Nebraska is a whiney slate, espe cially when the university is in the picture. No matter what happens, no matter how many people are affected in a positive way, someone will al ways step in with tears rolling down his or her cheeks and snot being con tinuously and noisily sucked up his or her nose. Introducing the First Annual Daily Half-asskin Whiner’s Hall of Fame. The following folk have been named to the prestigious list because of their incessant, non-stop bitching and moaning about things that, well, aren’t worth the energy to bitch about. Ladies and gentlemen . .. Because of his 2,389 letters to the DH this semester alone, BLAN DREW WHINER has been chosen “1989 KING OF THE WHIN ERS.” Way to go, jerk! _ GOV.-LORD NO MORR What can be said that hasn’t been said already? Whining is the name of the game. So is butt kissing. ‘Nuff said. — —j i