The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 07, 1989, Page 15, Image 14

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    September Evening Skies
Thin chart It drawn for Latitude 40* north. ^
I but should be useful to stargazers
throughout the continental United
States It rsprssents the sky at the tollow
ing local daylight times:
Late August 11 p.m.
Early September to p.m.
Late September • p.m.
O Abrams Planetarium
Subscription M OO per year,
from My Calendar, Abrams
Planetarium, Michigan State
University, East Lansing.
Michigan 48824
/ '.V *.
/ U3ddIO 3TJJ.IT
II n Dbl .
Lg rfv CYCNUSV* ''^V,p gl
|h | • ^ tOverhe«rLYRA jjs|
H,- Northern •. 1
Croat* /SUMMER
Tha pianat Saturn Is ptottad for mld
Sapiamtosr, IMS. At chart ttma • oOfacti
of first magnitude or brtgfitar ars rlatbtr.
m ordar of bright naas thay ars: Arcturua,
Vsga, Caps!la. Saturn, Altair, Antarsa,
Fomattiaut. and Danab. In addition to
stars, othar obfacts that should ba nal
bis to tha unaMad aya ars Istoslsd on ths
map. Tha doubt* star (Dbfl at tha band of
tha handl* of tha Mg Otppar la aagHy
datactad Much mom difficult la tha
doubla alar naar Vaga in Lyra An opan
or gafaefte ciuatar fOCT) locatad batow
dagltlartua. low In tha aouthwaat. will
ohaNanga tha unafdad aya Haarby(
marhad (Nb| abov* tha "apout" of tha
“Teapot," Is the Lepoon Nebula, a cloud
ol gas and dust out ot which stars are
forming. The position ol an external star
system, called the Andromeda Galaxy
after tits constellation In which It ap
pears, la also Indicated (Glx) Try to
observe these obtecta with unaided ays
and binoculars
—0. David Belch
OBSERVE from Page 7
Awareness and interest about
astronomy is rising but the volun
teers want to make sure people gel
the most up-to-date information,
Dunn said.
Saturday night’s observations
were chosen to illustrate the mas
sive differences in distance be
tween what can be viewed by the
observatory’s three telescopes. The
telescopes were focused on Sat
urn, two light hours away, the
double star system, 400 light years
away and the light from the ring
nebula traveling thousands of light
years before it reaches the Earth,
Dunn said.
“We want to help the public by
telling them when and where to
look for interesting objects,” Dunn
Hyde offers information
By Connie L. Sheehan
Staff Reporter_
From September through
May, the Hyde Memorial Obser
vatory, located in Holmes Park,
is open from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday. The June through
August summer hours run from
sundown to 11 p.m. Admission
is free.
The observatory provides
three permanently mourned
telescopes for viewing. While
two of the telescopes were
commercially built, the third
telescope was designed and
built by members of the Prairie
Astronomy Club of Lincoln.
A movable roof, mounted on
rails, covers the observing area.
Rolling the roof aside exposes
the observation area to the eve -
ning sky. Appropriate clothing
ana insect repellent may be
needed since the observation
area is open to the outside.
Monthly constellation charts,
lists of special objects for view
ing and fact sheets are available
in the lecture area Visitors also
can view video presentations.
Moon maps, postcard.sets, solar
system cnarts and star locator
kits may be purchased from
observatory attendants.
_ 1
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