The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1989, Page 15, Image 15
ArfUv flute and new case, $125; Conn Alto Sax, good $300. Call 469-4768._ attfnTION - HIRINGI Government job* - your area. $17,840-$69,485. Call1-602 e3e-888^, ext H4005. Portable Word Processor 500. Like new. $425. Even ngs and weekends, 476-8748. _ Cliff s for Ushers and Wedding Giftsl 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Imported and Domestic cigarettesl 140 N. 12th St. ___ For Sale 10 speed bicycle, good shape, reconditioned. Call 4 74-2295. ___ ro/nnous' Off-shoulder white wedding dress. Floor te^Mram. Size 10-12. Was $440. Sell:* 100.489-3560 evenings. _ i. n True Jeeps for $44 through the Government? Call lor facts' 1312 742-1142._ext. 3153-A Kitchen table w/chairs and sofa. Best offer. 785-5935, no calls after 9:30 pm. LPD NOTICE OF SALE ON UNCLAIMED BICYCLES Seot 14 6 30p m. At Lincoln Land Towing, 410 West P Street, by Property Division. No Checks Accepted One large arrowana for sal*. 435-0540. leave message. Small apartment refrigerator with freezer. Approxi mately ?4 inches in height. Excellent condition. Call 483 5606 Used desks and chairs. See Mike at 820 N Street, 9-4 White Hoover Refrigerator. 5.0 Cubic Feet with Freezer Compartment, and Half Pint Sharp Microwave Oven .04 Cubic Feet Both excellent oonditionl Call 466-4682. autos wanted 01 Fo>d Escort 4-Speed, good condition, very dean $890 421 3352. VEHICLES |gg_g^yL 1988 Honda Scooter Elite 50 LX. Low mikm. excellent condition $8QOorOBO. 421*7148. 1986 Honda Magna 700 Watercooled. ahattdnven, 2400 miles. 3 year warranty. 435-4178. 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme; 79.000 miles, nice. $3975 Nights, 486-1088. 1981 Honda CB750 Custom Motorcycle. Excellent Condition $785/obo. 468-7410. 1980 Yamaha 400 Special Low mileage, good condi tion. Asking $500. 421-1131. TICKET EXCHANGE 4 General Admission Tickets lor sale $30each. For9/ 989 Call 475-9301. Early A.M. or Late P.M. APairofGASeasonTickets. S500. 475-9301, early a m. or late p m. Male season tootball ticket lor sale. 477-1109. Wanted Two seasons tickets together. 483-0540. SERVICES = BULLOCK DRYWALL A CUSTOM INTERIORS Students for your wall repair* and optima lix-up, call 466 0172 3441 N 63rd. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons, beginners or advanced. Zager Studio 423-2709 TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 Yoga classes now tormina Center For The Healing Arts. 474 7246. TYPING & RESUMES ~ •SEPTEMBER SPECIAL" ONE PAGE RESUME, only $20. Includes 12 copies. 5 blank sheets. 5 envelopes A disk. Nebraska Bookstore 13th A Q 476-0111 All-Types Secretarial Services. Term papers, etc. 826 M Street. Suite 207 4 77-044 5. Bnng us your typing needs. We do Dissertations. The**. Long term Pro|*cts. smalt/large P*>ers. Resume*, and Letiers/Envelopes. Great rates, prompt service. COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 1630 QUE STREET 476-TYPE ^NOUNCEMENTS ~ "'catv, meeting Wednesday. September 6. in onice. 4pm ARTS A SCIENCES SENIORS! I* it it true that the Career Planning A Placement Center can only help Business end Engineering students? Find out for your sell. Attend the orientation session todey at 11am in 142 Home Ec Building. Ser de-que c2$.%,SaP,#mb#r ®h. 6:30p.m.. Antelope Park Shelter FACTb. New Member Festival. n Bike Pedalers Cakley eye shades 20% oil! New A used bikes, all sizes • prices 33rd A B' 474-7000. BUSINESS STUDENTS - Increase your business knowl edge and create close friendship* by joining Delia Sigma It.' business fraternity. Stop our booth in the CBA Iront loyer Sept. 6-8. The booth may close early - so hurryl Slud#nl Advisory Board meeting at City Union. VMpm,, Thuraday, SepSamber 7. Vary important. T„ , CROSS COUNTRY MEET |he Intramural Croas Country wilt bo hold Thursday. 9/7 at Oak Lak# Park. Th# rac* is 2 1 mil** and will begm promptly at 4:30p.m. No •dvano* antry required- enter on site The rac* is open to men and woman. 472-3487. DANCERS Orehaal* Student Dance Company will meet Thursday. September 7 at 7:00p.m. in MLH119. n*w Mam bar* Wstcoma. Orchesis is lor any one who likes dancing. RP*.c*rnk»; 89. May 90 and Auguat 90 Graduate*! 'fT’b ’be Career Planning A Placeman! Center braska UmonP °,'*n,*,'on •cbedbl* m Room 230. Ne Do you Ik* to have lun? Than oome to th* 'JPC Postedfl'inaCh' ’Pbay at 400 Room will bs L^etudaJrt* 01 N®bf®»h®'* oldest spoils. UN «gajgsa.sva,r101 ™ FBLA/DECA In High School? continue the Excitement and Funl u. u , T. PBJ--Phi Beta Lambda ist Meeting Thursday. September 7, 5p.m. CBA 120. ho„~,m Fre®tripto Hawaii Hottest Hawaiian T-shirts, shorts. Send $3 tor catalog HonofuIu,.TlA 96828ClUb HaWa"' P ° B°* 1166^ n . u Fr®* U uon t have a clue? Come to the first meeting of Free VwTL°C0OMEr UPC ^ NOb Headlines Hair Design's innovative and creative ataff is having a workshop with world renowned educator . P*r- Thi! *• y°ur opportunity to be a port of H. m0d*1* who e,n ^ •vailable Sept. 12, call l?l? 0( ,h® biggest parlies of the year. Join the UHC Walpurgisnacht committee Meeting Wednesday at 4pm Room to be posted. j^owwou^O you lik* to see some ol the latest movies lor Iree’ All you have to do is become a part ol the Sight* A Sounds Committee lor UPC. To find out more, come to the first meeting' Nebraska East Union, Room TBA. Wednesday, September 8 at 6:30 p m II you do not want your name, addrass, or talaphone number included in the UNL student directory, oomplete lorm at University Information OHioe. 208 Admin., by Sept 15 Interested in playing pool or darts’ Bash Riprock's will sponsor your team Call 435-2274. ask lor Oave Intramural Sports ACTIVITY ENTRY PERIOD PLAY BEGINS Punt. Pass A Kick (M.W.C) enter on site 9/6 Cross Country (M.W.C) enter on site 9/7 Tennis Singles (M.W) 8/28-9/6 9/11 Tennis Doubles (C) 8/28-9/6 9/11 Slow Pitch Softball (M.W) 8/28-9/6 9/11 Flag Football (C) 8/28-9/6 9/13 472-3467 INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Wednesday. 9/6 is the entry deadline lor the following Intramural activities: Men's and Women’s Slow Pitch Softball. Co-Rec Flag Football. Men's and Women's Tennis Singles, and Co-Rec Tenn* Doubles 472-3467. Lied Center Student Association meeting TONIGHT in Student Union at 6PM. i - ■ 1 ■! MAJOR CONCERTS PRESENTATION TEAM Meeting Thursday. September 7. 6 p m., City Union (room posted) Everyone Welcomed' NAA The Cornhusker Chapter of the National Association of Accountants has agreed to sponsor an official student affiliate group (formally the Accounting Association): 5:00p m., Wednesday. C'ty Union Room Posted. Parking available. S6 50/month Close to campus. 19A Y Call 476-1212 or stop at 1815 Y St. Position* available: University Program Council-East has the Kaleidoscope Chairposihon lor the 1969-90 year open Pick up applications at either CAP office at 200 Nebraska Unon (472-2454) or 300Nebraska East Union (472-1780) Deadline is 5 p m.. Thursday. September 7 PUNT. PASS. A KICK The Intramural Punt. Pass, A Kick Competition will be held Wednesday. 9f6 fiom 4p.m.-7p.m. at the Cather/Pound football fields at 17th A Vine Men s, Women's A Co-Rec Competition is available. No Fee. 472-3467. Robber's Cave is booking evening parties at S200+Tax plus 5100 Clean-Up and Damage Deposit Call 423 3370 __ Rodeo Fans The UNI Rodeo Association will be holding its first meeting September 6. 7:30pm m the East Campus Un ion. Help support America s first official sport' The UNL Block A Bridle club will be holding its first meeting Thursday, September 7 at 7:30 and 7 for all new initiates in the East Union.__ TUTORS The Student Information Center i* compiling a hat of tutor* for ttudent ueo Anyone wishing to be on the tat please come in and f4l out an apptication at the ASUN Student Info. Center. 116 Nebr Union. UPC-Concert# A Coffeehouse# Looking for a fun and exciting way to get involved? Check thi* out I Wednesday. 4pm. meeting time. NE Union, room-TBA WANTED: American Student* with: Expandable Horizon* Cross-cultural Outlook* A Liking for People A Desire to Help Other* One Hour a Week to Spare The English Conversion Program makes foreign students and American Student* who want to broaden their understanding of the world by meeting a friend from another country. Call International Educational Serves*. 472 3264 or stop by 1237 R Street tor application Who are you’ What are )rou doing’^Campu* club* 43A4107~by September U) ""young democrats Meeting lor Old and New Member* All Weloomel To night, 6:00p m. Union. CRFRK^AFFAIRS Ag Men Little Sisterit Mandatory Meeting Wednesday. Sept 6at10:0Qp.m.. ExacrJ 9:30p.m. Pleaae attend I AOS Daughter* of D#meter Meeting Wednesday. September 6 at 9:30 p.m. at the houM txecutive at 900 Bring your calendar* Atyia Gamma Sigma and Alpha Chi Omega present •Jj* Meetere". Sunday, September 10 trom 1.00 • 5:30p.m. ATTENTION How would you like to have a pop machine with 7-Up. Coke, Pepsi or all three in it? AND A snack machine that has name brand chips, pastry, and candy complete with a dollar bill changer. It interested, please call Bob or Jerry at JJ Vending. 423-3182. ATTENHON GREEK YEARBOOK STAFF APPLICA TIONS NOW AVAILABLE. Positions for editorial stall, advertising stall, and photography stall can be picked up in room 352 NE Union. Due Thursday, Sept. 7 at 4.00 Congratulations to our lantastic pledge classll We love you IT Your A Phi sisters. Congratulations to Jim P. (Sigma Chi) lor becoming state champion water skier ol Wisconsin. Your Brothers Congratulations to Ag Men's 1989 Pledge Classl The} are Craig J Rob S , Russ M . Jason S„ Matt G„ Greg C„ DeanW'.Tom B., Rusty K., Greg Q. .Chris S„ Kent T„ Wika B . Ryan E., Stan M„ Clint S., Todd J„ Aaron M., Jeff C., Chris B . Jason R., and Brian M. Dells, Thanhs lor the Plugge Burgers Saturday We all have a great timel The Women ol Phi Mu Phi Mu Pledges, Congratulations on your pledging. Get ready lor a great year We are all proud ol you. The Women ol Phi Mu The Men ol Beta Sigma Psi are proud to announce their new initiates; Dave l.. Dave A., Matt P„ and Doug M. Congratulation* I The Pledge Class of the Kappa Soma Iraternity would Ike to sincerely thank the Alpha Chi Pledge Class lor joining them in a study break on Thursday the 31st ol August. §TUD|^T20VgRNMENT STUDENT GOVERNMENT Chock out what positions are open Da ad i mas for each position are listed below. ASUN Senator lor the Graduate College ASUN Senator lor Division ol General Studies Parking Advisory Board 4:00 p.m. - Sept. IS, IMS Campus Rec. Advis. Counc. - Res. Hall A OH Campus Committee for Fees Allocation - Residenoe Hall Electoral Commission - Member Teaching Council Nebr. Union Board 4:00 p.m. - Sept. 22, 1SAS Curriculum Committee Calendar A Examinations Comm. Commencement Committee 4:00 p.m. - Sept. 2S, 1989 Information and applications are available in the ASUN oHice. 115 Nebraska Union. UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6:30p.m. - TONIGHT NEBRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION PERSONALS ~ VANEK C., I dread this last day of being your girHriend. You will be on an island by the time you read this. I loved having this last summer with you. I will never forget: freezing with you in Colorado, the eclpse in Chicago, the kid I wanted to beat up at the drive-in, the 2 pitchers of beer and 4 drinks at the Sidetrack, pigging out at Old Country BuHet. sloe screw fishbowls, playing in metal rockets, going to two restaurants to get full, watching fireworks on your car, gening discounts at VI, playing tennis and gin and winning both, how awesome you looked at your body-building meet, how cut you looked on stage, now small you posing shorts were, playing gin under a full rainbow and Miss Personality waitresses. We have loved each other for three and a half years and I don't think our separation will ever change that. I gave my heart and soul to you. I can never give them to anyone else. I LOVE YOU AND I LL MISS YOU' Michelle P.S. Watch out tor old ladies in cemeteries! Dear Beau. You're kind of cutel Are you really as gentle on th* basketball oourt as you are in class? Love. Marcus. P.S. Do you have a boy/girlfnend7 BOB- BOB H<w>y 20th 8irthday to my Marboro ManlH You de serve a GOOD SHOWER and a day without studying. I hope your day is swelll , _ Love. The Little Red Haired Girl CHILD CARE BABY TEACHER * Do you love infants and toddlers? * Are you excited about the development of small children? * Can you develop relafx>nships with children arid parents? * If so, the SRI- St. Elizabeth's Child Development Center has an opportunity available for an infant/ toddler teacher. Call Michelle today, at 489-8700. Baby-sitting in my home. Have references. Near down town Call 476-0131. Looking for live-in sitter for evenings/weekends 15-20 hours/week. Exchange for room and board. Must have car. Capital Beach. References required Call 435-2695 after 5 p.m. Occasional baby-sitter needed 3 Children, needs own transportation 421-1800. Wanted intelligent and fun person for two like wize children. 56 8 0 area. 3:30-5 or 6:30. Flexible and more hours available at times. Have a car and be dependable Call 483-6274-evemngs Good pay (arranged aocordmg to duties). HELPVVANTED_== Annie Or*ley's has full and part-time day and nrghi positions open in all areas. Apply in person. 6100 O Street, between 11 -4p.m. Bonanza Restaurant. Part-time hefc needed Mon., Wed., Fri.. 12-4pm. Evening 8 weekends open atoo. Apply 28th 8 Cornhusker Campus Reps Wanted For Sale* opportunity Astrophotoaraphy print* appaal to collage crowd. Great earnings potential Must be able to travel to Omaha oocassionalfy. Send qualification* (including telephone number) to RepP O Box 24422. Omaha, NE 6*124. Cashiers wanted lor servioe station/convenience store Weekend and night hour*. H you're horyl. dependable and friendly, apply now at Wood* Park Amoco, 33rd and CHECKER Permanent part-time position evening* A weekend* Apply in parson SAVE-MART 11th & Cornhusker Coco * i* now hiring food servers and busser* Must be hardworking, energetic and responstole. Apply in per »on, 120 North 681 n Street. Downtown YMCA need* afternoon/evening aerobic in structor* Apply 1039 P Street, 475-9622 EARN $2000-$4000 Searching for employment that permit* working your own hours, but still challenging enough tor your entrepreneurial skills? Manage programs lor Fortune 500 company. Earn $2,000 $4,000. Call 800-932-0528, ext. 11. EASY VIDEO We are looking for a responsible person who enjoy* working with people. Approximatsily 15-25 hour* per week, hours include evenings, weekends, and holiday* People 19 and older apply in person Too through Fn between l -3p.m. 70th and "O Street, Meridian Park General farm work, full or part-time No call* after 9 X p m. 785 6935 or 785 3235 GODFATHER'S PIZZA Now hiring kitchen counter and delivery Apply in person to 1209 Q Street. 48th A Vine, and South 48th A Hwy 2. HUDSON BAY COMPANY Need* articulate and arrtoitiou* people to do phone work on progressive issue, such as protecting the ozone layer, recycling, ground water contamination, toxic use reduction, utility and insurance industry reform. Now hiring for 200-8:30p m. shift, 4.00-8 30p.m. shift, 690 10:3op.m. shift or weekend*. Earn $7.00/hr to start $8.00/hr on weekend. Training, travel and advancement, references required. For an interview call. 11 a m. to 1 p.m. only Mon.-Fri., 476-1010. Interyted in pharmacy’ Pad-time employment at Jim'i Drug A Surgical Supply. 1400 South Street 435-2168. Kitchen help wanted immediately. Night hours. Randy’t Donut Shop. Apply in person 9am-11 am. 201 Capital Beach. _ Lawn Care Personnel Positions available for both full and pad time. Require* good driving record and neat dean appearance call Pro Mow for appointment. 423-5600 Lincoln University Club It hiring people lor the following positions: Day and Evening Wait Staff Cocktail waitery Evening Line Cooks Apply in Person at Lincoln University Club, 11th Floor, University Towers. 13th 4 P. Male or female clerks needed. Afternoons and nights. Apply m person, Mike's O Street Drve In. 22nd 4 O. MING PALACE REST. Part-time lunch waitery person and evening dishwasher. Apply in person. 1309 L Street._ deeded: Part-time cook for 5 young men. Three evening meals a week: Tues.. Wed., Thurs Hours and pay nego tiable. Call 476-9432 after 7pm Needed: Students with work study vouchers tor many research positions in Department of Horticulture. Contact Diane or Susan at 472-2854 or 377 Plant Science. East Campus. _ _ Now hiring. Lincoln's largest lamtonal firm has parl-timr permanent evening positions. Start $3.75/hour. FBG Service Corporation. 3609 Adams_ Occasional milker. Needed tor dairy farm Good pay. 794 6585 OFFICE HELP Mornings type 60 wpm. proofread, sell notes. Apply at Jon's Notes located m Nebraska Bookstore. 1300 C Street. ON CALL Group homes, teen parenting programs, crisis shelter 4 day care S4.B1/hr. Youth counselors must be at least 23 have valid Nebraska drivers license, minimum high school education and work/educational experience in human services, degree preferred. Child care workers only require child care experience Apply to Youth Service System. 2202 South 11th. Rm 224. Nodeadlme. EOE _ Part time waitery. bartender, evening cooks, kitchen help and bus persons needed. Apply in person Turnpke Restaurant Saltillo Rd. ask for Marvin Part-time checkers and eackers needed Must be friendly and enjoy working with the public. Russ's IGA, 56th t Hwy 2.___ Part-time cashier needed. Evenings. Saturdays. Apply in person to Quick Cash. 2310 N. 1._ _ _ Part-time serveeperson for spas and hot tubs. Flexible hours. Knowledge of basic electricity and use of handtools necessary Apply in person, Town Center Showcase. 27th and 0. — ■- — • -- Part-time draft* person to draw house plans. Need Production Drawings or equkralent. F lexible hour*, apply Lincoln lumber Company. 922 North 23rd._ Part-time warehouse hefc needed Apply m person 1600 Cornhusker Hwy, Horizon Seeds Part time clerical help needed. Nebraska Department of Education Technology Center Typing computer titer aoy. telephone skill* needed. Call 471 2916. Part-time 25 30 hours per week. Knowledge ol building materials helpful Apply in person. Pauley lumber Do it Center, 945 South 27th PC Operator* Induetrlal Workers, Marketing Aeprooontatlvoe Stop worrying about money for tuition. Come to Kelly! Fun, temporary |ob* available now' ‘Good mv ‘Flexible echedule 'Short-and long-term aaelgnmente. Call u* today I 463-4064. Kelly Temporary Services The Killy 0*1 People- The First and The Best EOF tf/F/H/V Not an agency neuer a tee Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Now hiring tor all positions Make up to 97.00 Flexible echoduling Apply in person lo: 46th 6 0 1-80 6 Airport Exit Peter McCues/Sweep Left Football heqd quart ore Now hiring part-time cocktail sarvers. Excellent starting salary plus tps. Flexible hours No experieno* neces sera, w* train. Musi be 19. Apply: 815 O Street, 474 Pizza Shuttle is now hiring lull and pert time delivery drivers. 93.75/hour. Commission and bonuses 25 cent* raise after lirsl 60 days Must have own car. proof of insurance and good driving record. Apply: 230 N. 17th Inside positions also available. Receptionist. Piece of th* Pi* has an immedist* opening for apart-time receptionist 7:30AM - 12:30PM. Mon. - Fri. Additional duties include light typing, mailings and photocopying. If you are a professional, energetic per son with a good personality, the is th* mb lor you. Send resume and refarenoas to: Personnel Director. Piece ol the Pie. P O Box 61806. Lincoln. NE 66501. Runza Drive-ins Now hiring 11th ft Cornhusker, 70th ft Van Dorn. 13th ft E, 33rd ft Highway 2. West 0. The quality our customers have oome to expect has made Runza a leader in the last-food business through out the midwest. Many of our stores our within fnre minutes drive from either the Downtown or the East Campus. We have excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available (days or evenings). We offer: ‘Competitive starting eaiary-l4/hour for lunch hour help. ‘Flexible scheduling ‘Great working environment ‘Opportunities for advancement Apply at any of our area locations SKI STEAMBOAT FREE Intercampus Programs e looking for an individual, or famzaton or club to promote our Christmas Break Ski rip. Work with the nation's leading college tour opera tor. We provide aH marketing materials, tree trips, and cash commissions. Call now for details. 1 -800-327 6013. Ext. 300. _ Sunchase Tours is currently recruiting Campus Repre sentatives to promote our Collegiate Winter Ski Trips ft Spring Break Ski ft Beach Tripe. Earn top commissions and free trips I Call 1 -800-321 -5011 for additional infor mation. Campus organizations welcome I _ _ _ _ , • DRAFTING * > SUPPLIES ^ 20% to 50% OFF 1 discount cards I f pat ash inc 1320 P St. 474-4415 B uo^ This coupon is worth %0/**> $20.00 \S I ** on your 1st and 2nd plasma donations (within 6 days). r I Earn cash while you study. For more I information call the "Friendliest Staff in Town". LINCOLN PLASMA i ■ We honor all coupons from competitors. J I 126 North 14th Suite #2 474-2335J immmmmm ■ ■ ■ • ® i PARENTS i WITH ; DRINKING i PROBLEMS? I SUPPORT & PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPS FOR UNIVERSITY STLJENTS i & STAFF I FOR INFORMATION CALL: X CYNTHIA SENCHUK I 472-7440 9 or 472-2351 g