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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1989)
I Service offers free legal advice to UNL students pnm staff Reports. Students who need an attorney have an alternative to using an entire paycheck for an hour of legal advice. v Free legal advice and representa tion is available through the Student Legal Services Center, part of the Association of Students of the Uni versity of Nebraska. Student Legal Services is funded by student fees and is handled through student government. Every semester each student pays $1.37 in fees to finance the services. Most of the cases the center handles involve misdemeanors and traffic violations, said Shelley Stall, attorney and director of the center. In March, 45 percent of the cases (handled involved misdemeanor or traffic charges. Legal M^I Y1WV9 WIU3VU 1UO III March compared to 84 cases in March 1988. “I’m excited because the statistics are going up,” Stall said. “Students are using the center more and more each year.” The first step for a student who wants to use legal services is to make an appointment with one of the two attorneys at the center. During the scheduled meeting, the attorney will listen to the student’s problem and offer legal advice. The attorney will represent the student in court if nec essary or refer the student to another source, such as a private attorney. Stall said a referral is needed when the case involves a large settlement. A student also may be advised to take a case to small claims court. Besides misdemeanor and traffic cases, the center handles landlord/ tenant, consumer, family law, em ployment and business problems. Landlord/tcnant cases made up the second largest percentage in March. Twenty-one cases were closed, and in one of those cases a student recovered $950 in a dispute with a landlord. Student Legal Services publishes a handbook giving basic legal infor mation to students. The handbook offers advice on how to handle auto accidents, student discipline, sexual harassment, and race and sex dis crimination. It also advises students on how to win in small claims court. Students always are not aware of where they stand in terms of the law, Stall said. They often don’t realize that legal action can be sought in many circumstances, she said. i— 800 take part in commencement From Staff Reports About 800 graduates received degrees during the University of Ncbraska-Lincoin Commence ment exercises Aug. 19aitheBob ^cvaney Sports Crater. John Yost, vice chancellor for research and dean-ef graduate studies at UNL, gave the com mencement address. Drop/Add begins Tuesday in Union from Staff Reports Drop/Add for the fall semester will be Tuesday through Sept. 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sept. 6 from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. in the Centennial Room of the Nebraska Union. General Registration will be today and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students may pick up time ap pointment cards at the service counter at U1G Administration. There is a $5 Drop/Add fee, and a $25 general registration fee. Classes, including mini-courses, •pay not be added after Sept. 6. Stu dents can drop classes in the usual manner at the Registration Office, service counter 17A, until Oct 20. students must have the instructor’s Permission to drop a class between j-fct 23 and Nov. 17. Classes may not oe dropped after Nov. 17. ^ 'Apfk n ‘Rpil ‘Boutique For the most radical clothes on campus. at \) ‘Boogs Mon.-Fri 2-8 / Sat. 12-6 2017 ”()" Street / 477-SPUD 3810 Normal Blvd. 483-4726 Contemporary ease. Signature style. Affordability. We create the looks that get you noticed! Stop by and pick up your student discount cards. PierlSBackTo Basics Sale Is Back. . Chintz Floor Pillows, in ^a brilliant array of colors. Rev;. $19.99. Sale $1488 . . ~.—-~— fP V M f.y,. :•. - •.■.••• •: •''■•■•• * • • •• • • • •vv.i'W.' ■■ Ww: ••■V • wucv*v City Shelving, in naoiral Chilean pine with black slats Reg. $69.99, Sale $4938 roster I 10p £B%-» *■!glgj^*Cg 8 8 $9.58 Wide vanetv ot prink, m $3.50 to $25.00. Set 01 Three Tables, that match City Shelving. Reg. $99.9° Sale $6938 set 16" White Paper f Lantern, with cord kit. \ Reg. $18 98, Sale $12.88 i Futon. 6" thick in 4 (i colors. Single Rtv, . $99.99. Sale $7448 Double. Rei* $129.99. _■ Sate $9948. m V | . ■ K Cotton ..:1?A~- Jg V; . p dm™ JmfflSfflSjm*'. '■ | . \ ... Pine Ftame. Single. Reg. $159.99, Sale $11988 Double. Reg. $199.99, Sale $14988 Futon and frame easily converts from bed to love seat and back again. Last week, our Back lb Basics sale went so well, we've continued it with another week of items you shouldn’t be without. We’re featuring essentials that will turn your house into a haven. And everything you see here is 20% to 35% off its \\\\\»w* *** original price. Which we think will appeal to another very basic need of yours. APiaceibOisoover." i—)«rass*A. I IttmuiMUraSioir. Pier 1 Imports, 135 South 48th Street, Ph. 488-5545. Shop Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sun. 12-6