Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1989)
(Top Ten Releases for the week Sept. 11 to 15) Twisters 1. Motley Crue, “Dr. Feel Good” 2. Young M.C., ‘‘Stone Cold Rhythm” 3. Milli Vanilli, “Girl You Know It’s True” 4. Skid Row, “Skid Row” 5. The D.O.C., “No One Can Do It Better” 6. Jeff Healey Band, “See The Light” 7. Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Mother’s Milk” 8. Rolling Stones, “Steel Wheels” 9. Alice Cooper, “Trash” 10. Ziggy Marley and the Mel ody Makers, “One Bright Day” Pickles 1. New Kids on the Block, “Hangin’ Tough” 2. Motley Criie, “Dr. Feel Good” 3. Young M.C., “Stone Cold Rhymin’” 4. When Harry Met Sally . .., “When Harry Met Sally...” 5. Soul II Soul, “Keep On Movin’” 6. Jeff Healey Band, “See the Light” 7. Beastie Boys, “Paul’s Bou tique” 8.2 Live Crew, “Clean as They Want to be, Nasty as They Want to be” 9. Rolling Stones, “Steel Wheels” 10. B-52’s, “Channel Z” KFMQ 1. Rolling Stones, “Steel Whf»pk” 2. Skid Row, “Skid Row” 3. Tom Petty, “Full Moon Fe ver” 4. Great White, “Twice Shy” 5. Warrant, “Dirty Rotton Filthy Stinking Rich” 6. The Call, “Let The Day Begin” 7. Jeff Healey Band, “See the Light” 8. The Cure, “Disintegration” 9. Gorky Park, “Gorky Park” 10. Alice Cooper, “Alice Coo per National 1. Paula Abdul, “Cold hearted” 2. Gloria Estefan, “Don’t Wanna Lose You” 3. New Kids on the Block, “Hangin’ Tough” 4. Warrant, “Heaven” 5. Don Henley, ‘ ‘The End of the Innocence” 6. Jeff Healey Band, “Angel Eyes” 7. Karyn White, “Secret Rendezvous” 8. Jody Watiey, “Friends” 9. Surface, “Shower Me With Your Love” 10. Soul II Soul, “Keep on Movin’” (Top Ten singles source for the week Sept. 11 through 15 is Cashbox Magazine) Netfraskan Classified 472-2588 Monday, September 18,1989 FOR SALE * Portable Dishwasher with wood cutting board top; Hide a-bed coach; Dynaco tube-type stereo Amp. Best offer. Steve 435-6439. Air Brush Set $100. 423-2228. Are you looking for student furniture for fall? ONE MORE TIME is the place Open seven days/week. Free parking. 850 N. 27th__ 474-2065 _ Brand New 1989 Specialized Hard Rock Mountain Bike. $300. 475-1882 _ Cliffs for Gifts. Free gift wrapping. 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Beer Steinsl 140 N. 12th. Complete Sony Slereo: Includes graphic equalizer. PSX55 Turntable, TCK71 Cassette player. STR-7065 Receiver, Bose 901 Speakers A Stands. Excellent condition. $750. 489-4809. 1983 Jet Black Z-28 Camaro. Top condition, (loaded) Must see 4897941,_ _ Peavey Impact 1 electric guitar with case. Totally black. $340. 30 watt arrp $60. 489-6908. leave message. Smith and Wesson .357 Combat Magnum Model 66. stainless steel. 6 inch barrel. Like new. in box. $300. Call 464-6993. _ You’ll never play touch football again. • Long Lasting VelcroR • Durable 12" Vinyl Flags 8 Player Set only $7.95 16 Player Set only $12.95 Send check or money order to I.S.A., P.O. Box 359, Garwood, NJ 07027 Leagues, schools, organizations, write for group discounts. (Ball not included.) AUTOS WANTED BUYING Cars. Pickups & Vans. PricedRite Auto. 1610 West 'O' Street. 475-1335. VEHICLES FORSALE_= 87 Ford Tempo. Air Conditioning. Low Miles. S550CV obo 436-0184 _ 81' 280ZX TURBO. $475<*obo 483-6500. 77 280Z. Blue White Interior, ale, louvers, radial spoke mags, Kenwood stereo. 423-2228. 1984 Dodge Colt. 4-door. 4 speed. AM/FM cassette, great condition. $2900,475-3138. 1978 3201 BMW Automatic, sunroof. $3500 47728396. For Sale 78 Horizbn. $650 o.b.o. After five 476-1456 or 474-3716. SERVICES BULLOCK DRYWALL $ CUSTOM INTERIORS Students for your wall repairs and oeilmg fixup. call 466 0172. 3441 N. 63rd.__ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES * SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN * BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street _474-4136 __ Word Processing Call 488-8208- Reasonably Priced Excellent Quality- Fast Service. TYPING & RESUMES ~ •SEPTEMBER SPECIAL ONE-PAGE RESUME, only $20 Includes 12 copies. 5 blank sheets. 5 envelopes & disk. Nebraska Bookstore 13th *Q 478-0111 Bring us your typing needs. We do Dissertations, Thesis, Long-term Protects, small/large Papers, Resumes, and Letters/Envelopes Great rates, prompt service. COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 1630 QUE STREET 476-TYPE Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed |10-|15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing, word processing, reasonable rates. Kathy: 435 6560, Betty: 489-5506 ^£OUNgEMENT|_^ •CORNHUSKER YEARBOOK* Interested in hewing with the revival of the campus yearbook? Pick up your application for all positions in the ASUN Office 115 Ne. Union deadline 4:00p.m. Oct. 15th Amnesty International Meeting Thursday 7:30p.m. Nebraska Union- Room to be posted Everyone Welcome ATTENTION ' UN-L Students 11 'Appointments Board Opening* Be a part of the board that appoints students to ASUN Senate openings and to campus wide committees such as: Judicial Board Committee for Fees Allocation Union Board Parking Advisory Board Electoral Commission and many otherl Pick up applications m the ASUN otlce. 115 Nebraska Union Deadline is 4:00p.m. Friday September 25th Attention: Pre-Medical Technologists: Lambda Tau or ganizational meeting and picnic: September 21, meet at 800p.m. atBroyhillfountain Cost S2 00/person RSVP: Jody Adle, 467-3444 or Dor* Johnson, 472-7470. Be a part ot it «N.. Join UPC East Mom Events Meetings Wednesday nights at 6:30p.m. in the East Union. /'j-jx I Upcoming Tests? u i) | Use Jon's Notes! Helping Good Students Become Greet Student* Located in # Nebraska Bookstore 13th & "Q" Jon's Notss hours 9:30-4:30 M-F Call 476-8006 BETA GAMMA SIGMA Members. Meeting Sept. 19 at 4:00, CBA 308. Ques tions, call 472-3362. * COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION ARE OUT! Pick up an application at the CAP Office, The Dean's Office, Multi-Cultural Affairs Office. The ASUN Office or your Panhellenic or IFC Delegate. Bring completed application to the Dean's Office. 1223 Oldfatner. by 4p.m. on Sept^ APPLY NOWI Collegiate DECA is back. First meeting September 20.7 8 p.m. in the Union, Room posted. For more information call 489-9228 or 472-2242. Everyone welcome. December 89, May 90 an 1 August 90 Graduates) Register with the Career Planning & Placement Center NOWI Pick up orientation schedule in Room 230, Ne braska Union. Emerging Leader Alumni (Spring 1989) Organization Meeting Tues Sept. 19 6:30-7^0 Nebraska Union Be Therel Get Psyched For MHGAIDU 89 Great Haircuts For 1/2 the Price! Why pay $10 to $15 lor an average haircut downtown, when you can get a SUPER haircut at BARBER QUEEN for $61 _ 807 S. 26th 477-1213 HOMECOMING ’89 Be a part of 81 If you missed the first one. here s your seoond chance Parade and Displays informational meeting Thursday, Sept. 21 at BOO pm. City Union - room posted M You Lke BIOLOGY WATCH THIS SPACE I INTRAMURAL DEADLINE Tuesday, 9/19. is the entry deadline for the following sports: Fast pitch softball tournament (M.W). Horseshoe singles (M.W). and Facu8y/Statf Racquetball singles 472-3467 Lack Motivator). ..Your Ufa a worthless exercise in futil ity? Make your time countll Join UPC-East Main Event*. Wednesday nights 6:30 p.rrv, Eaat Union. RATTLE & HUM SEX SEX SFX No, not really, but I got your attention Come fom us at our first Human Development Club Meeting ot the semester: Room 104 in the Home Economic* build mg at 5:30, Wednesday. September 20. STUDY THE WORLD- Join a travel study tour during semester break. Ottered tor credit or noncredit For details call 472-3264 or stop by Flights A Study Tour*. 1237 R Street _ The publications board will meet at 4:30 p m.. Tuesday. Saplember 19. in the Nebraska Union to discus* Daily Nebraskan policies Those who think they are board member* are encouraged to parhcpate. Those inter ested in speaking to the Board can participate in the Open Forum at the beginning ot the meeting U2 CAN RATTLE A HUM on F riday. September 22nd at Sheldon Gallery Theatre. Showings: 7 and 9p.m. 63 00 only 62.00 for otudonto with I.D. Sponsored by UPC Am. Film*. Conoart*-A Cod UPC-EAST VISUAL ARTS AND DIRT CHEAP RECORDS MUSIC POSTER SALE September 20,21,22 A-5 pm. at the Loll In Eaat Cam pus Union OVER 2,000 RAGIN' IMAGES piwss Co-workcrt nfccdcd For noon and closing shifts Up to $5/hour Pay and Benefits package •64.1J to ftairt (weekday, noon and .toning ihlflt) •Health and Dental limn anc* •Daycare allowance •SO* meal Olacounl •Frequent performance review, •Great work environment •Paid vacation! •Flexible achedule •S.T.E.P. tuition 'tlmburaed echolarxhlp plan Amigo,, an expending, quality nxmmo.-i Mexican fast food chain, haa excellent part-time end Nil time job opportunities avail* He now. If you are an aggressive rurtomer-xweinled person and like to work al a faat, interne pace, apply at the Amigna at 14th A Q or the Reunion. Aak for Sent! or Lance WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB Meeting, Tuesday, 9/19, 7:00 p.m.. Second floor lounge, City Rec Center, New members welcome. GREEK AFFATRS__~ Acacia Little Sister Rush Want to meet fun people’ Want to get involved in an organization? Then join us Sept. 19, 20, 21. Questions? Call Dome. 466-6148 or 436 6160._ Attention UNL Women: The men of Sigma Alpha Mu want you to |Oin the enthusiastic Little Sisters of the Pearl. Information social, Wednesday at 7:00. Call Ryan or Paul at 436-0118 for details Carl. Congratulations on winning The Shaun Cassiday album last Saturday night. The Thetas. Sue. and Bob. Cary T. (Gamma Phi), Congratuiatnns on being a part of the Lincoln Con temporary Dance Theatre! We're so proud. Love. The Sisters Congratulations to Chretie E.. Julia D.. and Dawn O. on Husker Hostess You're doing a great |ob on helping Phi Mu be the best. Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters Congratulations to our 1st Phi Officers: President- JiM B.. Vice President- Barbara H.. Secretary- Laura F., Treas urer- Cindy C. Social- Rebecca P., Philanthropy- Mary P.. P R - Jackie T.. Scholarship- Andy W.. and Frosn Coor - Andy R. Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters Congratulations to Brian M for being selected to the Greek Yearbook Staff (Photography). Men of Chi Phi Kathy K„ Congrats on being crowned Miss Cass County the summer! Love, Your AGR Little Sisters Stacey M (ADPi), Congratulations on your engagement to Blaine! L A L, Your Alpha Delta Sisters Touchdown ’89 UNL Fraternities: The biggest football tournament ot the year a coming soon. WANTED. Individuals with Large Appetites. AGR Little Sisters Announce ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SPAGHETTI FEED Where: Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity 1430 Idytwikf Drive When: Thursday, September 21 5«0-7 00pm Cost: S4 00/person $6 50/couple, $2 50/children, 12-under. COME JOIN THE FUNIII STUDENT GOVERNMeW ATTENTION UN-L Students!! •Appointments Board Opening* Se a part of the board that appoints students to ASUN Senate openings and to campus wide committees such as: Judicial Board Committee tor Fees Allocation Union Board Parking Advisory Board Electoral Commission and many otherl Pick up application* m the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union Deadline a 4:00p.m. Friday September 25th STUDENT GOVERNMENT Check out whet positions are open Deadlines for each position are listed below. ASUN Senator lor the Graduate College ASUN Senator tor Division of General Studies Parking Advisory Board Carrpus Rec. Adve Counc • Res Hall A Oft Campus Committee for Poos Allocation - Residence Hal Electoral Commission - Member Teaching Council-Graduate Student Nebraska Union Board 4*0*111. - Sept. 22. IMA DAILY NEBRASKAN- Publications Board Curriculum Committee Calendar A Examinations Comm. Commencement Committee Health Center Board - 4*e p^m. - Sept. 20,1009 Information and applications are available in the ASUN office. 11S Nebraska Union. PERSONALS Jen — Which one? Gillner, 8 a.m. Diet Coke, N.C.Y. Happy Birthday. Love Renee and Annette "Happy 21 si Birthday Min-Mo" Love you-Mom, Dad and Larry It was 12:45 p.m. Thursday. You had long blonde hair (wat) and I wore a dark brown last her jacket. It was on the corner of 14th and N where we exchanged our hellos, but the moment was too brief. I oan't get you out of rrw heart. Interested in a rendezvous? Call Paul at 474-4874