Power given to states f ABORTION from Page 4 Missouri’s right todisallow the use of public funds for counseling that in cludes abortion as an option. The public employees arc on the state’s payroll. By providing any abortion counseling, these employ ees arc using state funds and violating suite law. Perhaps the court is sug gesting that physicians and social workers use their lunch hour to pres ent the abortion option to women? Monday, the Supreme Court gave the go ahead to states wanting to limit womens’ right to abortion. The jus tices didn’t lake it upon themselves to eliminate the right to abort, but left that decision to legislative bodies and future litigation. Perhaps the justices didn’t want innocent blood, not just of the un born, but of pregnant women who choose to pursue illegal abortions, on their hands. Justices supporting the suite’s right to limit abortions, wrote a directive that is an obvious attempt to rid themselves of responsibility for the legislation that will follow their ruling on Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. “Furthermore, the suggestion that legislative bodies, in a Nation where more than half of the population is female, will treat this decision as an invitation to enact abortion laws reminiscent of the dark ages misreads the decision and docs scant justice to those who serve in such bodies and the people who elect them.” This statement is idealistic, at best, and a cheap way of passing the buck, at worst. Any state that severely limits or removes the right to abort, through economic manipulation or other means, is responsible for the conse quences. Any voter, who deems it their right to impose their will on others, is also responsible. Pregnant women will continue to make the abortion choice their own, irrcgardless of what the states and courts decide over the years. If the right to abortion is severely limited or eliminated, this country will once again see how seriously women weigh the decision to abort or give birth — as women will once again place their own lives in jeopardy to obtain illegal, unsafe abortions. Chris Carroll -- for the Summer Daily Nebraskan | —»EM«wra»B»iii I HIM III! .Mill Ill 1 Today A Great Thing Happened To Prices v At Pickles. Absolutely Nothing. Pickle*' everyday prices on records, tapes and compact discs am the towns! in town And the difference adds up to more than |us! pennies It's boon enough to take us Irom a stock ol 200 LPs in the basement nt a downtown Lincoln sewing machine store eight years ago to our position today as Nebraska's largest retailer ol recorded music Come visit one or our three Lincoln location* today f I ■ § Or tomorrow or ne«t week »■ ^4 f \ \y I |Ok sometime When you're I 11 .1% 11 headed to Pickles, there's no L f 1 Because ours is one record lit comis TM-rs c mm ism i i>t*»c s sale that never goes away . 3814 Normal Blvd - 17th & P - 237 S 70th La!.ge . Only $6.99 Single Topping Free ^ Pizza ' Any Crust Available • Limited Areas No Coupon Necessary Offer Good Thru July 30,1989 I 12th and Q South 48th & Hwy. 2 N 48th & Vine I 474-6000 483-4129 466-8264