fPead Week relief CORRECTION So what?! You were probably lying anyway. WEATHER INDEX Toosday, mostly breezy with a chance of air floating, high around 4 reefers with winds blowing Booze Digesting 2 here and there. Toosday night, increasing dark- Pisses & moans 4 ness as the sun goes down and clouds roll in. Perversions 6 Wednesday, partly sunny after sun-up, with Squirts .7 32 HSUS. accu™la,in9 on M,s _ _____ Dead Week Relief__ University of No-Learning Vo!. Loud Tone. Lok Meadowlark flips Deadislature the bird Highway squirrel amendment suggested f By Richard Cranium Staff Reloricr A bill in the Nebraska Dcadisla turc has pissed off Nebraska’s slate bird, the western meadowlark. “I’m pissed off,” screeched Chirpy Lark, spokesman for the Nebraska Meadowlark Association, who opposes LBZOO. Lark spoke at a hearing of the Dcadislature’s Nothing of Impor tance Committee Friday. The cham ber was packed full of robins, doves, eagles, hawks, hummingbirds, sky larks, bluebirds, blackbirds, redbirds, every color of bird around. Hell, even the tcradactyl was there. LBZOO would change the state bird from the western meadowlark to the sandhills crane. State Bumbler Harlct Bclchson, who sponsored the bill, said she doesn’t understand why the meadowlark association is so upset, she still likes the birds. Belchson said she believes the change would increase tourism to Nebraska, because so many people already come to see the sandhills crane. And besides, she said, she St really digs those cranes’ long legs. “Yeah, 1 do,” Bclchson said. “They’re hot!” y I ark claimed that Bclchson has LI reneged on promises made to the IV meadowlark association that she H would increase meadowlarks’ stature in the state, by declaring her massive land holdings near Grunt Island as the Nebraska Meadowlark Sanctuary. “That bitch lied" to us!” Lark ^ tweeted. “She promised us all the meadows we could lark in, and now I she’s going to give those tall water dwellers all the loot.’’ Lark said he couldn’t understand I why Bclchson would do such a thing for a migratory flock that only comes to Nebraska to piss in the Platte River 19 once a year. “I’ve seen ‘cm pissin’, it ain’t a . pretty sight.’’ Sippin’ Crane, lobbyist for the Sandhills Cranes of America, said * that Bclchson was doing a good ’* thing, because the cranes don’t really * have a place to call home. L. See ZOO on 8 Homor Jarkoff/Daily Half ass kin A highway squirrel. Cute III’ thing, ain’t he? Impeachment planned for RHA jerks Hy P. hncil Thin Sufi Pencil Dick A Really Hopeless Association sinutor announced plans Friday to impeach the association’s newly elected executives for ethical mis conduct and an alleged attempt to restructure RHA by writing bylaws for the association to follow. “We’ve gotten along without rules for a long time,” said one of the man> RHA sinators who whispered in this reporter’s ear, called me at home, pulled me out of class, passed me notes under the bathroom stalls, sent me personals in die Daily Half asskin, wishing only to be identified as Deep Throat. “We sure as hell don’t need ’em now.’’ Deep Throat introduced legisla tion at Friday’s meeting that would impeach President I. Am Dicklcss and Vice President Twin Whoreson for writing bylaws and for spending $2 from RHA funds on a two-fer at Burger King while celebrating their electoral victory. “Two dollars may not seem like a lot,” Deep Throat said, “but that’s 90 percent of RHA’s budget.’’ An outraged Dickless responded, spouting that the wide margin of his victory was proof of his policy man date and his right to spend residence hall fees any way he secs fit. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend RHA funds on those dormie losers,’’ Dicklcsssaid. “Besides, two burgers and two fries for two bucks is about the best investment this asso ciation has ever made.” Former President Sorry Boobsky disagreed. “Remember that time we sent me to North Dakota?’’ Boobsky asked. “That was a real good investment.” Former Treasurer Paira Rancid, who had no business being at the meeting but posed as another sinator, defended Dicklcss and Whoreson. She argued that although the new executives are certainly unethical, they arc the “lesser of 35 evils” in the RHA Sinate. Driven to tears, Whoreson said the sinate has no right to impeach him “It’s really unfortunate that the sinate has to worry about ethics,” Whoreson belly-ached. “I’m so sure. I wish they’d just grow up.” RHA adviser Scari Holstein said Dickless and Whoreson know what is best for RHA, and should make all the decisions. Student-elected sinators shouldn’t be able to vote on the im peachment or any other measure, she said. “They don’t know jack-shit,” Holstein said. Trendy Beer-Stem, RHA electoral fixer, said the impeachment may not be necessary, since Dickless and Whoreson technically should not be in office. 4 ‘There are no provisions in any of See CRY on 8 In deep shit! J T Pl88ant/Da,,y Cornhurnper volleyball player Muffin Birkenstock is engulfed by shit Sunday at the Cock Pavilion Sports Shrine. For more, see the story on page 3. Sinators sniffle, sleep I By Jenny Talia Staff Prober The Association of Nobodics of the University Socialites again slept through their meeting yester day - all except for a few sinators who had a pillow fight. ANUS Sin. Still Disturbin stood up on the table and bawled when she didn’t get everyone to vole the way she wanted them to. As usual, Disturbin offered no rational reasons for any of her motives. She refused to support proposals for financing a gay/les bian group and giving Indian re mains back to the Pawnee tribe. “All I can say is that none of those people arc blonde or obnox ious, and none of them belong to the elite organization called ‘my friends’,” Disturbin said. “Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. Mic men turned to tne Daily Half-asskin reporter, who was writing down her every word. “I don't care what you print about me,” she said. “Everyone knows why I do what I do and somebody will still marry me if I lose 50 pounds.” Sporting three-pound gold cuf flinks on his French-cut shirt. Sin. Steamed Mama's Son responded to Disturbing remarks. “It doesn't matter what every one else votes. As long as we're all Christians here, truth will pre vail.” “Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. “And I don’t care what you print about me cither,” Mama’s Son said. “Everyone knows I’m not a closet homosexual.” “Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. ANUS Sin. Real Dumb voted against the two, too. He gave rea sons, hut they were so damn stupid, we won’t print diem. But ha did vote opposite what his constituents wanted. We know, cuz. we’re his constituents. Former A NUS Sen. L.ippy Dork attended the meeting for no appar ent reason. Dork jumped up and down on a chair behind ANUS sinators, trying to get their atten tion. “Look at me! Listen to me!!” Dork said. “I want to tell you something important!" Nobody paid any attention to her outburst. Dork said earlier in the year that she resigned because ANUS was not representing its constituents. But DH reporters, who did not believe Dork’s excuse, followed her every night for two weeks to find out the real reasons for her resignation. Dork was seen frequenting the corner of 16th and O streets, sell ing her wares. Responding to the evidence. Dork said the real reason she re signed was that “Wednesday nights brought out the best custom ers.*’ “And ANUS wasn't willing to change its schedule to allow me to continue my career,” Dork said. In other “affairs,’’ ANUS president Left Peterbult and Gov erning Losers Coalition chairper son Crying Still announced their engagement. Peterbult and Still, known fondly on campus as Frick and Frack, told ANUS members that they could no longer keep their secret. “We can no longer keep our secret,’* Frick said. “You all thought for years that we were just See BITCH on 3 Here we are, folks! It’s the Daily Half-asskin, (he Daily Nebraskan joke issue. Wc saved it for dead week this year so you could take study breaks filled with merrimrnt. But just remember, what you read in the next eight pages is all fiction. It is a pure coincidence if something sounds familiar on these pages, because any similarity with persons living or dead is something wc just can’t believe. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent Now remember, folks, this is a joke issue, with a lot of chortles and little truth. And if you find it offensive or boring, than maybe ye’ ol little humor. Enjoy.