The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 08, 1989, Page 19, Image 19
— U - nnoarment Store IS cureenwy soarurung ior Younkera ^ition t0 assist jn fixture and store Full-Time su gjjJL. our remodel. Hours are 8-5 move c0THHay with some weekends. Excellent job «or a Monday+nd Tig or Archedtural Design Major. Apply in person, Personell Off£e, Younkers, Gateway. 2^edroorn apartment, 8th & G. nice, A/C. Needed end of May- --- " 7 rr.nmmate, non-smokers for three bedroom fsnjiate $131 -67 PluS deposit and utilties. Call Angel, 477 8430. ' . _ _ r^le summer roommaies. S185/mo, all utilities paid. 423-1535. ___ ' '$113+1/5 Utilities P'us deposit. June 1st. W/D. 477-9898._ M/F. ft t5/monlh+ 1/3 utilities. 2444 Vine. 435-2186. Male Roommate for $15° + 1/2 utilities, own room. C«W Steve 477 9718._ Male summer roommates. $185/mo. all utilities paid. 423-1535. ___ .. -..a male roommate to share house. $ 130/month + B? Call 435-322V_ .. . . p.3 people to share a 4 bedroom townhouse. Hatherdryer. 3 baths. $150/mo and utilities per person. 2024 S 17th #6. ^76-9187._ Non smoking male. $125+1/2 Utilities. 31st $ Holdrege. 464-5392 _ __ cmokmg Male to Share 3 Bedroom Apt. Between JftmiMS%n Bus/Bke Route. $92.50+1/2 Utilities. AvaTaWe June 1. 477 2663. 484-6863 Evenings, Brad. One room is still available. $140/mo.+deposit, includes utilities 475 0095.__ Boommate needed. Nice 4 Bedroom house, dose to campus. 476 2833._ Chare living quarters. Need non-smoking male to share 1-bed room house one block from East Campus. $225/ mo, utilities paid 421-2672. evenings. $200 or less. 1 Bedroom Special 1948 K Street 3092 T Street. $250 or less ? -Bed room Special 2201 A Street 1120 E Street Call Kim 477 0491. 10th & D First floor ol Duplex. $195. 1 Bedroom, no pets June 1. 476-1716. 13th & H, Up Town, 1-Bedroom. Older Building, but priced right, $225. Eloctrerty extra, no pets, large. Weekdays 8 5,476-1716. 1717 J S'reet One bedroom. $175. Heat, water, and glibage paid To see call 483-2034. 2 bedroom apartments available. 1922 K St. Central air, dishwasher, oH street parking. Call Dan at 477-2728, please leave message. 2- bedroom, newer apartment dose to campus, available lor Summer or longer. 435-4338. 20th 4 A ? Bedrooms. June 1. No pets, dean, roomy, central ,ur. S300 Second ftoor 476-1718. 1 A Street One bedroom with balcony, laundry. *260 475 7262. 3- bedroom duplex between City and East Campus 1 1/ 2baths, dishwasher. FP. Available May 1S*h. $375.488 2275 after 5 00 pm. irieBairin 111Rfv!i |n|g inTTieTriM mMj |mia[g o ■■itXtGtf £ igmeInIoil a Hnomii mcMpTAto E sIJo R[K|E[L eIt|u|i HhI i InIpIu |r| eInIdM AlNlGl E Isl auta apartment1,,1&®cont)!looro«)amMy home. Fine, V ^uiet apartment. $190. no pets. 476-1716 or 463 6695! p 350’ BALDWIN-Large, clean, economical, 2-bedrooms F 1600 M mUm 3 people 8330 gardon/$360 patio^83- - pt?d R*«5flL1 ft*®*Oft Street Parting, utilities Z 32fM St70+DePosit. No Pets. Leave Message, 477- L -.' . __.___ li SIS,-0'«^e Bedroom Central Air, Second Floor of 4 Duplex. $4.50. Clean and cozy, no pets. 476-1716. - CALL APARTMENT FINDERS ; YOUR SUMMER LEASE SPECIALISTS 7 * . , 435-5555 p A tree service of Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666. e SjWI, One-Bedroom, $200. Laundry, Near shopping \ and pets. Weekdays 8-5, 476-1716 ,. _ . CLOSE TO CAMPUS SSSSB&t* *“* ’ *-• =S'ta;irS’’s23£“;“Ta™'"“h*d"n'u''"*h’d Eg*1 Campus. Large 2 bedroom. $339. All appliances, _ FALL LEASES Reserve 2 Bedroom Units for the Fall Term. $329 ♦ up 640 South 20th. 475-7262. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Avo. ‘Great 1 and 2-bedroom apartments available now. Close to East Campus ‘Patios and balconies on the beautifully landscaped courtyards. ‘Summer and school term leases available CALL TODAY. 468-8811 Joseph E. Kean Company, 474-1666. LARGE one-bedroom apt. for summer lease. Near cam pus. balcony and all appliances. 477-8230. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477 4434,435 0351. NEWER 2-BEDROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Baloony units $365; w/ o balcony $350 477-2177. or 423-1029, 406-1286. NICE One bedroom, near new, near campus. $265/month No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. One and Two-Bedroom Close to campus 2222 - 2532 - 2521 Vine St. C/A, all appliances, laundry, from $250. Available NOW and Mid-May. L. T Management, 474-7368 One bedroom, utilities paid. One person only. No parties allowed. $230. 476-0301. One person apartment. $300/month. utilities paid, 1133 D, 475-5275. SPLASH AND TAN WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 'Crystal clear pool 'Redwood sundeck ‘Spacious 2-bedroom apartments Ask about our Summer specials. 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. Subleasing 3 bedroom loft apartment tor summer. Cal) 476 8868. SUMMER LEASES Relax and Tan Yourself Poolside 2 Bedroom Units. $300 and up. Furniture Extra. Laundry. 640S20th. 475 7262. Summer lease, gcod looation. $355/mo. Call 477-3621. “EXTRA MONEY** is nice, but you can help people too: Earn $120 + a month SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE $20 to new donors on first donation with this ad Ask about additional bonuses (Monday - Saturday ) Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 AUTOMATION ALLOWS MORE PERSONALIZED TIME WITH YOU!_ __—-«—■—1 we pay TOP DOLLAR Highest Price paid for used records, cassettes & cd's MUSIC S GISTS 14th &O St East Park 477-6061 464-8275 iudson automotive J factory trained foreign car a^eciaUaU Lincoln. Nebraaka 476-9022 /anted- 3BR House, Furnished,‘Til Dec.89. Will mind ets, garden. Australian Grad. Student & Housebroken amily. Call 472-3726. ^()ST_&_FOjJND ~ OS F: One gold pen on 17th April 1989 in or near Taco in at about 12-1:30pm. Has sentimental value. Call 72-2742 days, 435-0569 evenings. tOMES FOR SALF. = TTENTION GOVERNMENT HOMES from SI (U-f« air). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1 02 038-8985, ext GH4005. gANTED_ = r Bobby i Curious WEDNESDAYS THURSDAY |_CELEBRATION * GOLD'S GALLERIA_| DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS® FREE. $QQO (incl tax) | \JDOUBLE DEAL , Wednesday Special) Two 12” One Item Pizzas Not valid with any other offer Good Wednesday only. -Expires May 30,1909 _l Call Us! 475- 7672 511 Norm 27th • Mein Campu* Open 11AM lor Lunch 7 day*! 476- 0787 11th & Cornhusker • Beimonl Ha’per-Schramm-Smtih 476-9944 1*1$ South ShetM • South A»ea 466-2377 2933 N 46th • 489-9631 4729 Prescott • Coliegeview * 1967 Domino* Pi«a. Inc Toppings Include: Pepperoni Ground Beet Sausage - Smoked Ham Hours: Jalapenos 430PM-1AM Mon.-Thur Green Olives 4:30-2AM Fri. Black Olives 11AM-2AM Sat. Pineapple iiAM-tAMSun Green Peppers Mushrooms Limited Delivery Area Onions Our driver* i.iuy Extra Cheese ... Extra Thick Crust "Coca-Cola" is a liadcmaik of the Coca-Cola CoilKjralion !$^95,m« ! | %J DINNER forTWO | Thursday Special 12” Two Topping Pizza + 2 Cokes Not valid with any otheroffer. Good Thursday only Expires May 30, 1989 *_I iini imi, in ib—nii 'iwmi ii'wnn wiwnipmipr-nniinini BENEFIT CONCERT '89 For Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska ROOMS K)k_RENT____~ Coed summer housing, laundry A kitchen facilities, $25/ wk/person, $5 extra for AC. Theta Chi Fraternity. Call 4774459._ Summer Rooms for Women at Fraternity Housa. Single jtOO/mo., double 580/mo. Call 472 7723 or 472-7091. Ask lor Bill __ Women Only. $165, Utilities Included. Available June 1st. 476 943 7. HOUSES FOR RENT 3-4 bedroom bouses, between campuses. Rent ♦ utili ties ♦ deposit Call 488 5446. 7 BEDROOM MANSION 2331 U, 5600 4 BEDROOM MANSION 2309 U. 5400 Call Kim 477-0491. Clean 4 plun Bedroom. 2120 Sumner Washer, Dryer, Stove, Refrigerator. $525. Garl, 421-1767. STUDENTS! 5118 Starr, 3-bedroom, $375. 2740 P. 5 bedroom, $615. 2904 Q, 4 bedroom. $435. 423 1535 Summer Lease or Longer Available. 2314 Holdrege. Near UNL, 4 bedroom, garage. $550. 475-1579,488 0061 Summer Lease or Longer Available 901 North 23rd, newly relmished 4 bedroom, 2-baths, basement, near campus S650 475-1579 or 488 0061. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Special Guests: Manila Thrills Pinewood Bowl Amphitheater in Pioneers Park Lincoln, Nebraska Sunday, June 4, 2 pm Rain or Shine _— Ticket Locations: Twisters«Pickles Nebraska Bookstore Ace Rent-to-Own Homers Record Charge by Phone (402)342-7107 .-. ... ck&tcmkhnril' sponsored in part by... Q2&nrGL A KTGL Presentation_ ■ iinimiui nniwyiwinninniiili'iwiniariDunn ifiiHT-|-irmnnninrTn>nrr 11 iimr r™nr— -—— .