The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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Grant will help fight drugs in schools
By LJoug Isakson
Staff Reporter
The Nebraska State Depart
ment of Education has received an
$88,267 grant from the U.S. De
partment of Labor to help fight
drug use in the state’s school sys
tems, said Gerald Sughroue, assis
tant commissioner for assistance
and support to the state’s schools.
Currently, Sughroue said, 120
“community teams’’ throughout
the state’s schools teach students
about the dangers of drug use. But,
he said, those teams need refresher
courses, reinforcement and techni
cal assistance.
To provide this training, Sugh
roue said, the grant money will be
used to form a “cadre of technical
assistance personnel.
These people, he said, will give
the education department a more
efficient method of keeping the
community teams up-to-date in
their training.
“They’ll be oriented toward the
community and toward the needs
of the community,’’ Sughroue
said.' ‘We only have one person in
our department. Obviously, we
can’t get around to all of them.
This money will give us some ex
tra people out there.’’
Ideally, Sughroue said, the
group will consist of those with
experience in teaching, admini
stration and counseling. But, he
added, they do not want to take
instructors out of their positions
for that purpose.
Sughroue said the grant is not
related to the anti-drug program of
the Bush administration, but is a
part of the Drug-Free Schools and
Community Act passed in 1986.
Speaking about the drug prob
lem in the schools, Sughroue said,
“We don’t think it can be done by
just the schools. It has to be a
cooperative effort involving the
community, the businesses,
churches - just individuals.’’
Sughroue said training like that
of the technical assistance unit is
the most efficient use of grant
“This way,’’ Sughroue said,
“the federal dollars will have an
impact after the federal dollars are
gone. The teams will still be
fin~brie£Z i
I Omaha housing authority director to speak at Malone Center
The executive director of the
Omaha Housing Authority will be
the guest speaker at the Clyde
Malone Center’s Membership
Dinner Friday.
Robert Armstrong has been the
director of the Omaha Housing
Authority since May 1986. During
that time he founded the Omaha
Housing Authority Foundation,
which earmarks a percentage of its
annual budget to providing schol
arships and educational incentives
for public housing youth.
Tickets for the dinner are avail
able from the Malone Center, 2032
i isoara or Kegents approves arts and sciences appointments
ine nu Hoard ot Regents has
I approved the appointment of two
I new department chairpersons in
1 the College of Aits & Sciences.
The newly named chairpersons
are John Berman, psychology and
David Johnson, sociology.
Liz Grobsmith, an associate
professor of anthropology, was
approved as an assistant dean for
the college. Sam Treves, professor
of geology, was approved as an
associate dean.
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