The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1989, Page 7, Image 7
The Mob claims to be different, member says strength is in vocals Anniversary Sale True Blue Jeans And More By Jim Manna Staff Reporter As the local music scene heads into the summer, look for the emer gence of yet another college band that claims to be “different.” Maybe this one really is different. “That’s the first thing that every body tells you probably when you interview bands, ‘well our band is really different,’” said Mike Ropp, one of four members in the band The Mob. “You have to be.” Ropp, along with other University of Ncbraska-Lincoln students Eric Medley, David Marks and Greg Bash ford, formed The Mob in De cember of 1988. The band mainly plays covers of songs by The Romantics, The Cars, The Who and other popular colle giate bands. “We have a lot of songs on the play list that arc tunes from what we like to call the gray area, which are songs that were either cult classics that weren’t over-played by every station in existence or they were re ally popular for a short time and then just dropped out of sight,” Ropp said. The Mob also plays a variety of original music, which may be re leased on an album this summer. Kopp said he hopes that the quality of their vocal work will make them different from other local bands. “Every band in Lincoln is instru mcntally pretty good. That’s a pre requisite: to be tight instrumcntally,” Ropp said. “But I think the vocals are going to be our biggest strength. Everybody sings. There are four-part harmonics on about every song. The band had its first live appear ance April 27 at Oscar’s. Their next gig is at the Louisville high school prom this weekend. we had to learn a lot of slow songs for that,” Ropp said. The band was originally called Performance Lab but decided that the name was too long, Ropp said. The band members had hoped to find an appropriate acronym that would fit “mob,” but they were un successful. “We Were originally trying to make it into an acronym and the only thing I could think of was, my dad’s a doctor and he said that mob stood for Medical Office Building, but I thought, ‘maybe not,”’ Ropp said. Acronym or not, The Mob hopes to do more live performances this summer. Ropp said audiences should expect surprises from his band. ‘‘There are a lot of interesting things that are going to happen that people aren’t going to be ready for,” Kopp said. “For $2, you’re going to get a heck of a show. We have a tremendous variety in our original stuff. We’re doing a lot of things harmonically, lots of huge chords.’ • 50 % Off Men's Levi’s Jeans . $9 99 ncw York Jeans • 20 % Off All Jackets . $10.00 Off Regular Priced Jeans • 50 % Off Skirts, Sweaters, . 50 % Off All Swimsuits & Sweatshirts True Blue Jeans and More 70th and ’O' Street __Meridian Park Plaza __ Courtesy of The Mob The Mob New band signs contract to record album in June MILLIONS from Page 6 Both are reluctant to define that style. Right now, all kinds of people like Millions music, Dingman said. Labeling it “alternative” might limit the people who listen to the music. The music isn’t necessarily con cerned with a message, the two agreed. 1 guess how people want to inter pret it, they’re welcome to it,” Ding man said. ‘‘I wouldn’t say we’re trying to make a point.” Both said Allison’s feelings are often expressed in the lyrics. Allison, a junior photography and German major, does most of the lyrics, al though all of the band members take part in writing the music and words. “We help each other,” Amsler said. Amsler said the band is more will mg to work as a learn instead of as in dividuals. The band members don’t anticipate many problems. iwo bands to play Elysium Crossing and Mousetrap will take to the stage Wednesday at Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 O St. Original music, covers and some blues could make up part of the mix, said Thomas Irvin of Elysium. Showtime is 9 p.m. and the cover is $2. " ‘ 1,1 “Wc know what (problems) to look for,” Amsler said. “We know each other really well -- we can talk out our differences.” The Millions will be playing Sat urday at Duffy’s Tavern. C Anheuser-Busch. Inc.. St. Louis. Missouri $.50 OFF i Any pizza 475-6363! NAME_ B ADDRESS_ I DATE_ | EXPIRES 6-30-89 $1.00 OFF { Any Pizza Ordered 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 475-6363! Name_ address_ I DATE_| EXPIRES 6-30-89 ■ mmmmmwmmmmmmmmMmi UK