Student receives minor injury Jeep crashes near Buck Beltzer By Amie DeFrain Staff Reporter__ A University of Nebraska-Lin coln student was thrown from her jeep early Tuesday morning and received minor injuries, according to UNL police reports. SgL Mylo Bushing of UNL police said Nicole E. Bilby, 22, of 1245 N. 16th St., received only a scrape on the back of her right hand when the 1981 Jeep CJ7 she was driving down Avery Street flipped on its right side. Bushing said Bilby was driving south on Avery and near 11 th St. at 1:57 a.m. when her jeep appar ently went up over the curb and hit a guardrail located near Buck Beltzer Field. The vehicle then scraped along the rail until the right rear tire blew, causing it to swerve across the street, overturn on its right side and then flip back onto its wheels. Bushing said that after the acci dent, Bilby told the police she didn’t remember everything that happened. The report said she came around the comer, swerved to miss a car and went up over the curb. A passer-by walking over the 10th street viaduct, Bushing said, heard the accident and then came to help Bilby. The man, he said, apparently got in the driver’s seat of the jeep and drove Bilby to the Chi Phi fraternity, her home for the sum mer. He then called the police. Bushing said that after police were called, an officer and super visor met the man and Bilby at Area 3 parking lot where the jeep had been parked, and then they drove in a cruiser back with the officers to where the accident occurred. “She was really lucky to get out of that type of accident with the minor injuries she received,’’ Bushing said. The jeep received an estimated $700 in damage, Bushing said. No tickets were issued, he said. FORSALE___^___ ATTENTION GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES Iron $100 Ford*, Merced**, Corvette*. Chevy*. Surplus Buyers Gun* 1 ^02 838-8685, ext MOOS_ ATTENTION -GOVERNMENT HOMES from 81 (U re pair) Delinquent tax property. Repossession*. Call 1 602-838-0885 Ext. GH H2.538._ Garage Sale 8420 Norvai Road, on* block south of 84th and A Furniture. TV, bike*. Friday and Saturday. 9-6. This is a chano* to furnish your apartment at a price you can afford 5310 Thai* Cove Drive. Just north of Old Cheney 117 block off 70th. Friday and Saturday. 9-5 Everything for the kitchen, dishes, flatware, pots and pans, glasses, other kitchen utensils. Queen size bed and bedding, dining set. end and coffee table, lamps, other furniture Fishing gear, golf club*, lots of tools and much more. Women s clothes All in style. Fall and winter. Mostly size 7 781-2179(Eagle). VEHICLES FOR SALE '986 Nissan Centra, two door, five speed. AM/FM, 35.000 miles. Excellent throughout. $3450 offers Baer's Automotive Sales. 1647 S. Third, 477-6442. VW 84 GTI, stereo. Eagle GT's, sunroof. AfC. $3750/ offer Ashland 1-944-2105 SERVICES = TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES America s Oldest and largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Knee - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. _475-6738 3701 O St. #B 7 Squeezed tor time. Bring your Dissertations. These. Long term Protects, smelvlarge Papers. Resumes, and l etters/Envelopot to us to' prompt services. COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 1630 QUE STREET 476-TYPE Typing and Word Processing Reasonable rates 489 5806 Leave message. CREEICAFFAIRS ~ ATTENTION How would you like to have a pop machine with 7-Up. Coke, Pepsi or all three in it? AND 4 snack machine that has name brand chips, pastry, and candy complete with a dollar Ml changer It interested, Blease call Bob or Jerry at JJ Vending. 423-3102. CHILDCARE Professional couple seeks kid-loving, energetic person o care lor/teach two year-old boy Own room in subur >an New York on park near village, tram, beach Refer races required Call 1-718-965 1150 collect after 8 p m >r write Robin Horton, c/o HortorvBerman Commumca ■ons. 37 West 28th Street New York, NY 10016. Nanny Position Available In Maryland (Washington. D.C. metro area). Liva-in nanny position available for individual who enjoys chil dren; we have a daughter m kindergarten and a one-year old son. Nanny reeponsfele for child care duties three days/week while Mom works and assists in household management. Great pay. private bedroom and bath. Ideal opportunity to hold another part time job, pursue Interest, or take classes. For more information, please call Susan ai 301-831-0443. HELP WANTED "" Amigo’s Co-workers needed For noon and cloeirg ehifta Up to $5/hour Pay and Benefita package ‘$*25 to start (weekday, noon and closing shifts) ‘Health and Dental insurance ‘Daycare allowance ‘50% meal discount ‘Frequent performance r ws ‘Great work environmt u ‘Paid vacations ‘Flexible schedule ‘S.T.E.P. tuition reimbursed scholarship plan Amigo's, an expanding, quality-oriented Mexican last looo chain, has excellent part-time and full-time |0b opportunities available now at its eight Lincoln locations It you are an aggressive customer-oriented person and Ikes to work at a last, mtonse pace, apply at the Amigos corporate office. 2546 S. 48th Street in Van Dorn P&2a (behind the Pantry). Ask for Lome or Kristine Cash.ers wanted for service station, convenience store. Weekend and night hours If you're honest, dependable and friendly, apply now at Woods Park Amoco. 33rd and O Patient Activity Technician Positions available lo be responsible for participating in the supervision ol patient activity in our Youth Behavioral Medicine Unit. Duties include charting and compiet'ng records of patient behavior, providing supportive and/or behavioral control and participating in recreational activi ties. Knowledge ol adolescent prooesses and behavioral mental health approaches preferred Must be a high school graduate with an associate of arts and human services degree desired. Will work in an on-cal1 capacity. Apply in person to: Personnel Department Lincoln General Hospital 2300 S 16th Lincoln. Nebraska Perkins Now accepting application* lor evening and weekend wa tery and ho*tmg Make up to $7/hour. Apply in person. Perkins, t-80 and airport exit Phi Mu sorority is taking applications lor hashers lor lunch and dinner. Apply to 472-8787 or 488-5944 Reception at needed, must be able to type, answer phones etc Must be able to work in the late morning early afternoon Mon-Fn. Apply at The Daily Nebraskan advertising oftioe, *34 Nebraska Union. EARN $2000-$4000 Searching lor employment that permits working your own hours, but still challenging enough lor your entrepreneurial *kdl»'> Manage programs for Fortune 500 companies Earn $2,000 $4,000 Cali 800-932 0528. ext. 11. Heahere MeedidAlpha Chi Omega houee. For lunch and dinners. Free meal* and some salary ^all 478-1926 or 476-3623. ask lor housemother or president Male or lemale clerks needed. Afternoons and nights. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive In 22nd 6 O. Male or lemale security guard needed. tuHand part-time. Working retail stores Must he 19 years old. high school education. 477-7810 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For appointments Monday-Friday.___ Need an art tutor lor a talented ten year old boy Tim. 475 1529 Need cash? The best kept secret in part-time employment is Dom ino s PizzalDomino's e currently seeking delivery driv We oiler llexible hours earning $5-8/hour. Opportunity lor advancement We require 18 years ot age or older, reliable vehicle, cu-rent insurance, good driving record and the ability to So*rfyou would like to work lor the world's largest pizza Delivery oompany. call Domino - Pizzatoday 4/6 0787. 475-7672°466-2T 77,476-3944. 489 9631 . Runza Drive-ins Now hiring 11th & Cornhusker, East Park. 56th 1 Holdrege. 70th & Van Dorn. 13th 6 E. 33rd 6 Highway 2. West 0. The quality our customers have come to expect has made Runza a leader m the last-food business through out the midwest. Many of our stores our within fnre minutes drive from either the Downtown or the East Campus. We have excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available (days or evenings). We offer: ‘Competitive starting aalary-|4/hour for lunch hour help. ‘Flexible scheduling ‘Great working environment ‘Opportunities for advancement Apply at any of our area locations. Need money for school? Come work ten days with us. Nebraska State Fair help needed September 1 -10: Bartenders, concession work ers. cooks, dishwashers, counter help, cleaning serv ices, cocktail servers. Possibility to continue into 1969 race season. Apply now: Grandstand, State Fair Park, daily Wednesday Sunday 9 a m.-noon. NOTE TAKERS Juniors, Seniors, TAs. Grad Students: Jon's Notes is now hiring note lakers for fall semester, all subiects. To apply call 476-8046 Now Hiring Counter and kitchen help. Good location and flexible hours for college students. Looking for good, honest and dependable people for fun and friendly atmosphere. Call 477-9197 or 421 -1839 after 5. Circulation Manager and Delivery Pomona Wanted. Deliver Daily Nebraskans each morning and earn money. Must have own car and no classes before 9:30 a.m. For more information, see Dan in room 34. Nebraska Union or call 472-1769. Classified salesperson needed. Must have a pleasant phone voice, and be able to type. Past sales experience nelpful, but not required Apply at The Daily Nebraskan advertising office #34 Nebraska Union. District supervisor tor weekly newspaper. Approximately 15 hours/week. $4.50/hour plus mileage. Contact Rick at 466-8521. Schlotzsky’s ‘Full and part-time poeitione available ‘Competitive pay witn raise after training ‘Flexible schedules ‘Free uniforms ‘Half-priced meals anytime ‘Great food and fun working atmosphere Come |Otn the team Apply in person at 12th and "P," 54th and 0," and 33rd and Highway 2. Temporary part-time clerical persons to assist with mi crofilming project 40-45 wpm Need to be able to work at least 15-20 hours.week Caii 467-2381 ext 7792 The Rotissene Restaurant is now hiring part and full-time cooks. Please apply at 11th and C, 475-9475. Waitery and dishwashers wanted at Papa John's. 114 S. 14th. Apply within between 2-5. ROOMMATES = [J IuIDjobbfTrT iTsTkWq u aTv] [AfsTofu||u NlTIo] 1r1e1c1e[pit|a|c|l|ema D A Y haMbTRloWAlLlpfAlcl I InToi WE'RE FIGHTING FOR vourufe American Heart Association Nebraska Affiliate Friday Night, Bobby Curious Saturday Night, From Wichita, KS ^ The Deaconairs fV ! -■■■ I PMTTJg-ll—I m U Bring in this coupon for 1 FREE regular wash at Lincoln's newest, largest, most entertaining Laundromat!!! We have exercise bikes, tanning beds (at 56th St.), big screen TV. 11 small screen TV’s, drop off laundry, dry cleaning, snack bar, pool tables, videos Linnii 1 Coupon P*r Vivi And P«r Andress Som« Restrictions Apply I $1.00 Off Any Pizza I 11 a.m. -4 p.m. J Name__I Expires 9-30-89 I $1.00 Off Any Pizza I 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. J Name_> Expires 9-30-89 I 35”<5Tf i Any Pizza J Name_J Expires 9-30-89 i " "" ""50c"6ff"""" "" i Any Pizza 1 Name _I \ Expires 9-30-89