The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1989, Page 15, Image 15
BUSINESS STUDENTS - DON’T MISS OUTI Increase your business knowledge end create close friendships by joining Delta Sigma Pi, professional business frater nity Stop by our booth in the CBA front foyer Sept. 6-8. The booth may close early - so hurryl Cultural Exhibition by the Nigerian Student Association of UNL-Featuring arts and crafts, ethnic jewelry and clothing, traditional music and a display of ethnographic items. September 11-15, Nebraska Student Union Lounge. City Campus 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Attention Enthusiastic people to work with the nationally ranked UNL Wrestling team as spirit leaders. Pick up question naire at Bob Devaney Sports Center (Wrestling Office) Must be (Hied out prior to interview. Interviews held 9-14 89 at 7 p.m Questions? 472-2220. DANCERS Orcheela Student Dance Company will meet Thursday, September 14 at 7:00p.m. in MLH 119. New Membere Welcome. Orchesis is for anyone who Ikes dancing, even if you don’t know how. EN GARDE - Join one of Nebraska's oldest sports. UN L students interested in the sport of fencing, please contact Albert Schmid. 475-0164. FRESHMEN Don't torget to pick up your free T-Shirt at the Wick Alumni Center, 8a.m. to 5p.m._ _ GOVERNMENT UAISON COMMITTEE First meeting next Tuesdayl 6:15 NE Union New members welcome 11 Hole, Bon jour, Guten Tagl Join UPC Foreign Films. Meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the City Union. Room mil be posted. HOMECOMING ROYALTY APPLICATIONS ARE OUT! Pick them up at the ASUN office. (CAP) Office in City A East Unions. Wick Alumni Center and it all Residence Hall desks. DEADLINE: 12 noon, Sept. 15 Interested in playing pool or darts? Bash Riprock's will sponsor your team. Call 435-2274, ask lor Dave. Men’s Volleyball Club Informational meeting and informal practices. Monday, Thursday September 11, 14. Mable Lee Hall 313. 3:30 6 p.m. If more information needed, call 436-9829. NCLU Student Group presents an abortion discussion with Professor Duncan and woman activist, Kappie Webber who have opposing views. September 14th, 12.00 1 00. Rm 113 at Law College. Parking available, $6.50/month. Close to campus. 19S Y Call 476-1212 or stop at 1815 Y St _ PRE-DENTAL, PRE-HYGIENE CLUB firs! meeting, Sept 17, 7:00 p.m. at the Dental College. Robber's Cave is booking evening parties at S200+T(u plus $100 Clean-Up and Damage Deposit. Call 423 3370._ THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU I St. Mark's on the Campus. 1309 R Street, Holy Eucharist Sundays 0:30, 10:30. 5C0; Tuesdays at 12;30. Canter bury Student Fellowship Supper Sunday at 5:30p.m. Trading Placee at UNL. Win a «100 Gift Certificate for the Nebraska Bookstore. UPC Walpurglenacht Committee Meeting Tuesday, September 12 at 4 p.m. in the City Union. Hoorn will be posted All are welcome to help plan the Homecoming Talent Show and one of the bggest parties of the year WALPURQtSNACHTU_ YOU Are Invitedl NEW YEAR PARTY! NEW STUDENTS! OLD STUDENTS! FACUL TT/STAFF FRIENDS! EVERYBODY CORE! CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10 4:30 p.m. Punch A Munchies 5:00 p.m. Music, Songs. Fun A Fellowship 600 p m FREE BARBECUE DINNER A Christian Community ot tree inquiry, growth identity, felbwship. mutual support, and serv toe, centered in our lie-long pilgrimage ol faith with Jesus the Christ. £y^!|yKAEFA!J«==== Hope you’re ready to ROCK the boat tonightl Alpha Sigs Alpha Gamma Sigma and Alpha Chi Omega present "The Maetere . Sunday, September 10 from 1:00 • 5:30p.m. ATO/KAO First Annual Fraternity and Sorority Philanthropy Pledge Class Softball Tournament. Sunday September 10 A 17 at t ewis F aids. 22 A N, Starting at 9 A M Come Join The Fun. _ Congrats to the new initiates of the Theta Xi: Greg L., DaveF., MikeS., Kenny B.. Soott M. Brian Y Goodjobl Your Bromers Congratulations to Sean W for being selected Grand lota at Congress, and to the Men ot Chi Phi tor building one of the top five chapters in the nation. From the Men of Chi Phi Derby Days UNI get ready lor the best ever Sigma Chi Derby Day B9 fc FARMHOUSE SISTERS ol the PEARLS and RUBIES ANNOUNCING RUSH WEEK 19M SEPTEMBER 17th. 20th. and 2ist INFORMATIONAL MEETING WED, SEPT 13lh CONTACT ROBYN at 436*146, JASON at 483 2057 or NANCY at 436 7074 FOR OE TAILS Get Ready UNL Sororliee lot “Kicks For Klde'T Holly S. and Jo S. (ADPi). Congratulation# on making Univetsity ChoraJI Pi Love. Youf Sieters New Mtudes, t Coogratulationsl Wa're proud to cal you brothers You ! meke a fine addition to our house. | Sigma Phi Epsilon Active Chapter SigEp Pledges, .kJ|V*,00hi!O,W?rd 10 *n •xci*in9 y*ar «nd are oonfident that you will make a strong contribution to the house. Sigma Phi Epsilon _ __ Active Chapter SISTERS of FA USE MEETING SEPTEMBER 10th EXECS at 8:00, GENERAL MEETING at 8:30 SgNJACT JASON at 483-2057, MARK at 464-0288 or ROBYN at 436-6145 if UNABLE to ATTEND Student Foundation Trading Places at UNL Tickets in the »‘-!on 5TUDENT_GOyERNME^T STUDENT GOVERNMENT Check out what posit ions are open Deadlines for each position are listed below. ASUN Senator for the Graduate College ASUN Senator for Division of General Studies Parking Advisory Board 4:00 pm, - Sept. 15,1960 Campus Rec. Advis. Counc. - Res. Hall & Off Campus Committee for Fees Allocation - Residence Hall Electoral Commission - Member Teaching Council Nebr. Union Board 4:00 p.m. - Sept. 22, 1969 Curriculum Committee Calendar 6 Examinations Comm. Commencement Committee 44)0 p.m. - Sept. 29,1969 Information and applications are available in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. PERSONALS Thanks tor the past year. It’s been great with many wonderful memories ft many more to come. Love ya. Jay (AGS) __P.S. Shhhh Dear Nance, Baby you're the greatest. Happy 21. Skip Sixteen more hours until your birthday. Happy 21 si to our tavorite hip-et. Carrie S. Love, your brother, Steve #52. ...Well, you know the rest. Love. Your Favorite Dyke MarkL.. Would be interested in hanging out with you maybe. How about it? Are you available? _ ??? Dear Beau. Why won't you look at me’ Do you even know thaf I exist? Love.Marcus P.S. Don't make me follow you around everywhere! Fred, Sure would Ike to get a Daily Nebraskan personal fromyoul Why don’t you put one in soon? They're only $2.50 tor students tor the first 10 words, and only 15 CENTS each additional word! Do it todayll Love, Ginger CHILD CARE ~ BABY TEACHER * Do you love infants and toddlers? * Are you excited about the development of small children? * Can you develop relatonships with children and parents? * If so. the SRI- St Elizabeth's Child Development Center has an opportunity available for an infant/ toddler teacher. Call Michelle today, at 489-8700. Baby-sitting in my home. Have references. Neardown town. Call 476-0131. Dependable Female Baby-sitter Needed. Nebraska area Live in possible Hours required: Sun.-Fn. 10:30p.m.-7:30a m. in exchange tor basement quarters. 467-4156.__ Need b*>y sitter. Tues. or Thurs. evenings, or Saturdays for 5 year old boy. Light housekeeping optional, need own transportation. Call evenings only and leave mes sage. 489-7978 _ Need child care in my home, Thursday evenina 4-8:30 or 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-5:30 or 6 p.m. Need own transportation. Call 489-3023 and leave a message Need immediately Person to supervise four children, ages 8-11. in our home. 3OO-5:30p m Mon.-Fri. Must have own transportation. Call 423-1371, evenings or 477-7181, day._ Wanted intelligent and fun person for two like wize children 56 ft O area. 3:30-5 or 6:30 Flexible and more hours available at times. Have a car and be dependable Call 483-6274-evenings Good pay (arranged according to duties). HELPWANX|D____ $4.35-$8/hour Local company ha* opening* in telemarketing Year round work, pleasant working conditions Evenings and Saturday mornings. 20 hours/week Apply 9-4, Monday Friday. Husker Heating A Air Conditioning 5711 Russell Drive, Lincoln. Nebraska. Annie OeAley's has full and pari time oay and night position* open in all areas Apply in person, 6100 O Street, between 11 4p.m BE A BUG BUSTER We are looking for full-time people to hefc> us test our software. Macintosh experience helpful, programming is not required Apply in person to Health Care Communi cations, Inc. 301 8.88. Suite 500,Lincoln, NE 68510. No phone calls. Bonanza Restaurant Part-time help needed Mon.. Wed.. Fri, 12-4pm Evening A weekends open also. Apply 28th A Comhusker.___ _ Cock tad Waitery part-time. Experenoe helpful, but no necessary Some Bartending skill deseed. Apply Holi day Inn Northeast. 5250 Comhusker Highway._ Coco's is now hiring food servers and bussers. Must be hardworking, energetic and responsbie Apply n per son, 120 North 66th Street. _ EASY VIDEO We are looking lor a responsible person who enjoys working with people. Approximately 15-25 hours per weak, hour* include evenings, weekends, and holidays. People 19 and older apply m person Tue. through Frl. between 1-3p.m. 70th and "O" Street. Meridian Perk. General farm work lul or part-time. No cate alter 930 pm 785-5635 or 785-3235. EXTRA CASH: 1 512.30 for 1 1/2hrs. Substitute Busdriver. May also drive j activity route at $29.00/day. If interested, contact Maggie Alberts, Raymond Central Public Schools, 785-7070. | -I GODFATHER'S PIZZA Now hiring kitchen counter and delivery. Apply in person to 1209 Q Street, 48th A Vine, and South 48th _A Hwy 2._j Help Wanted at P.O. Pears. Apply in Person. I HELP! ! We need good, dependable employees to fill the follow- , ng positions: Food prep, waiter/, dishwasher, delivery , and hostess/cashier. We can work around your school schedule. Apply at 131 S. 13th, 9:30-11:30 or 1:30-8. | HUDSON BAY COMPANY J Needs articulate and arrbKious people to do phone work on progressive issues, such as protecting the ozone | layer, recycling, ground water contamination, toxic use reduction, utilities and insurance industries reform. Now hiring for 2:00-8:30p.m. shift, 4:00-8:30p.m. shift, 6:00 10:30p.m. shift or weekends. Earn $7.00/hr to start-- | $S.00/hr on weekend. Training, travel and advancement, , references required. For an interview call, 11 a.m. to 1 , p.m. only Mon.-Fri., 478-1010. Immediate Opening lor part-tirbe help. Kuzu’s Kebab Restaurant, 14th A Q Street, apply to manager. _ Interested in pharmacy? Part-time employment at Jim's , Drug A Surgical Supply, 1400 South Street. 435-2168. Kitchen help wanted immediately. Night hours. Randy's Donut Shop. Apply in person 9am-11am. 201 Capital Beach. _ LAUNDRY PRODUCTION WORKERS Approximately 15 hours per week, Mon.-Fri. afternoons, hours flexible. S3.65/hr, no experience tequired. Call 464-6326 for personnel or apply at 3300 North 41st. 9a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EOE __ Lincoln University Club Is hiring people lor the following positions: Day and Evening Wait Staff Cocktail waitery Evening Line Cooks Apply in Person at Lincoln University Club, 11th Floor, University Towers, 13th A P. _ MING PALACE REST. Evening dishwasher Apply in person, 13091-Street. Needed: Outstanding Business Student with excellent oral and written communication skills to serve as admin istrative aid to the Dean. 10 hrs. per week, must drive and know how to get things done quickly. Pay negotiable, send letter ot interest to: Gary Schwendiman. 240 CBA, UNL, Lincoln, NE 68588-0405. _-_ Needed: Students with work study vouchers for many research positions in the Department of Horticulture. Contact: Diane or Susan at 472-2854 or 377 Plant Science. East Campus___ Needed. Students with work study vouchers for many research positions in Department of Horticulture. Contact Diane or Susan at 472-2854 or 377 Plant Science. East Campus. Now hiring. Lincoln s largest janitorial firm has part-time permanent evening positions. Start $3.75/hour. FBG Service Corporation. 3809 Adams._ Occasional milker Needed for dairy farm. Good pay. 794 6585 Office of Campus Recreation/East now hiring students for office work, I.D. checkers, weight room supervisors Applicants should have mornings, afternoons or week ends available. 841 N 14th 472-3467. ON CALL Group homes, teen parenting programs, crisis shelter & daycare. $4 81/hr. Youth counselors must be at least 23. have valid Nebraska drivers license, minimum high school education and work/educational experience in human services, degree preferred Child care workers only require child care experience. Apply to Youth Service System. 2202 South 11th. Rm224. No deadline. EOE___ Part time waitery, bartender, evening oooks. kitchen help and bus persons needed. Apply in person Turnpike Restaurant Saltillo Rd. ask for Marvin Part-time checkers and sackers needed. Must be friendly and enjoy working with the public. Russ'* IGA. 56th ft Hwy2. Part-time serviceperson for spas and hot tubs. Flexble hours. Knowledge of basic electricity and use o! handtools necessary. Apply in person, Town Center Showcase, 27th and O. __ Part-time draft* person to draw house plans. Need Production Drawings or equivalent. Flexble hours, apply Lincoln Lumber Company, 922 North 23rd. Part-time help wanted to operate BAB digging machine and handle BAB trees, as part-time nursery work. 1/2 mile South of Eagle, depending on weather. Can fit into class schedule. 55.0Q/nour. 463-6997 after 6:00 pm. Part-time 25-30 hours per week. Knowledge of building materials helpful. Apply in person, Pauley Lumber Do-it Center, 945 South 27th. _ Part-time warehouse and delivery persons. Flexble schedule. Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd.__ Pizza Shuttle is now hiring full and part-time delivery drivers. $3.75/hour. Commission and bonuses. 25 cents raise after first 60 days. Must have own car, proof of insurance and good driving record. Apply: 230 N. 17th. Inside positions also available. Prairie Life Center has an immediate opening for part time lifeguards and swimming instructors. Apply in person only at 1305 South 70th. Receptionist. Piece ot the Pie has an immediate opening tor a part-time receptionist. 7:30AM - 12:30PM, Mon. - Fri. Additional duties include light typing, mailings and photocopying. If you are a professional, energetic per son with a good personality, this is the job for you. Send resume and references to: Personnel Director. Piece of the Pie, P.O. Box 81806, Lincoln, NE 68801._ Runza Drive-ins Now hiring 11th & Comhusker, 70th A Van Dorn, 13th A E, 33rd A Highway 2, West O. The quality our customers have oome to expect has made Runza a leader in the fast-food business through out the midwest. Many of our stores our within we minutes drive from either the Downtown or the East Campus. We have excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available (days or evenings). We offer: ‘Competitive starling salary-84/hour for lunch hour helpi ‘Flexible scheduling ‘Great working environment ‘Opportunities for advancement Apply at any of our area locations. SALES REP - GREAT OPPORTUNITY New concept in college unisex clothing. Looking tor hungry, aggressive reos for UNL campus. Earning po tential is unlimited Set your own work schedule. Call 402/331-7473 to schedule an interview, ask for Joe Meyers. SKI STEAMBOAT FREE Intercampus Programs is looking for an individual, or fanizaton or club to promote our Christmas Break Ski rip. Work with the nation's leading college tour opera tor. We provide all marketing materials, free trips, and cash commissions. Call now for details. 1-800-327 6013, Ext. 300. Subscription Manager Prepare Daily Nubraskans to be mailed on a daily basis. Must have 1.5 hours free in the mornings. $3.7S/hour. Contact Dan, Daily Nebraskan office, basement, Ne braska Union, 472-1769. Sunchase Tours is currently recruiting Campus Repre sentative* to promote our Collegiate Winter Ski Trips & Spring Break Ski & Beach Trip*. Earn top commissions and free trips! Call 1-800-321-5911 for additional infor mation. Campus organizations welcomel Temporary part-time clerical persons to assist with micr of timing project. 40-45 wpm Need to be able to work at least 15-20 hours/week. Allied Group Insurance, 700 North Coiner. 467-2381. The Dragon Palace In East Park Plaza is now accepting applications for part time cashiers. Flexible day and evening hours available. Please apply in person. UNL City Union Looking for part-time kitchen and catoring help. No expe rience necessary. Flexible hours. Contact Art at 472 2453 between 8-10 a.m. UNL City Union Looking for an art student to do signs and posters part time. Contact Jay at 472-2181. Waitresses'ng positions open. Apply in person, 12 5p.m. at Celebration, 1033 O Street. Lower Level. Golds Galleria. WORK STUDY STUDENTS StiH looking lor employment? We're desperate! Need office workers. Apply Faculty Senate Office, Rm 124, 501 Building. Wednesday. Sept 6 - Friday. Sept. B. WORK WITH KIDS (Great Schedule for a Student I) * Do you love kids (grades 1-61? * Do you have lots of energy? * Do you like to plan fun and developmental activities? * Can you work from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. and then again from 2:30 to 600 p.m.? If so. The SRI- St. Elizabeth's Child Development Center hat an opportunity for you. Call Michelle today el 489-6700 Worldwide Image* Two assistants needed for fashion, color and image consultations. Flexible hours. Call 435 7647. ROOMMATES Female for house near East Campus. $125 plus utilities 467-4796. M/F. Have large finished basement to yourself. Own bathroom with shower Free wash and dry. Could earn some cash for occasional baby-sitting $250 ♦ deposit, 1/2 Utilities. 467-5904. Mature non-smoker for very nice 2 Bedroom duplex. With basement, laundry facilities and off-street parking. $200 plus 1/2 Low Utilities. Call 475-6353 and leave message. Need female roommate $120+1/4 Utilities. Close to campus. 476-0956. TCm^E CLUB, W^L'S I9&EfPL9&E9£r SORPW MpiOUXpLS ILS TALL %USti beginning Sept. 11. Contact the TC office, 472-2596, for information. — /gt| . _ gnurnr (tluli 1ST. PAUL -UNITED METHODIST CHURCH _ rich in tradition, embracing the future 12th & M Streets • close to the downtowr^campus__ United Ministries in Higher Education I ' _ ; University of Nebraska — Lincoln V fi y \ Cornerstone 640 N. 16th Lincoln. NE 60S08 402-476-035S Jhe «err Urry °o*.r J e i The Rev Mark Randall m )s; N\ YOU A MEMBER OF - UNITED METHODIST CHURCH? f . \ \ rWE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA)? |9 \ \ /"Wf UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST? S8 fgj \ \ THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples)? £|f IS TheOmpusM,ni».nes \ OR - are you "just" a student, ready to explore what Mfi \ growth in Christian faith and discipleship can j^^B !Sh| \ mean for you in this time and this place that ^ \ Cod has given you? I HI CHRISTIAN CHURCH \ lOiKipInolClinui \ Ntbiuli Region \ COME TO CORNERSTONE! ©|^, I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 NEW YEAR PARTY!! THf PRiSCrTIRIAN CHURCH I - pi* A | synodoiuse*endHpoiet *i:30 PM Fellowship & Refreshments 5:00 PM Music, Singing, Introductions to People \ and Program I Special prizes! I Featuring Lincoln guitarist and Folk Singer JOHN WALKER THT UNCTID CHURCH Of CHRIST NetKMfceConference 6:00 PM Free Barbecue Dinner ALL UNL STUDENTS. OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ARE WELCOME! JL I__ EVERY SUNDAY: