Shit engulfs, wastes a volleyball player By F. T. Winkle Staff Shit Expert A large sewage pipe under the Cock Pavillion Sports Shrine broke Sunday, killing a Comhumpcr vol leyball player. Hundreds of gallons of shit poured into the facility just before 1 p.m., engulfing the building. Muffin Birk enstock was the only volleyball player in the area at the time. “She was practicing her serve,” said Humpcr coach Cherry Pct-it, who this reporter hates. “The shit just kind of swallowed her up. Gee/, I’ve heard the old saying ‘Up to your shoulders in shit,’ but I’ve never seen it -- until now.” The Bobfathcr, UNL big cheese in the athletic department, couldn’t be reached for comment — he was busy doing a No. 2 - but a janitor in his office at the time said the accident was a real tragedy. u s a rcui irageuy, saiu rcoscoc Broompushcr. “I’ll bet a lot of people will be in some real serious shit now (snicker, snicker).’’ The shit, most of which came from nearby residence halls, rose to the five-foot level, filling the building and making people up to four blocks away run to their cars for some fresh air. UNL’s Shit Busters, an emer gency team formed in 1981 for just such an occasion, were on the scene within 10 minutes to battle the un wanted waste. “It was really impressive,’’ Pcl-it said. “They came wandering in in those nifty rubber suits and gas masks - you know, like the one the guy wore in “Caddyshack” when they took the candy bar out of the swim ming pool - and started taking the shit away. They took a lot of shit, lent me tell ya.’’ The shit was removed in 60-gallon drums and taken to the State Capsule, where shit is handled every day. “Honestly, if those guys over there at the Dcadislalurc don’t know what to do with it, who docs?” said Col. Jake Horndog, commander of the crack shit-patrol team. “We’ve taken shit there before and they’ve never complained. They know whal they’re doing.” The seven-man team had the building cleaned up in two hours, and 147 barrels were delivered to the Capsule shortly thereafter. | Pcl-it said he wasn’t sure what will | come of the accident. I “But you can be sure the shit is I going to hit the fan,” he said. J. T. Pisaant/Dally Half-asskin Members of UNL’s crack “Waste Busters” shit-patrol team clean up tons of shit from the Cock Pavilion Sports Shrine Sunday afternoon (above). The shit was removed in special barrels (right) and taken to the State Capsule, where Deadis lators handle shit every day. __ Students love, ban on new design By Bubbles Van Champagne Staff Imbiber _ A new design in the Office of Disasters and Financial Trade-offs won’t necessarily increase effi ciency, but it will add a certain at mosphere and increase the screws put to UNL students, director Bombed Weakened. “Ooohh, I just love it, L-O-V-E, love it,’ ’ Weakened shrieked. The basement has been been dug to below the Nebraska water table and shaped into a tunnel. The tunnel, with anthracite coal panelling on its walls, will act as an entrance to the underground office. A shuttle mod eled after Viking ships at Drizzly World will help students gel to the office more easily. Weakened said the the new atmos phere belter suits the office — a home for missing records and sad souls lost in financial trade-offs. The entire office has been flooded to increase the excuses workers can give for lost paperwork, said Lois Butterfingers, office secretary. “I think the atmosphere is the key thing here,” Butterfingers said. ‘‘The damp dreary walls, the dark colors, the subdued lighting; it all suggests a trip into the pagan under world. I think that makes a strong statement to the student; they won’t expect any easy rides down here.” Students, however, had mixed reactions to the changes. “I get so seasick on those damn water-rides, no matter where I go,” said Claudia Schniftcr, a senior bas ket-weaving major. “I had 16 different major scholar ships, including a 6-year Rejects scholarship from the university. I had to give them all up just because I threw up on all my documents before I made it down to the office. I think they should change it back,” she said. Dippy Fibbelcher, student lobby ist for the Governing Losers Coali tion, approved of the design, how ever. I think it s great, nbbclchcr said. “The coalition helped bring the whole design about, and students should appreciate what we’ve done. “This makes going to school a little more fun, and I don’t think all that controversy over the admission fee to the Administration Building was at all merited.’’ The $9 fee has been protested by several student groups, especially those from the engineering college. Defenders of the charge say the fee is nothing compared to various admis sions to amusement parks around the nation. “It’s nothing,’’ said Julia Slickit toya, another secretary at the office. “How many students get a top-qual ity ride along with their disaster aid?’’ Shifty Dealings, another secre tary, agreed. “Sure, a lot of students in a lot of institutions get taken for a ride, but somehow, I think this adds a certain style,’’ she said. “Students really get soaked here.’’ “Besides,” she added, “We can hide behind the waterfall when we see a long line of students coming.” Students get taken for a ride at the remodeled Office of Disasters and Financial Trade-off. ANUS sucks BITCH from Page 1 discussing politics behind closed doors.” “Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. Frack said the decision to come out from behind closed doors was Frick’s, and he reluctantly went along with it even though he was afraid it would hurt his political campaign. ‘‘But I decided that our friend ship was more important than the presidency,” he said. ‘‘Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. ANUS Sin. Fanned Blowfarts, who has now resigned, tried once again to bring up legislation that he knew nothing about. Blowfarts repeatedly called for someone in the audience to open on his bills, but no one paid any attention. “I don’t understand why none of you people like my bills,” Blowfarts said. “I know there’s at least one person in this audience who thinks I’m doing an informed and important job.” “Pass!” said Sin. Chicken Lytl. Unfortunately for Blowfarts, the only person in the audience fell asleep during his speech. * ‘Come on Mom, wake up! ’ ’ he screamed. Sin. Chicken Lytl continued to pass on all legislative decisions until all the other sinators had made up their minds. Lytl did, however, throw a hissy fit about s DH headline during open forum. * ‘Those stupid people never gel anything right,” he said. In a tcary press conference re sponding to Lytl’s attack, DH edi tor S purl W i Idl y apolog i zed fort he headline, saying he didn’t see how such a thing could happen undci his steadfast leadership. His melancholy soon turned to See BITCH AGAIN on 8