The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Parts are here
Pool to be open by beginning of October
By Jerry Guenther
Senior Reporter
With the arrival of a part for the
new campus Recreation Center
swimming pool last week, the direc
tor of campus recreation said he
hopes the pool will open by the begin
ning of October.
Stan Campbell said the part, a
back float valve, arrived Friday and
will be installed as soon as possible.
“Unless something unforeseen
happens, we anticipate having the
pool open within about two weeks,”
he said.
After the back float valve is in
stalled, Campbell said, it will take a
while “to get the system up and run
ning” and make sure the water is
within standard safety limits.
The back float valve will be in
stalled so water from a nearby storm
sewer will not back up into the hold
nig, 141* i w iui [A/ui rr mvi, iiv >huu.
Campbell said he originally had
hoped the new pool would be open at
the beginning of the semester.
Campbell said part of the reason
the pool didn' t open then was because
campus rec officials were wailing for
the back float valve to arrive.
The architect’s original plans
didn’t include the part, Campbell
said, but campus rec officials thought
it was necessary and decided to order
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
students can continue to use the
swimming pool in Mabel Lee until
the new pool opens, he said.
Campbell said that once the new
pool opens, plans are to make it avail*
__ -a a_
The Recreation Center swimming pool Is expected to be open In about two weeks.
able to students from 6:45 a.m. to 9
p.m. weekdays.
On Saturdays the new oool will be
open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and
Sunday hours will be 11 a.m. to 9
p.m., he said.
“Thai’s going to be more than
twice as long as they currently have,”
he said.
Although Campbell said the new
pool has one less swimming lane than
the Mabel Lee pool, he said he thinks
students will enioy the new pool more
because it will have better water
‘‘From my perspective, it’s a
much better pool,” he said.
Campbell said UNL students pay
to use the pool, running track,
weights, racquetball courts and other
campus rec facilities through student
UNL faculty and staff members
who want to use the pool or any other
campus rec facilities must pay a fee
similar to what students pay in fees.
Campbell said faculty and staff
members must pay $45 to use the rec
center during the academic year and
$60 for a full year.
Beginning Midnight, Friday
Sept. 15
12^2 ajn.-> Person cited for (hiv
ing while intoxicated in Area 4
near Triangle fraternity.
1:57 ajm. ~ Man reported to be
looking into vehicles parked in
Area 2 near Sandoz Hall.
9:11 ajn. - Hit-and-run, non-in
jury accident reported in Area 10
near 10th and Avery streets, $300.
tin ft-M. - Fire alarm triggered
by an odor in Vet Basic Sciences.
11:29jj». - Female reported to
be suffering an epileptic seizure.
Transported to University Health
11:47 pan. - Two balance scales
and vacuum cleaner reported sto
len from Dental College, $460.
12:2* pan. - Window reported
broken on vehicle parted in Area 3
near Harpcr-Schramm-Smith
HaflMlOO. W K
12:30 pan. - Fire alarm triggered
by steam leak in penthouse of Plant
Science Hall. •
1:84 pat - Backpack imorted
stolen in basement of Nebraska
Union, $80.
1:32 pan. - Two-vehicle, non
injury accident reported in visitors
lot near Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education, $300.
4:03 pju. - Purse reported stolen
(tons vehicle parked in Area 5 near
Schramm HauT$87.
4:21 DJk — Pune reported stolen
health center, $50.
pat - Bicycle reported sto
len in Area 23 west of Buck BeJizer
Field, $53.
2:24 aaa. — Parson cited for chiv
ing while intoxicated on R Street
between 19th and 22nd streets.
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