The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1989, Page 4, Image 4
Editorial _ I Nebraskan I University ot Nebraska-Uncoln Curt Wagner, Editor. 472 1 766 Amy Fuiwards, Editorial Page Editor Jane Hirt, Managing Editor Rood, Associate \ews Editor Diana Johnson, Wire Page Editor Chuck Green, Copy Desk Chief I.isa Donovan, Columnisl Nightmare handled Health Center officials to he commended |r udos to the University Health Center officials. Last week had to be, as Director Gerald Fleischli put it, a health center director’s worst nightmare. But despite the ominous measles outbreak, UNL health officials handled the outbreak beautifully. For most of the 13,000 students who had to be immu nized, the process took only a few minutes. At Kansas State University, according to the Kansas State Collegian, students were waiting in line for almost two hours to be vaccinated, after seven cases of measles had been reported. UNL is not immune to more measles cases, and Fleischli said the third-generation cases may not be diagnosed until May 10. But hopefully, the number of those cases has been kept to a minimum by the quick and complete planning of university, county and state health officials. Officials can be proud as students raise their sore arms in salute. j — Amy Edwards for the Daily Nebraskan I . What others think Exxon to pass the buck on disaster Has anyone else noticed how the price of gasoline has risen in the past three weeks? Has anyone noticed how the federal government has chipped “ in "rccbaiT tfie oiFBut of PrTnce William ISound? Has any ohe^5!lc5<rtfiarEl(xon’f profits 5re expected to suffer 3 little by causing the nation’s largest oil spill? Well, if you haven’t, wise up. Exxon may face criminal and civil fines of nearly $1 billion on top of the costs of cleaning up the oil spill. So what? Exxon won’t ever pay them -- we will. Exxon had the gall to tell Interior Secretary Manuel i Lujan that it wouldn’t “make available” $15 million to ■i assist the government in setting up a council to study the { long-term effects of the spill and to develop a plan to rehabilitate the wildlife habitat. Exxon’s reason: they ? can’t earn interest on the money if they give it to the government This is greed, kids. While there’s nothing wrong with making money -- the business of America is still business — profiting from a disaster should leave a sour taste in the mouths of even the most ardent capitalists. But in Exxon’s case, the taste seems most pleasant. Meanwhile, consumers are being fed a steady diet of the slop. There’.; only one way to make Exxon account able for the damage they’ve done. Boycott Exxon prod ucts. -- The Daily Iowan UNL Good News gets laughs An open letter to Nels Forde, publisher of The UNL Good News: You can imagine my shock, after reading your tabloid for almost a year, that you are not a humorist. I had assumed these past few months that the UNL Good News is a publica tion striving for laughs, a goal which it frequently achieves. With me any way. After all, I can always count on your flatulent editorials for a few chuckles no matter how foul a mood I’m feeling. Lines like “As Chris tians, we criticize the Daily Nebras kan’s advocacy of condom distribu tion as encouraging fornication, which is sin against God” are abso lute howlers. Who would have thought such wonderfully wrought nonsense is meant seriously? Unfortunately, a friend assured me today that you are sincere; you don’t merely pretend to be a buffoon. He said it’s sad but true that you and other “fundies” go through life with blinders, refusing to acknowledge reality and, instead, taking great pride in ignorance. Ah, well. I suppose I can always find another source for amusement. Meanwhile, I’ll relegate The UNL Good News to my wastebasket Jim McWilliams teaching assistant department of English -g<luQRyiL The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper be come the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. eV 'i Y NO,MO 'V ’ yi TRAoe A WAR J] WITH God save the Daily Nebraskan I Forde's un-Christian attitudes don't impress Catholic columnist rhave finally seen the light! I have UNL Good New s publ isher Nels Fordc to thank for that. Thanks, big guy. Hallelujah! In last week’s issue of UNL Good News, Fordc gave ASUN a big pat on the back for its decision to vote dow n the resolution to urge the NU Board of Regents to add sexual orientation to the non-discriminatory section of the NU Charter. Fortunately, the ASUN senate passed a revised edition of their bill last Wednesday urging the board of regents to add not only sexual orien tation, but marital status and physical disability not relating to job perform ance to the non-discriminatory clause. i-iomosexuais, rorac s editorial in the issue said, don’t deserve such special consideration because they are not legal minorities - they aren't “bom that way.” Instead, he argues, they arc conditioned. They just wake up one morning, look in the mirror and decide to be different. Right on, Ncls. God is undoubt edly proud of you. But the Daily Nebraskan, Fordc wrote, is the true anti-Christ in the matter. “The Daily Nebraskan’s position on condom distribution in the ASUN office is irresponsible as well as sac rilegious,” his editorial stated. Fordc went on to say that the DN ’s advocacy of condom distribution encourages fornication. Lighten up If a newspaper editorial drives students to fornication, society is a lot worse off than it seems. Pssst! Hey, Ncls. Don’t spread this around, but... college students have sex now and then. So do high school and junior high students. It’s 1989, Nels. Welcome to reality! Unfortunately, in 1989, sex can kill. It can also sometimes wreck lives if adequate preparation - birth control -- isn't administered. 1 happen to be the product of a private, Catholic education, and I was taught from the relative start that birth control is wrong. But in a world filled with starvation, neglect, child abuse and general ignorance and irre sponsibility, birth control scents less “inhumane.” When the choice is between an overcrowded world with more problems than solutions and prevention of conception, one has to ask: What’s the bigger crime? Forde goes on to say that DN Edi tor Curt Wagner was dead wrong when he w rote the editorial against ASliN’s decision. HI_—’ I ‘... the allegation in the UN that (ASI N Sen. Steve) Thomlison is diametrically opjiosed to the gay/les hian movement is potentially libel ous.” Way to go, Nels. You lucked out. Without the word “potentially” in that statement, you would have heard Irom our lawyers. Libel, ol buddy. Libel. Torde then called for a ASUN resolution to ban the UN and asked UNI. students not to read the newspa per. All in the name of Christianity. And bigotry. It never I ails to ama/e me how narrow-minded and intolerant some ( hristians' are toward their fellow humans. They stand on a pedestal of superiority, telling people what God wants by interpreting Bible passages any way they sec fit to acquire their desired result. Kind ol like the Nazis right before World War II. Of course, these same people have a knack for throw ing the blame hack in someone else Mate while |>ointing a critical finger all ihe while. “Liberals must be deal, horde wrote of the DN. “They can never hear logical arguments against their prejudices.’* Huh?Come again. Niels 'Couldn’t hear you. It's amusing to read mk It an auda cious statement about " logical argu ments" from someone as bigoted as horde. People like Forde go against eve rything religion stands lor. It s little wonder why society is becoming more and more atheistic. Ihe news papers are fullol stones about abuses of religion. Jim and lanmiy rayv Jimmy Swaggarl... now you can add one more name to the list. Forilc maintains that homosexual ity is an acquired siatus, rather than an ascribed one. “They.” he says,arc conditioned mt “their” ''talus, making “their” own decisions as to which path to follow. Mas he. But that was the belief about epileptics and the mentally ill noi so many years ago. It may still be lor some people. Fordc and those like him have serious problems. Intolerance o minorities, or anyone w ho happens to be different, is a disease h s sicken ing, but even more so when it is practiced in the name of God. Docs Fordc really believe that God wants homosexuals persecuted? born me at the stake, huh, Nels? How about Muslims? Hindus? Blacks, maybe. If there is indeed a God. what ne (she?) wants is something none or Eg can know — yet. But we Hall findo I someday. , I And some people may be su prised at what they learn. d | (ireen is 8 senior news-editorial a*. » criminal justice major, and isa Daily * * lean sportswritcr, sporLs ard editorial co u nisi and the copy desk chief. ; - The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publi cation on the basis of clarity, original ity, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to sub material as guest opinions. Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is lelt to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the properly o! the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. | should include the author s ..’ I year in school, major and group s'" ation, if any. Requests U) wi l names will not be granted. Submil material to the DallJ £jR 1 braskan. 34 Nebraskai Union. I St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-04