The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 12, 1989, Summer, Page 8, Image 8

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    Oodles of Woodies
And The Whole Hit And Haboodle
* Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings
o All the spaghetti you want covered
with our original, thick Italian sauce
(Basic 5auce)
o Piping hot garlic/cheese bread
o 5alad Bar
All for $2.99
228 h 12th - Lincoln • 11th & Howard - Old Market • 84th & Park Drive - Ralston
The Zoo Bar Music Schedule
June 12-17
tS I .1 .
Balls . . .
blues and rock
Table Rockers . . .
Kenny Neal . . .
blues Jrom
Baton Rouge
Kdcly Clearw ater . . .
blues from Chicago
Triple Play . . .
su ing, blues, rock n roll
The Leroi Brothers...
rock-a-billy from Austin
Batman novelties become popular item
BATMAN from Page 7
lhe movie, Sehur said he is excited
about it.
"It will he the definitive Batman.
I le is a miner, grittier Batman, done
lor a more mature audience.'' he said.
Schur added that the movie will not
be a departure from the Batman tradi
I hat tradition involves a long his
tor\ ol a continuallx evolving Bat
man. He has survived the deaths ol
two different Robins and has become
weathered and grim over the years.
Batman first appeared in "Detec
tive. a DC comic, m IOC). DC also
carries the Batman" comic, w hich
lias seen 4 T5 issues so lar. Sc hur said
DC Comics \xill launch a third Bat
man comic. " Hie I egendol the Dark
Knight." this fall.
Schur said Batman xxas grim and
nasty 50 years ago but became "sill)
and science ficliomsh in the 10.50s.
He wascampy on the 1060s I V show ,
but turned grim in the '70s and grim
mer still in the SOs."
Loren/ said the television show
had nothing to do with the Batman
tradition. That tradition has nothing
to do with such silliness as donning
“Super-Thermali/ed Bat-Skivvies"
to protect against an evil villain’s
Batman's original partner. Robin,
eventually grew up and became his
own superhero, “Knightwing," ac
cording to Schur. Batman later
adopted a homeless youth who was
trying to steal tires from the Batmo
bile. That boy, Jason Todtl, became
the second Robin, but was killed last
year b> the Joker.
But Batman lives on, more popu
lar than ever.
Nebraska Bookstore, I ^(H) Q St.,
will join Irade A Jape and Cosmic
('omics m gis mg away free tickets to
the movie “Batman," which is ex
pected to be one of the summer’s
most successful movies.
Debbie Murdoch, vice president
ol Douglas Theater Company, said
she thinks it will be a “very well
accepted movie ’ She said there has
been a lot ol word-ol mouth and pre
liminary advertising.
Murdoch said she hopes for a
“tremendous sellout" on opening
das and said the movie has been
booked for the entire summer and
mas stay in I .incoln through next fall.
Batman's popularity has paral
leled a shift to a more mainstream
audience. Batman paraphernalia has
appeared at J.C. Penney and the
Nebraska Bookstore has carried Bat
man merchandise for two years.
Cindy Burger, gift buyer for Ne
braska Bookstore, said Batman-re
lated items are selling out across the
United States.
The recent popularity and wide
spread merchandising of Batman
does not threaten Loren/. He said the
rc|c in the miclwest
F.vents for June 12 through 21.
Flatwaier {'estival: Annual
summer festival on University of
Nchraska-Lmcoln campus, 14th
and R streets, June 16, 17 and IS.
Events include visual and per
lormmg artists, storytelling, chil
dren's fair, film festivals, food,
arts, and cralls, and KFV1Q Hay
market Street Dance. For more
information, consult upcoming
Daily Nebraskan f latwaier Festi
val issue.
Leonard vs. Hearns Closed Ctr
i uit Championship Fight June 12,
7 p.m., Pershing Auditorium
North Central Regional Roller
skating Championships June 17 to
25. S j.m. to 10 p.m. daily
Balls, Blues and Rock n’ Roll,
Zoo Bar, June 12
T he l ablenx kers, Blues, Zoo
Bar, June I *
Kenny Neal, Blues. Zoo Bar,
June 14
t'I.,.,-.. m_ _
Bar, June 15
B and The Hot-Notes, Zoo Bar,
June 16
The LcRoi Brothers and the
Tablcrockers, Zoo Bar, June 17
The Tablcrockers, Zoo Bar,
June 19
Ja//. Underground with The
(Julizia Brothers, Z<x> Bar, June 20
Amethyst, Zoo Bar, June 21
“Steel Magnolias,” Nebraska
Repertory Theater, Howell Thca
; ter, 8 p.m., June 16-17,20-24,27
30, and July 1
i Laurie and Sean Benjamin,
Antelope Park, 7:30 p.m., June 11
Sweet Adelines, Antelope
Park, 7:30 p.m.. June 11
Scott Stewart, Antelope Park,
7:30 p.m., June 11
43rd Army Band, Foundation
Gardens, noon to 1 p.m., June 12
Chris Sayre, Foundation Gar
dens, noon to I p.m., June 14
Roma. Foundation Gardens,
noon to I p.m., June 21
Show stoppers. Gallery I hea
ler, Lincoln Community Pla>
house. S p.m., June 15 to 17....
“Angel Face” and “FA I,'
Magic Theater, 7:30 p.m.,
lime Hi and 17
Her/.og Recital. Orpheum,
7:30 p.m., June 12
Mctallica and The Cult
Omaha Civic Auditorium, 7:30
p in., June 14
fVini i’ AiviitiMiiv ( Imhi'nm 7
p.m., June 14
Dunce Company, Orpheum,
7 JO p in , lunc !5
The Winans Concert, Or
pheum, 7:30 p.m., June 16
Rehl: Wolie, Orpheum, 8 p.m.,
June 17
Wolfe Recital. Orpheum, 7:30
p.m., June 18
Ames, Iowa : Doobic Brothers.
For ticket information, call 515
Ray Charles, June 16.
Neil Diamond, June 14. Kem
per Arena. Call 816-931-3330
for ticket information.
wider exposure will Help nis comic
shop, w hich carries hundreds ol hack
I.oren/ has seen many new cus
tomers looking lor Batman items in
Ins store. He said the entire Batman
phenomenon will get stronger with
the release ol the movie.
“I 'in sure there w ill he a sequel,”
he said. ”1 hey left a setup lor it in the
Schur said he is ecstatic over the
new interest in Batman.
“I hope it last', forever. People are
excited about Batman, the movie,’’
lie said. “It is a serious treatment ol a
comic hook character.
“Batman will always he popular
to his Ians. Ile will get old ones hack
and gel new fans with the movie, '
Schur said.
bummer sounds
of new releases
BEATBQX (rom Page 7_
with songs like "Mona Lisa, Mother
Earth’' and "God Damn Ihe Sun."
Lead vocalist Michael Gira, as al
ways, sings like Bela 1 agosi washing
down a few valiums with a sip of
battery acid. Vocalist Jarboe’s re
make of "Can’t Find My Way
Home" is a powerful, Fastcrni/ed
version of the 1969 Blind Faith clas
sic. "The Burning World" is not as
ornately apocalyptic as last year's
gloom-and-doom masterpiece
"Children of God." but it’s nice that
Swans are still refreshingly de
pressed. (Grade: B )
Concrete Blonde, "Free."
Following the critical and com
mercial success ol its MTV hit "Still
m Hollywood." this Southern Cali
fornia foursome experienced finan
cial problems and record company
red tape. But they are back with raw,
driving energy on their second effort,
"Free." Lead vocalist Johnetle Na
poli lano sounds a bit like a reprobate
Martha Davis, but has the impetuous
delivery and attitude ol Chrissie
Ilytide. ()n Side-One songs like
God Isa Bullet, Napolitano tears
eat h lyric up w ith her megaphone ol
a larynx. On Side Two's slower
numbers, she adds toned-dow n van
ety and soltpedals her message on
LuisiiKi/ ixuses i irow. mki lames
Andrew Mankey’s guitar nils are
edgy without bartering melody lor
volume, (Grade: It 4 1
Soul Asylum, “( lam Dip and
Other Delights." (Twin lone):
I guess I'm |usl not hip. but this
Minneapolis hand's latest ellort
makes me wonder what all the hype is
about. I ve tried to listen to the Asy
lum in the past. I’ve actually tried to
like them, but I'm just not hip. Alter
all, I ve reasoned. Soul Asy lum Ians
are always babbling about how "pro
gressive" the band is. I thought 1 c>7()s
AOK rock was happily buried and
relished only by a lew hardcore old
Boston Ians. The cover, however, is a
nice parody of Herb Alport’s classic
LP "Whipped Cream and Other De
lights, which featured a buxom
woman smothered in Cool Whip. But
clam dip, atonal guitar and bad
Cleddy Lee impersonations just don’t
do anything for me. Like I said, I
guess I’m not hip. Your move, Soul
Asylum fans. (Grade: D +)