PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Lincoln Public Schools HIRING: **On-call substitute CUSTO DIANS. Must be available to work 4 hour shift between 3:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., Mon day through Friday. Salary $5.00 per hour. **Regular and substitute KIT CHEN ASSISTANTS. Must be available to work 3-1/2 to 4 hours between 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Salary $5.00 per hour. CONTACT: Personnel Office 720 South 22nd St. 473-0213 y with Magic Slim! Every night this week at the Zoo Bar. Watch for the new CD. ™ Plymouth r- O.Bol >1013, Urn,,,.* ‘TOWX.CLU'B, WtL'S I9&E(pr.o£jyz9{T ScyJiP'Kl'T?'. AO^XpWXf ES ‘TH'Ll'K TALL XTLS'M beginning Sept. 11. Contact the LCoffice, 472-2596, for information. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 'W Cti»RW1i OMnRiARR Ry t ****** Ft«« SymRcAM Temporary part-time eternal person* to astel with mi croti!minq project. 40-45wprn. Need to be able to work at least 16-20 hours/week. Allied Group Insurance, 700 North Cotner. 467 2381,_ The Dragon Palace In East Park Plaza is now aooepting applications for part time cashiers. Flexible day and evening hours available. Please apply in person. UNL City Union looking for pan-time kitchen and catering help. No expe rience necessary. Flexible hours. Contact Art at 472 2453 between 8-i 0 a.m. UNL City Union Looking for an art student to do signs and posters part time. Contact Jay at 472-2181. _ Valet parking attendant. Must be 21 and have good driving record. Friday and Saturday nights only after 4PM. Apply Brittanys, 2-4PM daily. _ Wanted: Models, part-time Top wages paid. Starting Sept. 1 ending Sept. 10. 464-7401. ask for Thomas. WORK STUDY STUDENTS Still looking for employment? We're desperatel Need office workers. Apply Faculty Senate Office. Rm 124, 601 Building, Wednesday. Sept. 6 - Friday. Sepr B. WORK WITH KIDS (Great Schedule for a Studentl) * Do you love kids (grades 1-61? * Do you have lots of energy' * Do you like to plan fun and developmental activities? ' Can you work from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. and then again from 2:30 to 6:00 p.rrv? If so. The SRI- St. Elizabeth's Child Development Center has an opportunity for you. Call Michelle today _ at 489-0700. Worldwide Images Two assistants needed for fashion, color and image consultations. Flexible hours. Call 435 7647. ROOMMATES Male roommate wanted to share one bedroom apart ment. Hayword Plaoe. 476-9495. Mature non-smoker for very nice 2 Bedroom duplex With basement, laundry facilities and off-street parking $200 plus 1/2 Low Utilities. Call 475-6353 and leave message. ^ ELDER ▼ ^rjEVvteLRY0ual"y O'amond^ ^ 1901 ^ 4 WEDDING RING 4 4 SPECIALIST A ^ Wholesale Prices ^ ▲ Newest Styles A Custom Design ▼ Shop and compare ♦ but see us last. A 3111 "O” St. 474-6044 ] A Cut Above The Rest k Reasonable Prioes ^ ^ The Newest Mens Sa. And Womens Stlyes. Cuts $6.50 Styles $13.00 Straight Edge Barber Shop 206 So 13th 476-1767 Dick Olson_Jim Cass Need one iomale roommate to there two bedroom, two bath apartment at 53rd and R. *153/month plus 1/3 utiMiee. Call 454-5220. Nor-smoking mala needed to there new 4-bedroom haute. Reasonable. Call 435-4176. Wanted: Male roommate. Serious student for basement living quarter*. ExcelJent location on Naw Hampshire Street. $140 plus utilities. 474*7280. HOUSES F()gJggT__~ Pour bedroom house between campuses, w/d. deposit ♦ utilities, available immediately. 488-5446._ Proudly Presenting Phoenix Properties 2)09 u, 4-bedroom, $425. 2311 U, 5-bed roo me, (575. Call Kim, 477-0491 __ APARTMENTSFORR^ENT 4123/month plut utilities. Ask for Dsb, 435-3747 or 477 1229.__ Available Immediately. 1230 So. 16th, 1 Bedroom. Unfurnished; 4240+Utilities. 2 Bedroom Unfurnished; 4350+ Utilities. Off-Street Parking. Central Air, Large. No Pets. 474-6603 or 483-6724. _ Near Campus. Newer 2-bedrooms. $335/month. 489 2203. "W" Street Rentals. One bedroom basement unfurnished apartment. 42004deposit. 435-2756, leave message. Proudly Presenting Phoenix Properties One and two bedroom*. (210-4375, any location. Call Kim, 477-0491. 1 Bedroom 2 bedroom 1329 S. 14th 1331 S. 14th 2540 S Street 420 N. 24th 3179 R Street 136 S 29th 3092 T Street 4907 Lowell 1020 C Street 1120 E Street Oak Lawn Plaza 12 new 1-bedroom unite, centrel eir, off-etreet perk ing. volleybell, beefcetbell, beeutiful. Cell Kim, 477 Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9^90 West Dodge Suite 302 Omana, NE b8114 (402| 392-1280 Member Ameii^.m Imnugiu tun Association ul Lawyeib Htaclice LimiiuO to imnnyidliuii Law I-1 | Onyx Pottery | | Imported Mexican Textiles | | Zarapes Blankets | Decorative Wall Hangings | | Bedspreads and Rugs | I I | Bring this ad for $1 off | I I I 27th & Vine | I All Day, Sept. 4-9 I ■_ i Students!! Bring your bedtable and chain and we pay the heat this winter! Super large efficiency. 648 S. 12th. 477 3648. Two bedroom apartments. Close to UNL. $350 to $365. Call Jeff at 477-4450. WANTED BACKTRACK RECORDS 3833 S. 48th 469-3817 Buying, selling records, tapes, compact discs-cheapest posters in town. ADOPTION ~ ic We are yearning to share our love with a child. Profes sional dad. full-time mom, two dogs, warm secure subur ban home and beach vacation home are waiting for a baby. Let us help you through this emotional time and work together to give the baby a bright and happy future. Expenses paid. legal/contidentiaL Please call Eileen and Gary oollect anytime, 516-938-3767. SOCIAL SERVICES ~ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. FITNESS ~ For Sale: Two Sports Courts memberships No initiation fee. Call Kelly. 421-2635 or Dave. 489-4552 Slim For Life Comprehensive 9-week weight manage ment program. Nutritious food supplied. Only 10-12 per session. So call now. 435-7647. PREGNANCY MATERNITY CONSIGNMENT SHOP Business/Casual Wear. Deswner/Quality Labels. 2703 Randolph 476-3951 r Scuba I Certification *25 oft Your pool session in Sept, or Oct. Big Mac Scuba your complete diving center "A Campus Rec. Program" Snorkeling Headquarters BIG MAC 488-7774 SCUBA 237 So. 70th ** EXTRA CASH ** FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! youi In si time bach in ovei a monliib Alien yuu bnny a new uonui Ann you Salut. tablei piabma Uonaliun uniy ai Abl cenleib Uoe to auiomaieu pioceUuic (Lunubeb bubjc-cl luclianyei (Mon bai ; Hec- paihmy al any Path & bliop UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience, Inc. 1442 O Street 475-8645 Wo accept an aUb iium compeliloib Jim's Journal r“ "" — - — — by Jim r " ■■ ^ ^ ■ — X'vn A*** Tku «» +ke *\y life -- to ct*SS. xt >JCkS ok**f X c*me home ar\J watched TV e*e* +keu$k x