The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1989, Page 13, Image 13

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    Members of thwUNL Police Department, from left, Sergeants Mylo R. Bushing and Al
Broadstone and Cor poral Unda D McEntarffer. I
LNL police garb wins award ■
y Stacey McKenzie
iff Reporter
The University of Ncbraska-Lin
iln Police Department recently re
lived an Honorable Mention award
the 1989 Best Dressed Police
epartment Competition.
Sponsored by the National Asso
ation of Uniform Manufacturers
id Distributors, the contest is held to
romote a professional image of law
lforcement departments, which arc
idged on the highest standards of
niform dress and overall appear
“Our people do look sharp,” said
Jail Gade, UNL Police Department
:hief. “I think it is important.”
According to Gade, preparation
for the contest consisted of selecting
four or five officers in different styles
of uniform to pose for pictures that
“Our people do
look sharp. I think
it is important.”
were sent to New York. Law enforce
ment and garment experts then evalu
ated entries on the basis of image
projection, immediate recognition,
reflection of authority and profes
sionalism, practicality and policies
requiring uniform standards.
“The public sees this image and it
means something,” Gade said.
Awards for the contest are given in
five categories: federal, state, county,
city with over 200 officers and mu
nicipality with fewer than 200 offi
cers. The UNL Police department fits
into the latter category.
According to Gade, this is the first
lime the UNL Police Department has
received such an award.
Although the department is not
planning any type of celebration in
honor of the award, Gade said, “It
means quite a bit to be a nice-appear
ing Police Department. We are proud
of the fact that we are recognized.” |
Six new theaters to be built [
ly Debra Witt
laff Reporter _
Lincoln has enough of a movie-going mar
et to support the six new theaters that the
iouglas Theater Company is planning to
uild, said Russell Brehm, chairman of
iouglas Theaters, and one other Lincoln thea
:r manager.
Dan Cimino, manager of the Cinema Twin
icatcr, said the new theaters would not hurl
ther area theaters.
4 4 It docs seem odd (that six new theaters will
c built),” Cimino said, ‘‘but I don’t sec any
roblems with it.”
Lincoln’s entertainment scene will be
elpcd by the new theaters, Cimino said, be
ause the new theaters may bring movies to the
incoln area that are not normally offered. For
xample, he said, less-publicized movies and
rt Films may be shown at those theaters.
Brehm said that Between tne aneiuon rum
Theatre, located in Sheldon Memorial Art
Gallery, and the other theaters in town, Lin
coln movie-goers do have a chance to see most
of the movies out.
“But,” he said, “we (Douglas Theaters)
may bring some new movies in.”
Nan Stanard, manager of the Stuart Theater,
would not comment on whether or not the
Stuart would be huit by the six new theaters.
Efforts to reach Richard Ytell, district manager
for the Plaza 4 Theaters, were unsuccessful.
Douglas Theaters arc not making any de
sign plans for the six new theaters, Brehm said,
until the company completes its other theater
complexes being built in Lincoln, at the Edge
wood Shopping Center, 56th and Highway 2,
and in Omaha, at 120th and West Center Road.
Brehm said the 28,000 square-foot area
purchased on the south side of Q Street be
tween 13th and 14th streets is “a good area ..
. because it’s close to the university.”
^ROE from Page 11
‘interview segues” that divided key episodes
n Harry and Sally’s relationship. Reiner’s
ccncs of a variety of older, ethnically-varied
ouples telling their hopelessly romantic tales
vcrc charming. But we thought it was a bit
3IDES from Page 11
My favorite aspect of the fair is the rides,
'he Octopus, Scrambler, and Moonrakcrall
ffer different ways in which 1 can spin or twist
nyself delightfully dizzy.
I’m not sure how people mix the fair rides
md fair food. Unless I was heavily medicated
vith Dramaminc, there would be no way 1
:ould combine funnel cake and the Zipper in
he same afternoon.
Blue Grass Shows provided some welcome
wists to the traditional midway “throw-a-dart,
>op-a-balloon, win-a-stuffed-toy” game.
“Flip-a-Chick” is a unique game where a
libber chicken, much like a high-speed projec
ile, is launched into a kettle. “Chuck’s Live
"ish” rewards its winners with ... what else?
Live fish.
1 think Chuck made a good marketing deci
sion here. Live fish are a much more attractive
■prize than dead ones.
forced when the film concluded with Ryan and
Crystal sitting on the same floral print love
seat, reminiscing about their lives.
Don’t get us wrong -- it’s a good film. If this
is Rob Reiner’s compliment to Woody Allen, I
think Mr. Allen should be flattered.
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