The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 12, 1989, Summer, Page 2, Image 2

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    I Suite 9
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Students express disgust at brutality
CHINA from Page 1 _
soldier eon frontal ion, the students
said they have read I he China I lines,
contacted family members and
friends m China anil eyed the Amen
can press.
Xm Chen, a graduate student,
that on June 5 I he China I lines re
ported soldiers had been wounded
and killed in Tiananmen Square but
gave no 1 usually figures lor students
“The TV (in China) says some
hooligans here tried to mb guns liom
soldiers," Chaomei said. Toils
some soldiers die, soldiers
wounded by these hooligans.
“I know the government II these
soldiers were killed that means to
tails ten times oi even moie students
I .ini* I u. graduate student, said
she hail recenllx spoken lo her uik le.
w ho had nisi relumed lo IU ijing.
“He said he conkin'l go ouii side>.
Dead bodies were all oxer, she said.
The l M students and lauill>
member said they have heard lhal
hospitals m Beijing are ocuipied In
soldiers and lhal civilian patients
have been lorced lo loax e so wounded
soldiers can be treated. Wounded
student demonstrators are not being
hospitalized, they added.
Chaomei and l .mg said gasoline is
poured on many students, whether
they arc dead or wounded, and then
Although the repercussion** lor
demonstrating m Veiling have been
hit’ll those niters lewed said emphati
wills that thes too ssoultl base dem
onstrated al I lananmen Squaie
I he students grew silent alter ibis
verbal show t'l Mippoil
Bo Dem , assov lale prolessoi ol
mallU’inalK s and stalislies. then
admitted he piobahls wouhl have
heen an obseivei o! ihe I lanaunivii
Square "land oil al Inst, as he would
have leared persecution. lie said he
believes that as the mosemeni pained
momentum he would has • pollen
more involved ami evenluallv would
have |omed the proIeMots
I lie student" and Bo said dies
have nodesm toreluinio( hmanow
.mil tlies would Olds IK* 41 nil gel
lor the ( omniumsl i’.nis
‘I don't see a Inline in l'Inna.
Ho s.ud
I le s.ud ilk- ( limese people s In
lure depends on how ssell llies plas
the poliiual game
Seveia! students said dies heliese
students in ( lima will gross more
silent m the near Inline I his silenee
w ill he a lorm ol sull preservation.
the> said, so that the students ss ill he
alive to gam support lor the demo
traits mosement.
(iradiiale student Ding I in s.ud
the hloiklshed at I laiianmen Square
should gel the attention ol the peas
ants and workers who have not been
an active part of the call lor democ
Ding saul a civil war is not likely
to happen now. but later, when a
catalytic event, such as the death o|
Deng Xiaoping, occurs. II the peas
ants and winkers have aligned them
selves with the students, tin demo
cratic movement may succeed at that
tune, he said
I or now. the students s.ud daily
hie is likely to go on as it was heiore
the conlrontation in Hcipii' |he
stud* ills and Ho said democ i.iti -up
poru rs will continue to be es ui.d
and puled lor their role in tIn u| ns
ui!' I liese deaths will gcncialb be
oveiUroked by the Western >\ rn
menls. they said, as the i>nu i■ rs
will Iv exec ilk’ll gradual!) rather
than m masses, as ou urn d at ! urn
aiimeii Septate*.
Knowmp what China s tuttiro
holds one student said. ' \K !am11x
leels hopeless."
I)111ji sail! the control even- I mcr
the people h\ the Chinese en.eiti
meni makes him “ I eel like an atiunal
m a /ih>.
\1\ lather wanted to he a pan ul
New China, " Xtn said. * Now he
tells me not to come hack
students not independent!) tiled, tint
who contributed in this interview, were
N uan/hang I i. Weying Sun and I innn \ .mu.
tie gents adopt new policy
Language to protect homosexuals
By Diane Brayton
Stall Reporter
The Nebraska Board ol Regents
recently adopted a non-discrimina
tion policy introduced b> Regent
Margaret Robinson of Norfolk.
The resolution passed unani
mously, even though some regents
had said earlier in the spring that such
a change in regent policy was not
The policy now stales “individual
characteristics” wall not be a consid
eration in the admission ol students or
the treatment ol University of Ne
braska-Lincoln employees, which
will prohibit discrimination on the
basis of sexual preference.
Robinson said she developed the
resolution in response to concerns ol
some NU faculty, stall and students
that homosexuals didn't have protec
tion against discrimination.
Robinson said the policy was
needed to ensure tlurt siiidenis .ire
tudged by ifieir i|ualilicalions, “not
In whether they are male or female or
In their sexual preference."
The resolution was “very hard to
object to" because ol the wording.
Robinson said. A policy that de
nounces discrimination based solely
on sexual orientation would be too
narrow , she said.
“ I his can be an issue that be
comes blurred. Robinson said. “It's
best d it's spelled out."
Regent John Payne of Kearney
said he didn’t know why he had
v hanged his mind about the need for a
change in policy. He said he ap
proved ol the wording of the new
II I duin t leel it was proper, I
wouldn t have voted for it," Payne
In other business, the Nl Board of
Regents approved a resolution to
study the public postsecondary edu
Editor Chris Carroll, 472-1766
News Editor Ryan Sleeves
Copy Desk Editor Deanne Nelson
Sports Editor Chuck Green
A'ts & Entertainment Editor Scotl Harrah
Photo/Feature Editor Connie Sheehan
Art Director John Bruce
General Manager Daniel Shattll
Production Manager Katherine Pollcky
Advertising Manager Jon Daehnke
Sales Manager Kerry Jeffries
PuDiications Board Chairman Tom Macy, 489-6392
Professional Adviser Don Walton, 473-7301
The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144 080) is published by the UNL Publications Board
Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St Lincoln Neb (except holidays) weekly during the summer
session *
Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan
by phoning 472 1 763 between 9am ana 5 p m Monday through Friday The public also
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Subscription price is $35 for one year
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cation system in Nebraska.
Regent Donald I ricke ottered the
resolution to create a committee to
look at the impact of the posable
merger ol Kearney Stale College into
the l'Diversity of Nebraska system
I he resolution notes the need lor
“consultation with an advisory bodv.
me. hiding representatives ol the gov
erning boards of the public
postseeondary education institutions
m Nebraska.”
The board also approved a new
retirement plan expanding participa
tion by employees, and a tenure and
promotion policy that was supported
by the UNL Faculty Senate and