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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1989)
(JNL enrollment continues growth COLLEGE from Page 1 colleges. “With the number of gradu ating high school seniors shrinking greatly through 1994, the numbers just aren’t out there for traditional students,” Williamson said. Recruitment of non-tradi tional students is rapidly grow ing to make up for the lack of younger students, he said. Another key for maintaining enrollment at NU, she said, is alleviating students’ concerns about high costs. Schmidt said the best way to help students with financial problems is to better acquaint them with financial aid oppor tunities. Project provides day care for UNL community n., ri..:. t* . ^ » —j ■ ipiun Staff Reporter University of Nebraska-Lincoln students with children often have trouble finding good day care close to campus, said the director of the Uni versity Child Care Project. Barbara Vigil said that to be more cost effective, the University Child Care Project is looking for a place to provide its services. Currently, the center offers child care at 1201 Ben ton St., and infant care at the Corner stone church, 640 N. 16th St. “Right now students with two children end up taking them to two different places for day care,” Vigil said. UNL day care offers service to children of UNL students, faculty and staff as well as community members. Children of UNL students have prior ity. During the summer a day camp is offered for school-age children at St. Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal Church. The rate for child care for 3- to 5 year-old children is $62 a week. Care for 2-year-olds costs $65 a week. Care for infants between six weeks and 2 years costs $73.50 a week. Vigil stresses that although $73.50 may sound like a lot of money, most students would qualify for financial aid. She said students interested in financial aid should apply for a Title XX at the Department of Social Serv ices. At the University Child Care Proj ect, children are cared for by univer sity students and staff. “We run at very low child/staff ratios, lower than state require ments,’’ Vigil said. “For example, the state requires one teacher for every twelve 4- and 5-year olds and we run at one teacher for every eight children.” On the UNL East Campus, the Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory also offers day care to UNL students, faculty and staff. The Lab, located at 35th and Fair streets, is part of the UNL Human Development and Family depart ment. It is part of the teacher training program and cares for children ages 2 to 6 years. Pauline Zeece, director of the Child Care Lab, said children are cared for by university students under the direction of faculty members. The lab has a nursery school open to the community for two hours in the morning and afternoon at a cost of S209 a semester for the three-day-a week program. “All programs are used to en hance the teaching program,” Zeece said. “The beginning students start out at the nursery school working with children for two hours.” Zeece said the lab tries to develop physical, motor and cognitive skills in children. “The children have self-selected activities in an environment struc tured by the students,” Zeece said. “We’ve learned that play is very important.” Children of international students make up about 20 percent of the esti mated 100 children at the lab, Zeece said. “We’ve received a $1,500 grant from the Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources to help the chil dren learn about other cultures,” Zeece said. Foiy>Ay£_______^ Art you looking for student fur mture for fell’ ONE MORE TIME is the placet Open seven daysAweek F ree parking 850 N 27th 474 2065 ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U-re Mir) Delinquent lax property Repossessions Call 1 602 838 8885 Ext GH 12.5M Eve Contact Replacement and Spare Lenses starting at $19.95 i 800 255-2020. Good, used furniture for sale to hep students furnish apartments 423 9109 Green swivel easy chair, TV stand, TV trays. Howe,-pots, plant stands, typewriter, hibachi. 423-5556 after 10 p.m. Lazy Boy rocker reclmer, Smith Corona portable type writer. velvei living room chair, extension table, "Desk extends to 40x40 and then 40x76." hanging lamp, tires 195-70-14. lour director's chairs, 489-5306. Matching full bedroom suite. Mattresses, headboard, dresser, chest of drawers, trams. 488-4495 New love 9eat for 9ale Brown plaid $100 firm. 489-2243. Nice full mattress and box springs. $50. Antique desk, $50 488-2216 after 4 p.m. Pioneer SX 550 Stereo receiver. $95. Call Dave week days 475-7575._ AUTOS WANTED = Want to buy 1967-1971 VIA Bug body with little or no rust on floor pans and rocker panels. Okay if engine is bed. Call 477-5217 and leave message. GREEK AFFAIRS ~ ATTENTION ‘ How would you like to have a pop machine with 7-Up, Coke, Pepsi or all three in it’ AND A snack machine that has name brand chips, pastry, and candy complete with a dollar bill changer. If interested, please call Bob or Jerry at JJ Vending. 423-3182 VEHICLES FOR SALE = GET IN FASHION AND SAVE • 4 bHINCa IN YOUH < UNIVERSITY ( D 4 Cat I 20% OH ANY PUHChAbt Wt SPtC.ALlZt IN bAbIC AND y AbhION jEANS, TUPb.bHlHIS EEjf AND MANY MOnt TRUE BLUE JEANS & MORE oyuu O STHEET ^_n1lHi-/ian pahk plaza _ Phi New Retail Sorority Chi' A*aNL announces FALL RUSH Informational Session Wed. August 30th. 7 p.m. City Union, Room Posted 436 4173 Pf#* bke 5325 ob<> 600 "’"'•v Like new D«^e 484*5t53** 80 *°°°te (‘ruat ,or *chooil S550. 125? y,ua'196,0 appreciate. $8600 or best oner 464-7616 and leave message '“3 Yamaha XT5S0 Enduro. 1200 miles. Like new. $1,000. 488-0412 evenings. 1060 Buick LeSabre. $475 488-4495 $wvdi!v7X'£T' D,eS81 G,ea' «• New moped. Yamaha Hopper QJ50 Blue. Less than 25 rmtea One *>,v warranty. List: $459. Asking: $300 or best oiler. 474-0179. SERVICES ~ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES America’s Oldest and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price - Stud anti Discounts RESUMES 10% oH WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. _475-6738 3701 0 St~»0 7 Typing and Word Processing. Reasonable rates 489 5806.leave message. ANNOUNCEMENTS Positions available: University Program Coun6l-East has the Kaleidoscope Chairposition lor the 1989-90 year open. P«k up applications at either CAP office at 200 Nebraska Union (472-2454) or 300 Nebraska East Union (472-1780). Deadline is 5 p.m., Thursday. Saptembar 7. , ELDER ^ ^JEWELRY00'1"* Diamond.^ ^^^^^Since 1901 ^F 4 WEDDING RING 4 4 SPECIALIST A ^ Wholesale Prices ^ ♦ Newest Styles ▲ Custom Design V Shop and compare ▼ ♦ hut see us last. A 44 EXTRA CASH 44 For a limited time only new donors receive $25!! with this ad. SAFER. FASTER. PI ASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE Monday Saturday tree parking at any Park & Shop (Bonus subject to change at any time) University Plasm* Center Associated Blosclence, Inc. 1442 “O" St. Lincoln 47S-864S Come hear The Hipsters two big nights August 25 & 26 Weekday Dinner Specials 1/3 lb. Burger or Cordon Bleu Sandwich & all the fries you can eat! Only $3.19 from 5 -7. For sale: Two dorm refrigerators, used vacuums, $29 95 up. For rent: Room air conditioners. Derex Co. 1422 South Street. 435-5834. Free trip to Hawaii Hottest Hawaiian T-shirts. shorts. Send S3 tor catalog and frse antry info to: Club Hawaii, P.0 Box 11661. Honolulu. HA 96628 PERSONALS = ShSnJT™™-1■■ Happy 22nd Birthday to the youngest Beiohrad on UNL campus. Have a great onei Michelle Welcome Back I Don't forget to send someone special a personal through the Daily Nebraskan Bring yours in by 2 p.m. the daybefore publication. What a gieat way to surprise your Iriendsl CHILD CARE Melon# Child Care. 2032 U Street (20th & Vine). 477 6849. 6 a.m.-t:30 a.m. Children 18 months-12 years. Sliding fee scale. Part-time nanny. 3-5.30, Monday-Fridcy Children age |0 and 12. Counfy Club area 423-2154 after 6 p.m. Professional couple seeks kid-loving, energetic person to care for/toach two-year-old boy Own room in subur ban New York on park near village, tram, beach. Refer encee required. Call 1-718 965 1150 collect after 8 p.m. or write: Robin Horton, clo Horton/Berman Commumca tions, 37 West 28th Street. New York, NY 10016. HELP WANTED Lawn service needs hfelp 10-20 hours/week. Monday, Wednesday. Friday. 489-3374. _ Mala or female clerks needed. Afternoons and nights. Apply in person. Mile's O Street Drive In 22nd 6 0 Male or female security guard needed, full and part-time Working retail stores Must be 19 years old. high school education. 477-7810 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For appointments Monday-FrxJay. Need a great |Ob for fall?The Daily Nebraskan has one opening for a classified salesperson. Must be able to type and have pleasant phone voice. Sales experience helpful, but not necessary Apply in person at the Daily Neoiaskar. Advertising Office #34. Nebraska Union I- ~' I Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9^90 West Dodge Suite 302 Omana, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Membei Ament,.in Imnugia.ion Association ul Lawyers Hidciice Limited lo immiyialion Law ACROSS 29 Baseball's 1 Quick study? Slaughter ... . , . 30 Unrefined 5 Minotaur s place . _ . 9 N M art colony re|U ice .3 Oared 33 “S3K .5 Windmill sails M code word lor 16 Chassis part “A" 17 Mother-35 Removes by Kipling poem dissolving 18 Chaney and 30 Barn dance? vS*e 3» Mideast money Lecher's ,00K *’ gSTSSd “SST'* 42 A hormone, to, ... ii short 22 (Schubert art"9 45 Ed,th‘s sP°use song) 4« Shortened road 24 Of Karnak's river Sl9n 25 Well-plumed 47 Eacts heron 48 Lucre Edited by Eugene T. Maleska SALE 1 FREE Racquet String Tension Testing | w for your Tennis or Racquetball Racquet ^ I 10 % OFF f 5 • New Agassi Posters & T-Shirts • Grip and Head Tape o • Agassi Donnay Racquet Now Here! • STUDENT SPECIAL Dunlop Black Max II Graphite Tennis 3 f Racquet S49.95 | THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Otlr-outsd by UnwbfMt Pr**s Syodicat* £7^^*^ ' A7 *■ " ■ . ^ ‘ U1MI "For heaven's sake, Andrew!... You're not t going to plug that horrible thing in, are you?" 4# Airline "second banana" 51 Nanty-, Pa borough 53 Southern RSVP? 54 "Un bel di“ is one 57 Holier thou 59 Practical 60 Croissant 61 Moss or Gary 62 Nine daughters of Zeus 63 Part of a univ. 64 Spread on bread 65 “-sana in corpore sano" DOWN 1 Topped, in a way 2 Lettuce variety 3 "Stood Dido with -in her hand": Shak 4 Parks in Calif and N.J. 5 Paging at an emporium? 6 Over the hill, G.l. style 7 Buddhism branch • Being, in philosophy 9 De Gaulle description? 10 Tree feller 11 Fronton shout 12 To be, in Barcelona 14 Dexterous 21 U.S.A.F operations center 23 Comedic actor from N.Y.C. 26 Q-U connection 27 Big Foot’s width? 28 Grid scores 31 Fuses 32 “It is better to -than Stevenson 34 Of Roman rooms 36 Mod's biting humor? 37 Singing discipline 38 Beaver’s business 39 Displaced persons' gp 40 Sgt. orcpl 42 Discomtod 43 German bakery item 44 Like J F K at his inauguration 47 Obiter 50 IJnwrinkled prune 52 Galba's successor 53 River on The Broads 54 Jumping spark 55-Aussie animal 56 Suffering from 42 Down 58 Actor Linden