W^*^'*mU"**,n ****"•■ ** JJ^ntod: lino* FomMo. On* Mate otudont tick* tor Oregon St*o Qomo, F1»*t# col. 431-7372. WaMod. Throo goner* odmiotion or mo* tickoto tor the &tfKnMr4££b* SERVICE "' ~ »4i6ii(f«W»Au.i-— . „ CMTOM MtTlMOftS MARY KAY COSMETICS Fo* ore* and took •ton boMorl Now to* eohm-far comoWimlery loo* and color BcwiukoWon oafl Angie TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S MS North l*h tiro* 474-41M Remember family or friends with Special Occasion, Get Wei or Memorial cards. WERE FIGHTING FOR VOURUFE American Heart N^k Association pMatn o£Tm ooi mm mm m ‘mm * S?bT»!h'5r*^“ «*»««• GUITAR INSTRUCTION X5&e&&shm~i ANNOUNC^MENTsT^^ <*^sastaasLmr theology^ oS*lunch isssa. «W F’atay Moo* Wamont InatiMo E^nsrsja®,a“' Fsculty/Stsff/Students Welcome! Eating Disorders Update Unooto aenenrHeepftai wfl present the West Mom* tfon Abort eating dbordors (fiuBmia and momia nar SSXfcfitf SSSSS S£ FERQC AND Dl WVTTI YOU TOLONOONI JoM aaludy tour during uemerter brertt. Study law or art I Right* A Study Touta, 1237 R Sboet, 472-3364. „_Oey/Leefclen Studsnt Assentation hf® ovary Thwsdpr M I p.m. in Room 342 ^tofcraaEa Unten, Tonight: A video pfenentstioo. HOMECOMING *89 ggS,H^S5&K!!r~'"*‘ KLMC Very importent meeting tonight at 630 p.m. mtng Union Evecyoo# pints cofml 40 — 1_f* ,, m n ■ , ||« n ft MiL*of ^-oncons Mcwiing N In Union tt 0:00p.m. TOOAY. Mid-Tor ma Hava You Strapped? Fran U. Say Ratal. YcgnThuradny. Oct 8.630. Ragntar Od 2-6 at booth OFFICIALS MEETINGS Tha Intramural Sport* program »in need rt oNkaala tor to co-roe auocar program. A mealing tor Irtoraatod ■'.udor.ta wd be hold to Henxta Auditorium an Sund«f, OoloUr t rn 8 pm Students who •« wbh to bo flag football rtliciaieoan do ao by rtlandtoglhe mealing <4 a p.m. it Ham (to Auditorium on 1011. 472^3417_ P( UmMi Thiti Feet Meeting. Sunday.Od. 1.7p.m in the Union Room wNI be posted PImm Attend. PI Mu Epsilon a having to Brat mooring Thuraday, Sap lantoarSal Sp-m.. Hocm 22« Sumatt M nanrmarrtoara who have not picfced up Star oartdtoaiaa should do eo rt this Brno._ ROOMMATES NEEDED I you ara toehing tor a iwmnMto.« a nwo ptooa to too stopto tha Studwri Into. Cantar and ohedt our Mao. We also have a Bel rf rtl-oampue housing raatobta. _ SMLP MSCOWEMV and SVjCSTSUB: __£%£SSSrwSTE—H* UML aeiaittflegervwr^ STUDENT UNITARIAN UNtVERSALtSTS Masting 4 p.m. Sunday to City Union. “Evensong": Bring .onwKing apecM vrth you to drara. g^mll Iff ^tfioi Al atudarto who ara PnoChojoe and ara ryoamad abort women's reproof*# raM*. ara. raritad to rttond our tost masting Thuraday. Dot 8. 1888. CBy Union, Room Posted. ___ Studanta rt Palltlaal Satartcn, Unllal Organa at tonal moating rt PI IpaAWtadtol lion*! political *cianoa honorary. Tfur.d.y MttWWrt 1:18 p.m. to Otdtaihar 538. Contact Prrteaaor Thaws Maras tor dstato._ TUTORS The Student Momwden Cantar to oorapdng • Jta rt irtorator(tudontuse. AnyoneatoMnatobaonlhaBrt cither to tutor or In mod rt a tutor. Mi ow art aapkcrttonrt JTXsUN Studunr Mo. Cantor. 118 Mohr. Union BrararawiwipraHraraw PARTY THURSDAY I At CELEBRATION, 1033 \ J i ITOBW K59WWJ * im \MTLA EJSfiiigSbl&n! - 30* Well Drinks - 50* Bottle g at 7:00 - Wee* go up on the hour. KFRX CALENDER SEARCH FIP 9:00 «■ UPC-TALKS AND TOPICS DR. HENJwciSNEROS Tonight at • pm. in The Cento nnialltoem VISIT THE PYRAMIDS AND STUDY SPANISH LAN GUAGE AND CULTURE IN MEXICO CITY, MERIDA AND CANCUN DURING SEMESTER BREAK I Call 472 3204 or sky by at 1237 RStraat. Right* A 8tudy Tour*. WANT TO JOIN A STU DENT ORGANIZATION? Join ua at ActMUas FaatfnetOot. 4.10:00am - 2:00pm, ME East Union. Out. 5 KhOOam 300pm, NE Union. Sponsored by Campus ActMttos A Programs tepHcatomamtui^a al tha cilice* A tha main Saak at raaManoa hail oomplexea. Appl-cation* dua October A*h. Homecoming taient show October 24 at 730 p.m.1 YOLOCAMBAIT A A band from El Sahrador in Nabraaka Union Ballroom 7:30 pm., Tuesday Ootobar 3. Ticket* S4; Sfi at door. 'CREEK ADAIRS SaSSSESSSSSSSSBBESSSSSSSESSSSES Sunday ,*^?^btoa2S.T Whin CN PhilsMour kids want you to ooma out and pliyl > ACACIA UTTLE SISTERS ~ Thara la a masting tonight at #30 pm. The earns wM meat at Opm. Af tha new piadgaa ate anoouragad to corns. AOObJtaw* basaad thair datoa tor Stadwut AS. They BoknowaTrLOaAa, Bo knows Bata Siga, •o kiwwa Hag toptoai TOUCHDOWN‘89 _ ■ _Man oi Sigma Mu Congratulatona to JuHa A. tor Sig Ep MiM RMhWw^ Oony tadtOma to Kaalan K. on your aooaptMioa to tha Qrsek Yearbook Editor W Staff) * _Tha Man oi AgMon gTo^MMr&srrfcBfc Gran M.. Jeff E, L. Dan H.. JaH H.. Mhe H.. Brad ,IM Kan It, Dkk W., Cart t„ and Paul K. In Zap the Acttoas ___The Man oi Tau Kappa Epalon Slater* 0l#jaGolt R^PWdgaCto**: R. Weman. A. Ottomon, L frown, C Dotowg.T Dom, J. McDermott. K. Janka. M- C 8‘ Wk0MM-* Tatord, A. Cote maMl^rio. J. Coa, J. Hagan, M. MU*. L. Landgten. C. R- fcrta. M. Stine. A. Mungar. B. BurSaR. K. Homer, K. Koenig. & Mohan*tad. Tha Man oi Bata 8ig and LIMs Siator Aotiuta DQ Anchor Splash Coachaa Thrill i to M your team Mia wont l*t you down. _Pi Kappa Phi GoodJ^ toour 2nd Plaoa Vofaytal piayar* at Sigma 'LoapKKQ w SAE LITTLE INTERS 84gma Nu Mud FootboM Town. Congrate on 2nd ptaoa in dm Toumamartl Men of Sigma Nu Thanka to Chad, Tracy, 8 had (Sigma ChR tor baing such awesome ooaehoal _LowaKKQ . To too Pledgee flt8fgmaNu. CcngrteuMiona on 2nd place in tha KAT/ATO Softool Trumamant. Man ot Sigma Nu TOGA...TOGA...TOGA! t Tom Q. (Sigma Nu), Congrate tor winning your God Toumamantl ■ _Tha Man al Sigma Nu Tomorrow tha AOtrsam taking tha ranga tor Stoakouil UPOTALKS AND TOPICS dr. henSycisneros Tonight at f pm in Tin CyytVMwiiti Room STUPlfjflCVERNMENT Chscfcouttha Studant Qouammant opaninga 4 *>i ■<bks ft ASUN office IlSNabr.Unton Juat do I and gat R owar wMM' Fnjetrteed in HandSan Hal tod you don't gal a “raaT paraonat _Your Partner In Crime, Taroaa Joann at (XO), Happy 7300 days! Pondartimai 214, phone taw, parmanant futures. pnokot canto and tinted "stuff “.big podwte, spinning fateptianaa. boytriand-.what bo? •Wfldrl Chi Lous To tea Short Btonda Haimd Gin in tha Gray Aooord UCI. . haarypur nama> Semh K. and you rs 23 today. l4f»oetobrato M together. MeotmeattheWatoringHofc at 11 HO. Just Mi °tw it white* teats, booauae I noser does. Lovo. SJ (Your Manter) Ml That dod Reo must ba a palhatic dtobi Only a toaarwoukl propose through tha personate. Itovo you and i nnad you toravar. Guy in blua Honda (P.8. Idumpadtha Art Umar ) Aft MMor Ur^oriynaacty, team's baan a miataka. hm not who you the* I am and you're not who I think you am. IPs boon tun. Do you want to Mil matt? Respond via parson ate. Chris P. CHILD CARE Mothor of one would too to com for your children on tootbaEweekends. Ce«43A-?M7. HELPWA^E^ ========================= .Mate or tomato otodts needed. Afternoon* and nights. Apply in psraon.Maw'e O 3tn*e, Qmia la. 22nd «0 Appearing Thursday: Preston Love . 1; j! t\ I i • r. < £ \^ J h > Cook* < Free Parking After 5 at Reservations 132 S 13th Security Federal, 14ih A N Accepted 477 5122 Used TUxedo Sale Black, all wool, sizes 34 to 54 $130.00 Used white wing shirts $10-15.00 While supply lasts at downtown store only I "" iwnv 4*1. 122* •• P” Street SeC/T MX 476-27.62 ^ $8/hoqf ‘; Pfirl-time wNkindi Hudson .Bay Company naedt aitiouMe. ambBaue paodato do phone enedt on progmeehm ieeuea, aueh aa c^^teg^agaaas mienn. Training provided and rotoranoae required. Far •"HtojntojBmuoJITl amla 1 pm.only. Mondey-Frid*. WjOIO. *° Halt aw ACAOf»»c tutoh* wanted UHL e Office a« MuBcujjuml Affair* made Mom In id Bgjs agg .TWjiffj* *» '^”*4* ^vrTTwiion mo Rppwmmi, iiop oy Ftoo^i 2z3( Adfn. Bidy. MufcdDtooorer Credit Cards on your oampue. Fiaxbia bourn Em aa mwoh ae llOfltr Only 10 poattoro mratoblo. Call 1-0QBQ604472, Eat tl Wo am nembtlng tor parMhne poaBonoowsnSiga and •makasjde. Meal be auaMble a minimum ol IMOhaura/ MBMMt Thto la ml a IP — - —... „ I-I-—-»i „ w » nw ■ wn pvwwn, * or rniif s mnnnwiiur. Oedorto, tourth floor. flTSffin luflft *"** °* Emarlanead lawn help needed. 700-6036. TbO-SiW. rnrmhe» needs J. Farm omerienoe naeaaaary. Tempo rary^eftornoonemjvtoji'merlduringharm*!eeaaor. Jarry Grandmottore at 70fh and A Wa am near aooiodnn nptdaartam far part tuna wadery andbartenders. tfre Offerhndbtoeofrptfutng. dieoountod maato. a eohotowNp program, and lha opportunity to aamuptoiyarhaur. Apply1mmg-11iun.and2-4p.m. Uneoln HBon Hotel Banquet Dapartmant. bnmndieto opaninae tor Ftd and Part-Tima banqort eet-up puraon nsi Ffcbte hour*, good benefits. eon» heavy lifting Apply in person, to the eaeeuNve office. (Moon.. Mon Fri No Phone Cato Please. 141 North BthSireet. tooal Photographer needs Part-Tima Female Modal. tIOP/H. Deainn 1. Boa 2273. Linoeln. KC «M02. ^IM ■ Back at Bash s Thursday night $1 Pitchers 25£ Draws $1 cover from 9 to 1 Don't forget that we stay open until 2 a.m. for munchies. aWimtbom’’’.yi STUDENT & FACULTY f P ] j Organizations j r up to 75 people? ! eH I inf l oo : Ai : m- : 00 an l • is j •*•«•••«•••••*• ••••