The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 12, 1989, Summer, Image 1
!V1 M Nebra^kaN _ ** imam uuuvi i/«n j ivv wiu«m>wii Zheng Zhang demonstrates outside of the Nebraska Union June 5. Zhang and other UNL students were protesting the attacks on students occupying Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. China natives share viewpoints B> ( hi is (’arroli I ililnr and I Van iu* Nelson Senior KJuor University students in Chino be gan pouring into Hating begin ning in mid May to <n i upy liananmen Square. I he students were calling for the implementation of some form of democratic govern ment in China. Act or ding to the Associated I'ress, the 27th Army opened fire on U /i i * >i / i / * ■ *. .. — I he students June 3 and 4 in an at tempt to regain control of the city and square l S', intelligence estimates have put the Beijing death toll at 3.000. At the invitation of the Daily Ne braskan. eii;ht C hinese members of the university community shared their rent lions to the uprising in Bci jinx Seven University ol Nebraska - Lincoln students and one UNI. fac ulty member said they were shocked when their government opened fire on student demonstrators in Tian anmen Square. I he students and faculty member said they expected the government to regain control ol Tiananmen Square, but not in such a brutal manner. We thought they would use tear gas or elec tric sticks,” said Chaomei Tin, a graduate student in Agriculture Biochemistry. “We never thought they would shoot students, especially students.” For mlormalion on the student See CHINA on 2 Tickets went fast President to visit By Chris ( arroll l-ditor and Ryan Sleeves Senior I ditor ic University of .oln requested 4,000 tickets to President George Bush's speech Tuesday at the Bob Dcvaney Sports Center and received 4.000, said Tom Krepel, assistant to the chancellor and director ol Umv et sity Relations. Krepel said the majority ol these tickets were distributed to university sub units, such as the Nebraska Alumni Association, Central Ad ministration and the University Foundation. The remaining tickets Wi'rv If*m:irlct'il t■ nntvorwiiv om ployccs. Of I he sub-units that received tick ets, the Alumni Assoc union got about 400, the institute ol Agriculture and Natural Resources received about 400, and the Central Administration received several hundred tickets, Krepel said. Krepel selected which sub-units got tickets on the basis ol those which could best distribute tickets to people throughout Nebraska, he said. I was selective to the extent that I wanted to give an opportunity to the residents of Nebraska,” he said. Students could have requested tickets Friday through the Sports In formation Office, but Krepel said university employees were expected to call for these tickets. “That was the idea behind it,” he said. Bryan Hill, president ol the Asso ciation ol Students ol the l ni\ersits ol Nebraska, said he made a request lor 20 tickets. Hill said he made the request to the( hatKclIor sollicethe clay Bush's \ isit was first announced. He said the chancellor s office ap proved Ins request. ‘7 was selective to the extent that I wanted to give an opportunity to the residents of Ne braska. " -- K re pel Mill said he w ill distribute the lick eis to student leaders and others who ask. Hill said that outside ol ASUN members, only two acquaintances ol his have stopped by ihe ASUN oil ice with ticket requests. Mill said he wasn t aware ol strong student interest in the tickets. “I think it is a great opportunity lor students,” he said. “Students should have had just as good an op portunity as others to go lor it.” Orval Borgialli, administrative coordinator of the Sports Center, would not say how many tickets were available at the Sports Center Friday. but he said that from SO to 85 percent were claimed by university cmploy ~ See TICKET on 6 NU was forerunner in ethanol research Laura Smith Shill Reporter President Bush will make an an nouncement alxuit ethanol re search at a university that has been a forerunner in such research. Bush is scheduled to make the announcement at the Bob Devaney Sports Center Tuesday afternoon. He also i> scheduled to lour the Univer sity ol Nebraska-1.mcoln'sCenter for Engine I cchnology on (vast Campus. UNI has played a major role m ethanol research, said U. i)avis Cle ments, chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department, in lad, lormer UNI Professor ol Chemical Engineering Bill Sheller was a major force in the beginning of ethanol re search. Bill Sheller gave the world the word gasohol,” Clements said. >da\ INI. professors locus on betlei ways to process ethanol, Cle ments said Chemical I ngineermg, Agricul luie I.ngineering, Food Science and lechnology. and the Institute ol Agriculture are only some ol the departments involved m ethanol re search. Clements said. When ethanol research began in the PCO's, UNI. was one ol the insti tutions participating in that research, Clements said. Manufacturers use ethanol to pro duce fuel for cars and other products. Plants used to dehydrate the ethanol produce ethylene, which can then be manipulated into polyethylene. Poly ethylene is used m plastic products, such as shopping bags. Clements said the purpose ol ‘Bill Shelter gave the world the word gasahol.' --Clements much ol the research at IJNL is to improve ethanol processing. “Fermentation (ol gram mtoetha nol) is good technology.” he said. The point ol this research, Cle merits said, is to increuse the financial value ol ethanol's base product. Corn is the base product most Ircquenllx used in Nebraska. f or example, ('lements said. MK) pounds ol fermented corn produces about 40 pounds of ethanol and is comparable to six gallons ol gaso line. At S|..SO per gallon, six gallons of ethanol is worth about so. Cle ments said the market price w ill vary each day. Production costs of ethanol and gas are about even, lie said. A gallon of ethanol sells for about the same price as a gallon ol gasoline, he added. One way the university is improv ing ethanol processing, Clements said, is by improving the dehydration process. Ethanol processing can pro (luce carbon dioxide by-products that manufacturers can use to produce marketable goods. T hese by prod ucts can be used in packing or hot time plants. Stillage, another b> product lelt from the fermentation process, also is useable, (Tcments said. The stillage can be led to salt water shrunpaiul then the shrunpean he made into tropical lish lood. he said. I’he stillage also can be led to cattle or used to make glue. I he glue can then be applied to wood lups to make particle board. Clements said that in the luiure. more work will be done with oil and wax from corn, soybeans, sorghum and rape seed to see the t> pe ol prod ucts that can be made from these substances.