The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1989, Image 1
CORRECTION: In a story about the Side Show (DN. Aug 29). the band was incorrectly labeled heavy metal The Daily Nebraskan regrets this error WEATHER: INDEX I Wednesday, partly cloudy, breezy and humid 2 with a 20 peroent chance of thundershowers fhZ^I9 .4 and a high near 85 Winds south at 10 to 20 miles sports. 8 per hour Wednesday night, partly cloudy with a Arts & Entertainment.12 30 percent chance of thundershowers and a low Classifieds.14 between 65 and 70,_ .Vol. 89 No. 7 Regent: Vote-trading accusations ‘laughable’ R Lisa Twiestmeyer ■Etff Reporter I A ccusations that vote trading was a fac tor in the NU Board of Regents’ deci »A sion to terminate former NU President Ronald Roskcns are “laughable,” said Regent Rosemary Skrupa of Omaha. A Sept. 3 article in the Omaha World fcerald said Sen. Jerome Warner of Waverly and several anonymous sources implied that Pkrupa and other regents may have voted to Support Roskcns’ termination in return for support of a doctoral program at the University pf Nebraska at Omaha. Skrupa said Tuesday that vote trading never was an issue during the board’s deliberations over Roskcns, and the possibility of getting a doctoral program at UNO was not involved in her decision to vote Roskcns out. “You could take any one of us (regents) and put us under a lie detector test,” Skrupa said. “At no time has anything like that (vote trad ing) happened.” Warner said Tuesday that a World-Herald reporter had approached him over the weekend and asked him if he had heard talk of a link between the two issues. The reporter already had heard from other sources that there was a link, Warner said, and Warner confirmed that he had heard similar stories from people in Omaha. Warner said two sources, whom he declined to identify, told him that Skrupa, Regent Mar garet Robinson of Norfolk and board chairman Nancy HochofNcbraskaCity were involved in the alleged vote trading. “1 don’t know if they arc the same people that talked to the reporter,” Warner said. “But I had heard enough that I was satisfied that there was a link.” Skrupa said that at no time did any of the anonymous sources in the World-Herald ar ticle say that a vote actually was traded. “At the most, they say I might have gained some good will,” Skrupa said. While she supports a doctoral program on the UNO campus, Skrupa said she will exam ine the issue the same way the other regents will - “ in a dispassionate way. Is it needed and can we afford it.” “As a new regent. I’ll vote as I sec what’s necessary for the university system, number one, and for my district,” she said. Skrupa said she voted to go along with Roskcns’ ouster for several reasons, but vote trading was not one of them. “You don’t trade a man’s career lor a Ph.D. program,” Skrupa said. Robinson said the first she had heard of the possibility of vote trading was when she read the newspaper article. “Speaking for myself, as Jar as I’m con cemed there was no vole trading, and it was never suggested to me,” Robinson said. “It is absolutely untrue that it ever took place.” Hoch said in the World-Herald article that there was no link to the issues. She could not be reached for comment. The World-Herald article quoted anony mous sources as saying that in closed-door discussions leading to Roskcns’ termination agreement, regents Skrupa and Robinson were swing votes. “I think they’re giving us more credit than due,” Skrupa said. Other regents were upset with Warner and the sources' comments in the article. “It just saddens me that Jerry Warner has to go to that extent,” said Regent Don Blank of McCook. “What bothers me is that in that story there arc at least six anonymous sources ... II See REGENT on 6 iThird UNL student gets probation ny rai uinsiage Staff Reporter he third of six University of Ncbraska-Lincoln students charged in the robbery and alleged attack on a California man last May was sentenced Friday at Lancaster County District Court. Ward Elliott, a 1988 freshman advertising student, was sentenced to one year probation by Judge William D. Blue for his part in the robbery and alleged attack on a 31-year-old man at the Comhusker Hotel. Police said the man was attacked, and his ring, briefcase, watch and SI 15 in cash were stolen from his room at the Comhusker. Elliott’s attorney, James Hoppe, told the court that his client’s role was “probably the most minimal.” Hoppe said Elliott was not in Hill takes action volvcd in stealing the property and never hit the victim. In addition, Elliott cooperated as soon as the police arrived, identifying the others involved and cooperating with the Lancaster County attorney’s office, he said. “He told what he knew from the beginning,’’ Hoppe said. In sentencing, Blue said it seemed that Elliott was ‘ ‘just standing around drinking,” when he shouldn’t even have been in the Comhusker. Hoppe told the court that Elliott plans to go to the Art Institute of Dallas this fall. If Elliott’s probation is successful, it can be set aside and struck from his record upon completion, Blue said. Elliott said the sentence was “pretty fair, considering what I was involved in.” He said he expected probation after David Kuszaj and John C. Mikkclsen received one year of pro bation for their involvement in the incident. Kusz.aj also received an $800 fine. Todd Zimmerman, another stu dent involved in the incident, is scheduled for sentencing in district court today on amended misde meanor charges. Lcodis Wiley, another student involved, pleaded no contest to a count of third-degree assault and guilty to theft. His sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 28. Mitchell Hope also was charged in the incident. Deputy County Attor ney Jan Lipovsky said Hope previ ously pleaded not guilty to the rob bery charges but is set to change his plea. Anti-homophobic programs scheduled By Jana Pedersen Senior Reporter After receiving criticism from a gay- and lesbian-rights activ ist at the last ASUN meeting, Bryan Hill announced that he has developed several projects to combat homophobia at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Hill said education will be the focus of his efforts, which include publicizing a recently adopted NU Board of Regents anti-discrimination policy and informing students about Hill made the announcement at AS UN’s last senate meeting after Rodney Bell, chairperson of the Gay/ Lesbian Alumni Association Inc., blamed homophobia at UNL and in Lincoln for the basis of verbal and physical attacks against gays and lesbians. Asking senators to take the lead role, Hill said “this is something we can make a difference in.” “Sometimes you are forced into situations where you have to take the lead on an issue that might not be popular,” he said. “But if people hale homosexuals... I can’t tolerate that in my community.” In a telephone interview this weekend, Hill said he developed several projects over the summer that he hopes will educate students better and decrease homophobia. One project that AS UN worked on last spring was the regents’ adoption of a revised non-discrimination pol icy, he said. AS UN passed a resolution calling for the board to enact a clause that would prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, Hill said. The UNL Faculty Senate passed a similar resolution, he said, as did student and faculty senates at the Un iversity of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. But regents didn ’ t adopt the policy exactly as AS UN leaders had hoped, Hill said. Instead, he said, regent Margaret Robinson of Norfolk introduced a resolution that would prevent dis crimination on the basis of “individ ual characteristics.” Although Hill said he agreed with Bell, who called the resolution “to tally inadequate,” he said he thought the resolution can work if it is well publicized. wmSSSSmBsmBSmmBmmmSm ‘Sometimes you are forced into situations where you have to take the lead on an issue that might not be popular.’ —urn SB SB S “My concern is that it’s somewhat vague and that people aren’t going to realize that one of the things that’s included under this is sexual orienta tion,” he said. “People are unaware that this is the university’s policy right now.” To publicize the clause, Hill said, he talked to UNL Chancellor and interim NU President Martin Mas sengale and asked his staff to send a memo to UNL staff and faculty in forming them of the inclusion of sexual orientation in the resolution. Hill said he also is working with Brad Munn, UNL affirmative action officer, on the development of a poster that would explain the mean ing of the new policy. But Hill said the posters won’t be displayed yet because he is afraid they will be vandalized unless special precautions are taken. If these projects successfully pub licize the new policy and the policy is well-received, he said, regents may be more likely to accept more spe cific wording in the non-discrimina tion clause, Hill said. Hill said he would like to see a more specific proposal adopted, but “before they adopt that, I’d like to see how well this one does with better publicity. “If the university administration does a good job of explaining how homophobic behavior is unaccept able, then I don’t see a need for a more specific wording.” A non-discrimination policy for students with AIDS is another possi bility, Hill said. But he said he hasn’t “looked into it much.” Hill saia ne nas necn concentrat ing his efforts on helping the univer sity develop a program to increase student awareness about acquired immune deficiency syndrome. ASUN senators will gel the chance to preview an educational videotape on AIDS at tonight’s ASUN meeting, he said. The videotape, which uses UNL staff, faculty and students to present facts about AIDS, was created by the affirmative action office, he said. If ASUN gives its approval, he said, the videotape will be made available for presentations at student organization meetings. Increased student awareness about AIDS can help prevent the spread of the disease and also help get rid of misconceptions about its trans mission, Hill said. “We need to help students be come aware of the real facts,” he said. Thirteen racouetbalJ and waitevbell courts or* a*-LkiiAle aLamji AAeA urifl aA Ihn #vl#4 ftkll I l^nliftrti ■fn in^ao »vVv*5 atony *fsO oaas wwo o^o '■^on^^puwi basketball court are part of phase II of the Campus Recreation protect. Rec center used heavily in first week of classes By Chria Tipton Staff Reporter More than 3,000 University of Nebraska-Uncoln stu dents have used the new Recreation Center since it opened its doors last week. Bill Goa, coordinator of infor mal recreation and facilities, said about 3,000 students used the, new weight training and conditioning room during the first week Students also used the jogging track and racquctbail courts that were ned Friday. UI sophomore Coley O’Doherty said he thought the rec center was ‘ excellent for a student facility.” O’Doherty, who has been to the facility at the University of Ne braska at Omaha, said, UNL of fers a lot more for the casual ath lete and power lifter and body builder. Also, the people who work here art really friendly ami willing to help.” Paul Dodson, an industrial en gineering major, said he thought the new weight room was much better than the old one. “Last year’s (weight room) was a dungeon compared to this,” Dodson said. Stan Campbell, director of campus recreation, said the swim ming pool and the basketball oourts could be open by the end of the week. The swimming pool is specially designed for swimming laps, he said. It is a five-lane pool with a See RECREATION on 5