News Digest Governing party loses at least 29 seats JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The governing party suffered its worst election setback in 41 years of power Wednesday, los ing at least 29 of its parliamentary scats to far right and anti-apartheid rivals. Riot squads with whips, tear gas and shot guns dispersed blacks protesting their exclu sion from the balloting, and police said more than 50 people were arrested. Anti-apartheid leaders, who called a general strike, said 3 million people stayed away from jobs and classes With results in from 160 of 166 districts, it appeared the National Party would retain 93 or 94 of its previous 123 seals. The far-right Conservative Party improved from 22 to 38 seals and the liberal Democratic Party moved from 20 to 33 scats, the most ever for an anti apartheid faction. Independent commentators said it was the first time since the National Party came to power in 1948 that it failed to get a majority ol the popular vote. The Conservatives, who want tougher en forcement of racial segregation laws, lost by only five votes in Vcrccmging, former district of National Party leader F.W. dc Klerk. With his party narrowly retaining its out right majority in Parliament, dc Klerk, who was not a parliamentary candidate, is expected U) dc ciccicu next wcck lor a live-year icrm president. as Foreign Minister Pik Botha and Defend Minister Magnus Malan were rc-clccicd bv margins sharply lower than in the white c\eJ lion of 1987. The Conservatives, who favor stricter racial segregation, won their first-ever seats in Pretoria, the capital, and in Cape Prov ince and the Orange Free State. Sources report explosion at missile complex in Iraq NICOSIA, Cyprus — Many sources report an explosion Aug. 17 at an Iraqi missile plant south of Baghdad and some put the death toll at more than 700, but Iraq’s obses sively secret government has said nothing. Western diplomats reached by telephone Wednesday in Baghdad, capital of Iraq, confirmed an explo sion occurred at the huge missile complex but said they had no details. No information was available on what caused the explosion, but there was no immediate indication of sabo tage. In London, the daily Independent quoted diplomats and Middle East sources Wednesday as saying 700 people were killed, including Egyp tian engineers helping the Iraqis de velop a new missile. An official of the rebel Patriotic Union of Kurdistan reported by tele phone that sources in Iraq said 700 bodies were removed from the plant and the casualty toll might reach 2,500 dead and wounded. The offi cial, known to The Associated Press, asked that his name and location be concealed. Judge rules Bakker competent1 CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A fed eral judge ruled Jim Bakker com petent to stand trial on fraud charges Wednesday after a gov ernment psychiatrist testified the PTL. founder was not going crazy when he broke down last week. Bakker’s trial was recessed and he was sent to a federal prison in Burner for psychiatric evaluation last week after he was found in his lawyer’s office hallucinating and hiding under a couch. “For the First time in three years, the whole situation came home to him and he began to cry,” Sally Johnson, chief of psychiatric services at the prison, told U.S. District Court Judge Robert Potter Wednesday. Potter asked Bakker, who was brought to court in leg irons and handcuffs, to stand and answer questions. Asked if he was able to assist his lawyers, Bakker said, “I’m very tired, but I believe I can.’’ _l John Bruce/Dally Nebraakar Nel?raskan Editor Amy Edwards Photo Chief Eric Qregory The Daily NebraskanfUSPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Ne braska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE. Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a m and 5 p.m Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Pam Hem, 472-2588 Subscription price is $45 for one year Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St.,Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1989 DAILY NEBRASKAN ■■■' 11 ... • UNL CITY CAMPUS • UNL EAST CAMPUS • WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY • SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE • UNION COLLEGE • LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE • STATE FAIR PARK • DOWNTOWN A ^ IF V II ■* * • #*#*•*'« IB «#•#••«#»•♦*••••• ■. •#••••«•••»*•«#•# P r •% Nebraska Bookstore Taco Inn The Clipper Kep Harding's Taco John’s The Cookie Company Braun's/GiGi's Husker Heaven Danielson Floral Co. TCBY