The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 12, 1989, Summer, Page 4, Image 4

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Ignoring the students
T^Tebravkanv arc exuled about
President (ieoriic Bush v mmi
L Mol incoln tomorrow.
hat iv what (5o\ Kav ()rr tias
( i av me I would have to politelv
vaercc I m not excited. As a vtu
dent at the i niversits ol Nebraska
..incoln. I teel that im campus lias
been uveil ava Bush pit stop. A place
ior Cieoree to luel hiv politaallv sate
. lean air as t proposals w hile bolster
nm hiv as the education presi
\\ hv via ti an unerat. ious attitude ’
Bush chose this campus it' make hiv
innouraement reeardme alternative
tads rather than .mother campus.
..i.l k. .1 ... I ill.. i.ii.i.,.r- , .1 I ill ,
nol plain '.Inn sits ten miles outside ot
i meoin % ihe > intents on this
.ampus ha far from a tan shot at
nkeisit in p*. < . <i at :lw Moh I V\a
ae\ SporP ( enter
_ j
Our own university spokesperson,
Tom Krepel, admitted that tickets
were not specifically set aside for
Mudcnts-at-largc. I think it is inex
cusable that 3,0(K) tickets were allo
cated to this university without a
lar^e amount bein*i set aside specifi
cally lor students. Instead, tickets
Wi'iv m'I itvulp fnr viih-nnitv ihi*
university to “give an opportunity to
the residents of Nebraska.”
Excuse me? Aren't university stu
dents residents of this state? Are the
Nebraska residents associated with
the Central Administration. Univer
sity Foundations or the Alumni Asso
ciation more important than the resi
dents on this campus?
To add insult to injury, informa
tion on Bush's pending speech, re
leased by The Associated Press, says
that the president will address stu
dents and other Nebraskans on Tues
day. A more accurate statement
would be that he will address a few
students, those who happen to be
associated with one of the sub-units,
have parents so connected or are
friends w ith Bryan Hill, ASUN presi
Hill said he didn't know if there
was much student interest in these
tickets. Summer or not, there are stu
dents on this campus and Hill should
have poked his head out of the ASUN
office long enough to ask. He got his
requests for tickets into the Chancel
lor's office the day Bush's visit was
announced What better place to dis
tribute student-allocated tickets than
I mm the student eov eminent head
quarters ’
Kill the tickets woicn 1 allocated
and no one ever asked. Students who
were interested prohahb didn i know
how to get the In. kets Interested sin
dents would have to have read the
Lincoln Journal I hursday evening or
the I incoln Star I ridav morning io
find out that some lu kets were *i\aiI
able at the SporM 'enter Inlornialion
was not available to the general pub
lie before then, the Chancellor's
oll'tce didn t give the students an
opportunity to pul their name on a
list as was giv en to others \nd how
manv l M prolessors .vetoannoim*.
ing ticket availability in me pre «o
! he I lame lor ilns; j- io he<!
on ihe administration as they alio
cated ihe uimersi|\ mke|s
Somehow the uimersih manages
lo fund out a limned numher ol loot
hall mkels each \ear lo .1 student
hod> where demand is highei than
suppl). I fie admmisiration could
have figured oul a wav to gel lie kels
lo ihe students.
Why gel ever)one worked up
about ticket distribution today, when
it is too late to do anything about it
Because for us. this campus is
more than a two-hour pit-stop It is a
four-year parking garage, lor those ol
us who stick it out -- and we. the
students, are the economic and intel
lectual fuel.
Economical!) we are important,
not onl) to this campus, hut to thee it)
and slate as well. We contribute as
taxpayers, children ol taxpavers,
iMir/ lruikr. i ro/iil hmirt K/u\L c
clothes, concert tickets - a university
anti its sludents are a big economic
btxmi for any town.
Our minds are a com nit Klity, as are
our naive optimism and overabun
dance of youthful energy, and we
have chosen to bring these commodi
lies here to those who can channel
these energies, to point us in a direc
tion that will prove at least mtxler
ately satisfying. These people most
often arc professors and this opportu
nity, to enter into a mutually satisfy
ing relationship, also is made pos
sible by those who run the sub-units.
We re equals in this partnership,
and as equals we share the fruits of
our efforts. Students played a part in
George Bush's decision to come to
this university, and we should have
been included in the perks that came
w ith that.
We shouldn't let ourselves be used
for anyone's public appearance, even
the president of the United Suites.
Chris Carroll is a junior news-editorial
major and the Summer Daily Nebraskan
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes
brief letters to the editor from all
readers and interested others.
Letters will be selected for publi
cation on the basis of clarity, original
ity, timeliness and space available.
I he Daily Nebraskan retains the right
to edit all material submitted.
Readers also arc welcome to sub
mit material as guest opinions.
Whether material should run as a let
ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is
left to the editor's discretion.
New graduate student sums up Lincoli
The University of Nebraska! in
coln, home of the first Apollo space
module -* one small step for man, but
one giant leap for an alumnus of a
small, western Wisconsin college
awed by the opportunity to begin a
graduate program at an illustrious
“Big light" schixil. Lincoln, it
turned out, was a nine-hour, minimal
stop drive from my River Falls, W is
consin alma mater.
One of my “minimal slops" oc
curred the early evening before the
Friday summer session registration,
just twenty minutes away from my
“Big Red destination. It was hot
and sticky, and a thunderstorm
threatened. I took refuge at a way side
and wailed as a brief, but spirited,
ram squall swept across the inter
state, lightening bolts a-crackling.
I he tempest abating, I continued my
journey, passing by many motionless
automobiles still pulled over from the
fury of the storm and seeming to
anticipate further reprisals from Na
ture. I looked to the north. I looked
again! Yes! It w as a tornado, its reluc
tant tail churning up mud and debris
and hardly moving from an open
licld stage, as if concerned w ith en
tertaining an already captive audi
The sun once again asserted itscTl
as I arrived in Lincoln, and my lirst
impression of the campus was a fa
vorable one -- the trees anu open
lawns having turned lush green with
the welcome, showery weather. In
my carefree wonder, l carelessly
turned south off 17th Street, w hich I
now know is impossible unless you
are cra/y. A do/en cars of one-way
traffic scurried to either side ol me.
the scene somew hat reminding me ol
Moses parting the red sea ... “F aith
to confused Wisconsinite ... one
fellow honked, I suppose just in case'
I needed the sound ol his horn to be
enlightened to the situation. 1 man
aged to slink into a nearby lot, w here
I found myself beaching once more
llie following day while registering
lor classes and locating my dorm.
Over the ensuing w eekend, I had a
chance to compare the Cornhusker
campus with that ol my previous
River f alls experience. Understanda
bly, I concentrated on the differ
ences. UNI. sprawls a bn more and
rabbits, rather than squirrels, appear
to be the predominant rodent. The
fountains here are larger, more nu
merous, and shoot water considera
bly higher than those I am used to.
Many of the students I observed were
either jogging, biking, playing ten
nis, or engaged in some alternative
form of exercise. I suppose they need
to stay m shape to survive on campus
here, since the “WALK" signs at
many of the street corners only stay lit
long enougn to neip leisures
mans safely negotiate two ihmB)
any given crosswalk. f
Over the weekend. I did sH
shopping, visited a Ilea markelB
checked out the local television®
lions. On Sunday morning. walH
back Irom a local church serviB
noticed a policeman staring at n
couldn't Iigure out w hy I wouldC
any particular attention Irom I
Then I read my Sunday paper,
artic le captioned “Police on the
of phony $50 bills eventu
caught my eye. According to the
umn. counterfeit $50 dollar lulls
been spread throughout I mcoln
previous night. I noted the desi
lion given ol the suspec l w lute in
10s, about 5 7 ", slender, short
dish-brown hair, blue green e
Then I looked in a mirror Oh b<
had even shopped at one ol the sti
mentioned and paid part ol m> tin
in fifties.
But I w as reassured about my
session slay at UNI. when a bus IB
ol foreign students pulled up ml
hall, causing no small amount*
contusion as they attempted loch*
into the dorm, mistaking it lor a hi*
I his was going to be normal coll®
life alter all. I
Allan 1.. (fl
graduate stui*
Girl leads ‘Save Bloom County’ campaigl
.vi) iiuiiit i> juMi- i oung, i am nine
years old and head of “Save Bloom
County” Campaign. I have been
reading “Bloom County" lor two
years and love Opus, Bill the (’at and
the rest ol the characters. I heard
recently that Mr Breathed plans to
quit creating new "Bloom County'
strips on Aug. 7, I^K1). I want to do
what I can to ny and change Mr
Breathed's mind. Would you please
prim my address so mat others who
want to see “Bloom County” con
tinue will write to me? I will forward
all petitions to Mr Breathed. To
gether maybe we can make a diller
Josie L. Young
“Save Bloom County” Campaign
5720 Abbey Court
Lincoln. NL 6X505
» 4 * 4