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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1989)
Traveling for circuses makes family a team CIRCUS from °age 6 ah' ho reads lodo iho same in a ioa sears Bhi said ’ho iamilv is a loam and hes ravel irom rous to circus and Mato io suiie .he maioritv of the year Accordine to Donna the family raveis around in i ai with a >mall rader auached o u Ixvause u s mmo to hrme more holonemcs rfx radc i> a onvomonco Bill ,atd wjhv' ho Munis imtsi r»rnui a n i»ri*\ »< ho. vsona' eoods imho .s ill a no aortal rquipmon m ac -.noA Vou have to iove *he business, oth erwise vou wouldn t be in it * Banmster ' ho sho* > ion t suppls anv ior ihe i 'i * 'tiul VIv wile ,i*id laughter make a I the clothes dor no Another . mvemence factor )onnasaid \ 'hat the trailer provide" i son o< home awj\ from home i; > hard traveling) with kids "ho said An option would be to get a hotel '(Him Donna "aid hut die trailer I gives the family aeonvcnicm place lo rest between shows and ts less expen sive Bill added that although circus performers earn good money, it is expensive u> he out on the road. You have to make good money he said, u s so expensive. We probably spend more money in a week than most people make (in a week > rraveling expenses alone utke a large lump out ol one's billfold li will cost as $500 |usi to go to Yc* York Bill said. Beginning their lour in mid April tnd * Hiding up in December Donna and Bid said the\ can lietire out ho* mans mp*s the\ Jo each vear nu he * i said hev tveraee around Is performances nor week V mi nave o love ihe business Bn >aid oinerwise vou wouidn t ne in n BH and Donna agree tna* the\ love h Bib said ii s better .nan (he iradi nonal tamih setup where the father ind/or mother work outside ol the nome and .he children are either in day -care or sc hool We re together as a family 24 hours a day seven days a week M>s daysayear. Bill said Were much closer than most lamilies Circus performances will be to night at 7 30 p m. Wednesday Thursday and Hridav ai 2 Mi and 7 Ml Saturday at noon. 3:30and 7: Mi p.m and Sunday at I and 4:30 p.m -, No mess... No fuss... No return... Same day... Keepsake Bachelor Gown, Cap & Tassel ONLY .95 In stock, all sizes. Available anytime during store hours. 100% Solution Dyed Actetate Light weight Fabric. Color is blocked in . for the life fabric. Pick up anytime you want. Open Mon-Fn 9-5 30 Sal 9-5 30 Thurs HI 9pm More than ever, more than a Bookstore. 1300 Q Street <402)476-0111 Columnist uses hindsight, maturity to crush myths from his childhood H> Jim Hanna Staff Humorist 1 remember a pretty funny gag in the original “Muppet Movie.” Kcr mit the Frog was being plagued by ignorant people who spouted myths about frogs. iiM»nuNi&i— “No, that’s a myth! Myth!” poor Kermil would insist, at which point a /.any woman appeared from nowhere and said ... Discover Birkenstock Discover how healthy and comfortable vour feet can be in original Birkenstock footwear. And discover the fresh new look of Birkenstock — sandals ; and shoes in exciting new colors and styles. Footloose & Fancy 1219 "P" 476-6119 L “Ycth?” Gel it? He said myth and this woman thought he was lisping and said Miss. So she would lisp hack her response: Yes? (with lisp=ycth). I thought it was pretty clever Well, age and sensibility have since come my way and I now sec that joke for wha' it was: a brutal attack upon lispers. Age and sensibility have also cleared me up on the whole idea of myths in general. As a child, I greed ily consumed every hare-brained myth of life that came my way. Now it’s lime to look back with my 20/20 hindsight. I may have been duped as a lad, but no longer shall I fall victim to the lies crammed down my throat by my parents, teachers and various other evil adult myth-mon gers. It’s lime to crush a few myths from my childhood days: POLICE OFFICERS ARE YOUR FRIENDS: The Iasi lime I checked, none of my friends had ever arro gantly slapped a SIS parking ticket on my car. I have never been pulled over by one of my buddies for speed ing. And I am quite certain that none of my friends have ever cited me for minor in possession. My friend? No thanks, I couldn’t handle the peer pressure. IF YOU KEEP MAKING THAT FACE, IT WILL STICK LIKE THAT: I don’t think 1 ever really believed this one. But to be certain, last week, I made a lace like Mel Gibson all day long. I thought it would be nice to have my lace stuck like that. It didn’t work. THE TOOTH FAIRY, SANTA CLAUS, EASTER BUNNY, ETC.: I still kick myself for buying into this crap for so long. I should have picked up on n when my mom made me pul my first lost tooth in a jar of water by my bed instead of under my pillow. I Buy a Bunch After Lunch 3 for $ 1 Offer good Tuesdays, noon to 1:00 p.m. \ 120 No. 14th MIWI 474’6150 ‘ ‘ Wc want the tooth lairy to be able to find it easily, don't wc?” my mom would say. Little did I know she was lust uk) lazy to go rooting around under my pillow in the middle of the night. Wc didn't have a chimney so I once asked how Santa would get in the house. My dad told me he would leave the door unlocked for him. Right, Dad, so the Zodiac Killer can sneak in and hack us to death while wc sleep? It was all just a pack of lies. 1 BEFORE E, EXCEPT AFTER C: This one has always bugged me. There arc far loo many exceptions. Usually, these exceptions would be worked into the cute rhyme - ‘ un less it sounds like ay’ as in neighbor and weigh.” Allow me to expand upon this list of exceptions: height, leisure, deity, feign, deign, weird, seismic, feisty, heinous, being, heir, Heimlich maneuver, heifer, meiosis. beige, seize, reign, rein, heist, lei, neither, either, vein, veil, weir and on and on. Let’s see them try to turn that into a cute, catchy jingle. YOU’RE GOING TO FEEL A LITTLE PRESSURE: This was a lavoriie of my dentist. A young mind is not going to comprehend the mean mg of “a little pressure.” Blinding agony - that a young mind can under stand. I really wish they would quit lying. Pain is pain and they should just call it like n is. “Little boy, I’m going to stick this long, scary needle into the tender lining of your mouth until your eyes pop out m an intense* lit of pain ” THIS IS GOING TO HURT ME MORE THAN IT DOES YOU: Ac tually, I never really heard this one. I don 't think anyone ever has except on TV shows. It seemed that at times my parents could hardly contain their glee as they doled out the punish ment. SUGAR AND SPICE AND EVE RYTHING NICE, THAT’S WHAT LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OF. SNIPS AND SNAILS AND PUPPY DOG TAILS, THAT’S WHAT LITTLE BOYS ARE MADE OF: And we wonder how sexist ideologies arc passed on to our young. This one still scars me. How is a young boy supposed to develop normally in his formative years knowing he’s made of such horrific garbage? Young girls also have a tough time living up to the sugary syrup that constitutes their being. I can only hope that my chil dren will have some other cute, more accurate chant about their physical make-up. “Tissues and cells and spiritual selves, that’s what both little boys and little girls arc made of.”