t ! Daily ^ Nebraskan May 5,1989__ University of Nebraska-Lincoln WEATHER: Friday, partly sunny, windy and cooler with 30 percent chance of showers, high in 60s, NW winds 15-30 mph. Friday night, frost expected with lows 30-35. Saturday, mostly sunny and blustery, high of 65. re ..— .... ... INDEX News Digest.2 Editorial.4 Arts & Entertainment.6 Sports.9 Classifieds.10 Vol. 88 No. 153 Three more measles cases are diagnosed By Lisa Donovan Senior Reporter hree more University of Ne braska-Lincoln students were diagnosed with rubeola measles Thursday, a University Health Center official said, bringing the total number of cases to 10. The latest victims, who live in Agmen, Sigma Chi and Alpha Tau Omega fraternities, could have con tracted the measles in one of their classes, said Dr. Ralph Ewert, health center chief of staff. Ewert said the health center has sent letters to students in those frater nities requesting that they receive vaccinations, if they have not al ready. Besides the warning letters, Ewert said, health center officials have made arrangements with the director of housing to reserve a portion of one of the residence halls for measles victims. “They are preparing a place if we get more (measles victims) than our hospital can handle,” Ewert said. It’s a matter of separating the vic tims from people who may be suscep tible, he said. Victims who live near Lincoln arc being sent home, Ewert said, because they do not need medical attention and can be isolated from the commu nity at home. Ewert said the new victims arc thought to be second-generation cases, meaning they may have caught the disease from the original victim. “I’d like to scold those who are not immunized yet,” Ewert said. “Where are they?” According to health center rec ords, 3,000 students are not known to be immunized. Although there is serious concern that students will spread the disease once they leave campus, health cen ter officials have not made any addi tional plans to remedy it. “Ideally we should vaccinate everybody before they leave,” Ewert said. At the close of the spring semester, students hospitalized for measles will be discharged once they feel well enough to travel. Officials from the Nebraska Stale Health Department have made no overt plans to prepare for a statewide epidemic, but will take each ease individually. According to Grey Borden, health department immunization program coordinator, if a student has symp toms of the measles once they get See UPDATE on 3 UNL Health Center has been distributing morning-after pills By David G. Young Staff Reporter Women at the University of Nebraska Lincoln have been able to use “morn ing-after pills” from the University Health Center to induce abortions for more than 10 years, said Dr. Ralph Ewert, chief of staff at the health center. The drug, known as Premarin, is prescribed to women who fear impregnation from a recent act of sexual intercourse. The health center receives requests for the drug about once or twice each week, Ewert said. The $12 prescription consists of 20 hormone pills taken four limes a day for five days, he said. It is the high conccnlratidn of fe male hormones that causes the pregnancy to terminate, he said. “What you arc doing here is taking the equivalent of four years of estrogen in five days,” Ewert said. “Most people who have studied (Premarin) think it prevents the im plantation of the ovum in the uterus. If you look at it that way, it’s actually an abortion-produc ing agent. There arc doctors here who will not prescribe it.” Ewcrt said the drug is effective if taken within 72 hours of intercourse. There has been only one ease at the health center where a woman has tested positive for pregnancy after taking Premarin, he said. The drug’s side effects, though rare, can include nausea, abdominal cramps, breast congestion and edema (swelling), Ewerl said. While Premarin commonly is used to termi nate pregnancy, it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for that pur pose, said J. Chang, research associate for the American Medical Association. Dr. Winston Crabb, a private Lincoln gyne cologist, said he usually prescribes Premarin for its approved use as a hormone supplement for post-menopausal women. Though he said he is willing to give the drug to women to stop a pregnancy, Crabb said he would rather discourage that use. This is be cause some women get sick from the high dose of estrogen, he said. Premarin is not approved as a pregnancy terminating drug because drug companies fear liability, Crabb said. This fear has been associ ated with many pregnancy-related drugs for at least 20 years, Crabb said. See PILLS on 3 Student leader says worldwide issues should be dealt with By Eve Nations Staff Reporter Dealing with worldwide issues and prob lems now will help students develop better leadership skills for the future, said Barb Mcistcr, a senior political science major at the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln. Mcister, who participated in the 10-week Leadership in America program last summer, spoke to about 40 UNL students Thursday about her experience in the program and what she learned about the current leadership crisis. “Students need to become more aware of outside issues,” she said. “Worldwide issues affect every one so we need to learn to deal with them now.” Many students arc concerned only with career specialization, Meister said. “Specialistsaregood, but if you want to see the whole picture, you need to know more than just specialized issues,” she said. “We need to look beyond the four walls of our classrooms and beyond the boundaries of the campus.” Another problem future leaders have, Meis tcr said, is learning how power works and where the power relationships exist. ‘‘A lot of students don’t know how the [lower works in the university system,” she said. “In order to make any good changes, you need to learn how to deal with the power structure.” Meister shared her experiences from the leadership program. The program, which has five different, stages in five different locations, taught participants how to rely on their strengths and weaknesses through various experiences, she said. She said the leadership program started at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greens boro, N.C., where students learned self assess ment The program then moved to the mountains in Colorado and challenged the participants physically. Mcister said it taught her to rely on others as well as herself. Then, after spending three weeks learning to improve their leadership skills in business and communication in Dallas, Mcister said, the group of 50 students split up and went through a four-week internship program. After the in ternship program was over, all 50 people met back in Washington, D.C., and discussed what they had learned. No ... Bud Light! Phase II construction continues on the entrance to the newest recreation center addition. See page 9 for story. Humane Society criticizes rodeo practices By Brandon Loomis Senior Reporter The Humane Society of the United States hopes President George Bush’s pledge for a kinder, gentler nation also applies to cows. Wendell Maddox, director of the society’s Midwest regional office, said about 12 percent of animals used in steer-busting or roping competi tions suffer visible physical injuries. “Maybe the Bush administra tion’s kinder, gentler nation means we’ll have stricter regulations at ro deos,” Maddox said. The society is concerned about such injuries as broken bones, broken horns and bruising of the trachea and larynx when calves arc roped and flipped to the ground, he said. Maddox said practices such as using electric cattle prods on cows and “bucking” or flank straps on horses also are inhumane. A flank strap is a bell cinched near the horse's groin that makes the horse buck be cause of pain, Maddox said. George Pfeiffer, faculty adviser to the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln rodeo club, said cattle prods arc used to move cattle into the chutes, not to make them buck. He said the electric shock stings but is much more hu mane than beating the animals with a stick. “It’s generally accepted as the most humane way to move live stock,” he said. Pfeiffer said flank straps arc pad dcd with sheep skin, and cause no pain to the animal. Maddox said past attempts to bring change from within the rodeo industry have failed, as have attempts at passing anti-rodeo legislation at the state level. The only alternative left, he said, is to lobby for regulation from Washington. Currently, Maddox said, the gov ernment trusts rodeo associations to monitor their own animals and ensure that there is no cruelty. “Rodeos are exempt from all anti cruelty laws,” he said. But if rodeos were to eliminate cruelty from the sport, they would be out of jobs and money, Maddox said. “That’s what the industry is all about, it’s just laden with cruelty from top to bottom,” he said. “If you could get them to clean up the prob lems ... you’d be all but wiping out rodeo.” Maddox said the society puts little pressure on the rodeo industry to change, because the only real chance for change is in the government. “If we’re waiting for the rodeos to change themselves, then we’re look ing at a iong wait,” he said. Robert Downey, executive direc tor of the Capital Humane Society in Lincoln, said it is not likely that ro deos will ever be eliminated through legislation or pressure. “I doubt if you could get it done,” he said. “If you could stop rodeo, then certainly you could stop dog races and horse races.” Pfeiffer said there is no cruelty in rodeo to be eliminated. ‘‘I think we lake pretty dam good care of our animals,” Pfeiffer said. “If we don’t, it’s money out of our pockets.” Rodeos buy their own livestock, he said, and any injury that might . occur in competitions costs the owner for medical costs or new animals. “If you don’t take care of your livestock, they don’t perform,” he said. Pfeiffer said the 12 percent injury figure Maddox quoted comes from an event that most college rodeo compe titions don’t include - single steer roping. In that event, he said, com See RODEO on 5