“EXTRA MONEY** is nice, but you can help people too: Earn $120 + a month SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE $20 to new donors on first donation with this ad Ask about additional bonuses (Monday Saturday) Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 AUTOMATION ALLOWS MORE PERSONALIZED TIME WITH YOU' •Drink Special Weekend Where: Bash Riprock's When: Fri. and Sat. 9:00-cl What: .10 & .25 draws 1.00 & 1.50 pitchers Your Choice of Miller Lite Budweiser or Milwaukees Best The Catch: 1.00 cover at the door 435-BASH 12th A Q --- Non-Smoking Female Roommate needed to share 2 Bedroom Duplex tor Summer. Rent $145+1/2 Utilities 474-1709. Non Smoking Male to Share 3 Bedroom Apt. Between Campuses. On Bus/Bike Route. $92 50+1'2 Utilities. Available June 1. 477-2653, 464-6863 Evenings. Brad. One room is still available. $140/mo.+deposit, includes utilities. 475-0095. Roommate needed. Nice 4 Bedroom house, close to campus. 476-2833. '*» Share living quarters. Need non-smoking male to share 3-bedroom house one block from East Campus. $225/ mo, utilities paid. 421-2672, evenings. Summer Roommates. Non-smoking TO SHARE 3-BR House. Utilities PAID. $195/mo. Call Jim 477-9643. ROOMS FOR RENT ~~ Coed summer housing, laundry & kitchen facilities, $25/ wk/person, $5 extra for AC. Theta Chi Fraternity. Call 477-4459. ROOMS FOR RENT ON CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING. Coed. Air Conditioned. Laundry and Vending Facilities. $31/wk double. S48/wk single. 472-0131, 7-11 P.M. Summer Rooms for Women at Fraternity House. Single $100/mo., double S80/mo. Call 472-7723 or 472-7091. Ask for Bill. Women Only. $165, Utilities Included. Available June 1st. 476-9437. HOUSES FOR RENT ~ 3-4 bedroom houses, between campuses. Rent ♦ utili ties + deposit. Call 488-5446. 7-BEDROOM MANSION 2331 U, $500. 4-BEDROOM MANSION 2309 U, $400. _ Call Kim 477-9491. Clean 4 plus Bedroom. 2120 Sumner. Washer. Dryer, Stove, Refrigerator. $525. Gail, 421-1767. Female summer roommates. $185/mo, all utilities paid. 423-1535. _ Male summer roommates. $185/mo, all utilities paid. 423-1535. STUDENTS! 5118 Starr, 3-bedroom, $375. 2740 P, 5-bedroom, $615. 2904 Q, 4-bedroom, $435. 423-1535 Summer Lease or Longer Available. 2314 Holdrege. Near UNL. 4 bedroom, garage $550. 475-1579. 488 0061._ Summer Lease or Longer Available. 901 North 23rd, newly refinished 4-bedroom. 2-baths, basement, near campus. $550. 475-1579 or 488-0061. APARTMENTS FOR RENT $20CTor less" ™ 1- Bedroom Special 1940 K Street. 3092 T Street. $250 or less 2- Bedroom Special 2201 A Street 1120 E Street Call Kim 477-0491. 3501 BALDWIN-Large, clean, economical, 2-bedrooms, C/A. Maximum 3-poople. $330 garden/$360 patio. 483 4600._ _ 3631 R Street. 1 Bedroom, Oft-Street Parking, Utilities Paid. $270+Depo»it. No Pets. Leave Message, 477 9284._ _ _ 9th & D. One Bedroom, Central Air, Second Floor of Duplex. $250. Clean and cozy, no pets. 476-1716. CALL APARTMENT FINDERS YOUR SUMMER LEASE SPECIALISTS 435-6555 A free service of Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666. Clean, One-Bedroom, $200, Laundry. Near shopping and bus, no pets. Weekdays 8-5,478-1716 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 11th A F, large, 2-bedroom duplex. $335, large, 1-bed room, $245. No pets. 423-4000. East Campus. Large 2 bedroom. $339. All appliances 489-5496. _ FALL LEASES Reserve 2 Bedroom Units for the Fall Term. $329 + up. 640 South 20th. 475-7262. " .... i 1- bedroom. $225/month. 1116 S 15th, A-2. 474 5335. 10th 4 0. First floor of Duplex. $195. 1Bedroom.no pets. June 1. 476-1716. 13th & H, Up Town. 1-Bedroom, Older Building, but priced right. $225. Electricity extra, no pets, large. Weekdays 8-5,476-1716. 1717 J Street. One bedroom. $175. Heat, water, and garbage paid. To see call 483-2034. 2- bedroom apartments available, 1922 K St. Central air, dishwasher, off-street parking. Call Dan at 477-2728, please leave message. 2-bedroom apartment 6 blocks from campus, sub-lease for summer, off-street parking. Will pay half of first months rent. 475-4861. 2- bedroom, newer apartment dose to campus, available for Summer or longer. 435-4338. 20th & A. 2 Bedrooms, June 1. No pets, dean, roomy, central air, $300. Second floor. 476-1716. 2301 A Street. One bedroom with balcony, laundry. $260 475-7262. 3- bedroom duplex between City and East Campus. 1 1/ 2 baths, dishwasher, FP. Available May 15th. $375.488 2275 after 5:00 pm. 3105 South 12th. Second floor of family home. Fine, quiet apartment. $190, no pets. 476-1716 or 483-6695. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Great 1 and 2-bedroom apartments available now. ‘Close to East Campus ‘Patios and balconies on the beautifully landscaped courtyards. ‘Summer and school term leases available. CALL TODAY. 4M-M11 Joseph E. Kean Company, 474-1666. LARGE one-bedroom apt. for summer lease. Near cam pus, balcony and all appliances. 477-8230. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0361._ NEWER 2-BEDROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Balcony units $365; w/ o balcony $350.477-2177, or 423-J029, 486-1286 One and Two-Bedroom Cioee to campus 2222 • 2532 - 2521 Vine St. C/A, all appliances, laundry, from $250. Available NOW and Mid-May. L. T. Management, 474-7368. One person apartment, $300/month utilities paid. 1133 D. 475-5275. SPLASH AND TAN WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS ‘Crystal clear pool ‘Redwood sundeck ‘Spacious 2-bedroom apartments Ask about our Summer specials 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co 474-1666. Sub Lease: 2 Bedroom, Balcony, Pool, Tennis t. Basket ball Courts, Pets O.K. 464-3098 SUMMER LEASES Relax and Tan Yourself Poolside 2 Bedroom Units. $300 and up. Furniture Extra. Laundry. 640 S 20th. 475 7262. ■- '• ‘ - Summer lease, good location. $355/mo. Call 477-3621 ■ The Peliude Apartments 1035 So. 17th (17th AD) A unique opportunity to live in a secured setting that recalls the elegance of a by-gone era. Amenities include: security system, LARGE closets, quiet, masonry con struction and passenger and freight elevators. One bedroom apartments in this architectural masterpiece are offered at special summer rates, all ut'lities included. Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 ★ ★ Two people need to assume summer lease on a great 2 BR apartment (About May 15-August 15; Flexible!). 16th A Garfield (2-blocks past 16th A A). A/C, DW, the works. 5340/mojiall 475-0944. _ Wanted- 3BR House, Furnished. 'Til Dec.89. Will mind pets, garden. Australian Grad. Student A Housebroken Family. Call 472-3726. LOST & FOUND ~ Found: College Algebra book by David Cohen. Was found by Elevator in Student Union. Believed to be owned by "John"? Claim at 423-6206. KEYS found 5/3. 2:45 on first floor of Burnett. Claim at DN. ___ LOST: One gold pen on 17th April 1989 in or near Taco Inn at about 12-1:30pm. Has sentimental value. Call 472-2742 days, 436-0569 evenings. WANTED Will pay 30% of cover price for most paperbacks used in Lit. classes. PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE! 208 North 13th. Below Douglas 3 Theaters. ad5FT?5N:" " 1 ,,== ADOPTION California coupla with much love and security to offer, desire to adopt baby to age 2. AH ex penses paid, totally legal. PLEASE call Patti collect at (213)474-7904. _THANK YOU I_ ** ADOPTION Loving, financially secure couple wishes to adopt new born, WiN provide beautiful home, extended family and a lifetime of happiness. Expenses paid. Confidential. Please call collect: 212-941-6418. Loving secure couple wishes to make their lives com plete through the adoption of newborn infant. Please caN lois 810-996-4688. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential servioes Contact Nebraska Childrens Home Society, 4600 Valley Road. 483-7879. PREGNANT? We'd like to help. Loving, marned. white Southern California couple seek infant to adopt. Call collect 213-372-3708. SOCIALSERVtCES = PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. ^Free^gregnancy test, please call us lor appo.nf — - ' -■ DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS® FREE. - mm mm —^ —A Toppinqs Include: ^/D-7072 Pepperoni 611 North 27th • Mam Campus Ground Beef Open 11AM lor Lunch 7 days' o~ -,n 476-0787 Smoked Ham Hours Jsisasxr-" SSSSL Mon -Th,,r 476-9944 Black Olives 11 AM-2AM Sat. 1415 South Street • South Area Pineapple j 1AM- 1AM Sun 4R■5*177 Green Peppers 2933 N^8th . Umplfce Onions °mS De"vcfy Area 489-9631 Extra Cheese V/i'mTvhjixT' 4729 Prescott • Coiiegev.ew Extra Thick Crust c '98/ Dominos Pizza, Inc. "Coca-Cola" is a tradcrnaik ol the Coca-Cola Coiporation f$795Zw~~j i ® Special i I 16” Pepperoni Pizza and four Cokes. I Addt. toppings $1.05. Expires May 30, 1989. Good at listed locations. _i $C95 ! Sunday Special | Large Pepperoni Pizza for only $5.95. No coupon necessary. Offer good Sunday only. I Expires May 30, 1989. | Good at listed locations, i -1 BLOOM COUNTY_ _by Eerke Breathed (- OH MY / Ht'5 NOT OOP dRBAmNO/ HB'5 NOT 6R&HHMS fffr V~J ACROSS 1 Parties 6 A dollar in Kuwait 11-eggs 13 Cotton-wool fabric 15 Middle Eastern state 16 Church official 17 Nasty fellow 18 Moon of the comics 20 Water source 21 City in S France 23 Unites 2« Opening 25 Slow, to Muti 27 -Chiang. Chinese writer 28 Dorian Gray's creator 29 Library section 31 Keglers' marks 33 Haggard tale 34 fime frame 35 Site of Plato's Academy 38 Equestrian's pace 41 Show disdain 42 Brighton break 44 Ecological cycles 46 Mind 47 Do the honors, at dinner 49 Computer feed 50 One-third of a wine 51 Rutabagas 53 Km, for short 54 Whatnot 56 Vacationer's delight 58 City in S Anz 59 More strict 60 Hews 61 Did carpentry DOWN 1 Brides, e g 2 Clear 3 Shooting match, French style 4 Jack of movies and TV 5 Arrangement • Does hose repair 7 Followers Suffix 8 Zip 9 France of France 10 Impedes 11 Transferred picture 12 Holds off 13 Sights at Oxford 14 Brave’s place 19 Links position 22 Hidden, as contraband 24 Stolen 26 Pigment for Picasso 28 Alerts 30 Murray or Dryden 32 Pod unit 35"-robins Kilmer 36 Camp accom modations 37 Ogles 38 Quibbles 39 Error indication 40 Sleeping 41 Dutch genre painter " 43 Shore flier 45 Tulwar 47 Parish priests, in Paris 48 Km of fleurets 51 Toxophilite William 52 Hindu deity 55 Sal of songdom 57 Emulate Betsy Ross Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lulsrEtDlc|A|R|SlAl L1E1S|M| A1N1 i I I rpjMWpTEpISlHlAl I |N1S i r't ^M111 I 11 ii fiM I itrflMBTtr ii ii rXlElRIOlBTEpMA L AI I tfiR E E IFtwiE|E|l-|AfM[clE|w rTmT E R CORONA $16.99 $4.99 WARM CASE COED 6 PACK PABST $6.99 $3.99 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK ! r TV1111'1 "V.1 ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■».» »»»■ CALIFORNIA COOLERS WARM OR COLD $2.99 “«$5.00 4 PACK* STROHS REG. OR LIGHT $8.49 $4.99 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK PH ICES POOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON < >9*0 Chronicle Features Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate O o What? No tartar sauce? You'd forget your own head if it wasn't bolted on!"