The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1989, Page 4, Image 4
Editorial ilv Amy Edwards, Editor, 472-1766 _ _ Lee Rood, Editorial Page Editor |VT CA n Jane Hirt> Mana«in« Editor X CT M X Cl. ^Cl. X L Brandon Loomis, Associate News Editor I ... , Brian Svoboda, Columnist University of Nabraska-Lincoln Bob Nelson, Columnist Jeff Petersen, Columnist She team w*j appointed by fh* Nebraska Legislature to study Nebraska's higher education system and determine what changes* if any, need to be made. Unfortunately, most of the testimony heard thus far has been about the pros and cons of adding Kearney State College into the university system, &S€ is an important i issue, but kb not the only on&. ; s If Tuesday's hearing is anything like the others* politv > clan* will, tell die consultants what a logical move adding 1 BCSC to the university system is, K5C students win tell me p mmtom* how much they want to attend * university but or don’t want to live in lincotn or Omaha* Of coum those cn^do^^ed to be be^ testi lipng only about the K8C issue, UHL students wet missing ^WlBNpP^ppI^ 1# i&ftedpfe kaofbairi^ rea!l|$ecll about NU and the governance of higher education in the •: ^)m»xs^<^2^:iMU^Fl '■! •: |: Petrie have become loconcomed about KSC becom ;.. mg pail of the HU system that jpijve managed to ignore ailtbe other issues that the Oo&suRanta need to heat about Wttat about an official vote for^tudcm regents? Have -t;f they forgotten that HU student;.® share of the 8 university budget s tuitkm and fecs4phav«j&6 teal vote oiltelmJ Board, of Rtgenf®Ust yearns approval of an '" ' unofficial vote tor student regents was a ftep in the nght ,,• : d&ectiotg,bmaotafctgebou#step|f8^f ^ Wrf:<): Ifce forum also **ouid bi§a good opportunity to discuss :: |||4ieiher|bd-«;gente should be appointed or elected jfo •• *. light of the coateevetey Over former H|I {Resident RonalHf Rodjieflpilliissel many students are bound to have f Sv || strong opinions On that |g|jp : 588 Arwl ilhhtrt tlv /iT Ml -is don? In the past, many in the university community have said that central administration & a bloated, unresponsive 1 •• bureaacmcy, and Ih^iki be abolished. Ot^t think NU || No doubt these are controversial issues in the university communiiy. Nonetbetes^my should be on the table while the opporturnefb^sr |J|j|Jf|••;.31:. ; | Imagine die consulting team's sutptiseifilNL students : spoke up about something other than &S€. After being | 5 swamped whh testimony about the K$C issue, the con- , stsltants may welcome the opportunity to talk about • something dbeV certainly shouJd.J!f^ * - 'I ? , I "I ,...| S ' f. *** J*B* fodtanMfc: 5 for the Patty Nebraskan l ■ I ■■ IIWIIMIII l^ill 11I I! Ml Will ITT editorial Signed staff editorials represent the official policy of the fall 1988 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Its members are Amy Edwards, editor; Lee Rood, editorial page editor; Jane Hirt, managing editor; Brandon Loomis, associate news editor; Bob Nelson, columnist; JeffPetersen, col umnist; Brian Svoboda, columnist. Editorials do not necessarily re flect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The Daily Nebraskan’s publishers are the regents, who established the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the re gents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student editors. Reader says dump Jim Kill Jim and burn his journal. Tom O'Hara and Pat Erb . seniors electrical engineering letter1—i-_ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publi-. cation on the basis of clarity, original ity, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right I Nightmare at Love Library Pursuit of higher education provides higher blood pressure nflcr four weeks of blowing things off, 1 made the difficult personal decision of actually staying home from the bars. Of course, my timing wasn’t ex actly accidental. I had a 25-page re search paper due the next day and there was only one place I could do it - Love Library. To gel me through this trying experience, I decided to start the night off nght with a liter of Moun tain Dew. Past encounters with the library’s “pop cop” taught me that I had to hide my pop well, so I tucked my treat carefully into my backpack. It was 5:15 p.m. As I entered the covered outdoor portion of the li brary, I was blown back by a gale of hurricane proportions - the dreaded Love Library wind tunnel. I stag gered toward the door, and using all of my strength, eventually managed to pull it open. Before I could make my way into the library, more wind gushed through The entrance, knock ing me over and sending me hurdling backwards like a lost bundle of tum bleweed. of them were located in Love South, three of them were in Love Northeast, six were in Love North and eight of them were over in Love Southwest. Surely, there was an understandable map to the library somewhere . . . Nah, that would be too easy. I then took out my compass and started to look for the periodicals. - i-y North could have been a fraternity party. In fact, that would be kind of a creative idea... There were about 10 different pledge classes sitting down at the tables, and they weren’t people I wanted to see. I had loud shoes on, and with every step I took each head turned and looked. I laughed to myself when I thought about what I must have looked like after my experience in the wind tunnel. Oh, who cared? I wasn’t here to try to gel a date, I had a paper to write. By the lime I Finally sat down and did some research, it was 11:45 p.m. I knew that I had to leave because the library was closing, so I went up to the desk to check out my books. The only problem was that I had a few library Fines. By the lime George Michael tallied it up, I figured I would need a student loan to pay it all off. I braved Love Northeast first, only to find out the articles I needed had been torn out. In Love Southeast, I was clueless -- the articles were nowhere to be found. In all my confu sion, I managed to find three articles — by pure luck. Being me nice guy mai ne was, George told me I could hold the books there until the next day. I did and went home toslumbcr. My night mare had ended for the evening. So I didn’t get a lot done the first time around, but I knew where the books were, and I had ample time -- two hours — to Finish my paper before class. I made my way through the wind tunnel uninjured the next morning, chipper and ready to write. I gave the man at the front desk my hold slip to claim my books. He looked under the counter. He looked in the back. He made some phone calls. He found no books. “Ma’am,” he said in the most aggravating voice I’ve ever heard. “You must be mistaken. We have no books on hold for a Kim Beavers. At this time, I chose to walk away, vowing never to return again. Forget it. I would rather turn in nothing than go through that nightmare again, it wouldn’t be fair to my nerves. My time with Love Library was over. Beavers is a senior advertising major and a Daily Nebraskan editorial columnist. I looked up ihc books I needed in the card file, and was shocked to find that they were all in the same place. On my way down the stairs, a friend asked me where 1 was going. 1 re plied, “the stacks.” A frightened look came across her face. She asked me if I had some kind of weapon with me ... I decided I should forget the books and start my research. As I walked back up the stairs, I started feeling badly, not only be cause I had been walking through a maze for three hours, but it’s truly sad when all of your friends go to the bars and you go to Love Library. But then 1 looked around and wondered who could be at the bars because everybody I knew was at the library. I’d discovered a new place to have a social hour. It’s funny to watch people with six books in front of them thinking that they’re going to get something done. Who are they kid ding? They should have brought a six-pack. The right-hand section of Love I think 1 was knocked out for a couple of seconds, recovering not only from the pain, but also from the shock of that unnatural gust of wind. I woke up in a daze and thought I was in a dream because the man helping me up looked like George Michael. Only then did I realize that it was the night desk clerk at the library. Getting my first obstacle out of the way, I started up up the library stairs. I was running a little late, but I had a full night ahead of me, so why should I worry? Twenty-five pages in four hours? No problem. I made my way to the information desk and asked a woman there how 1 was supposed to find all the periodi cals I needed. After one of those easy-to-follow 15-step processes on how to find what I needed, I was on my way. I went to the periodical listings and found about 20 possible articles that could help me with my research paper. The only problem was that five -„ ' -- ■ to edit all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to sub mit material as guest opinions. Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is left to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Letters should be typewrit ten. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. Letters should include the author’s name. year in school, major and group affili ation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union. 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.