The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1989, Page 3, Image 3
New GLC official sets goals f By Ryan Meeves Staff Reporter The new Government Liaison Committee chairperson said her pri mary goal for the 1989-90 school year is to enlighten students about issues confronting the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. To do that, Debbie Fiddclke, who was appointed GLC chairperson last week, said she will try to better pub licize GLC’s lobbying efforts and increase and retain the committee’s membership. ‘‘I want to get as many students involved as possible and keep them involved,” said Fiddclke, who is currently serving as GLC lobbyist. Colin Croft, an integrated studies junior, was appointed as new GLC lobbyist. GLC lobbies the Nebraska Legis lature, the NU Board of Regents and other groups on behalf of UNL stu dent interests. They also sponsor political speaker programs. Fiddclkc, an advertising and po litical science junior, said she wants to get students more involved in GLC by regularly circulating literature to members that details the committee’s lobbying efforts. She said she also wants to get more students to join GLC by attracting more speakers to the campus. Many students join GLC partly because of its speaker programs, she said. Fiddclkc said many committee members quit at the beginning of the spring semester. She said she will try to attract more speakers in the spring to overcome this problem. Most speakers are scheduled during the fall, she said. Fiddclkc said GLC needs a lot of dedicated members to help student leaders influence Nebraska and UNL policy-makers. Committee leaders encourage members to talk to their state senator to persuade them to support students’ positions on issues. Fiddclkc said she docs not know whai issues GLC will lobby. ASUN probably won’t set the lobbying agenda until next fall, she said. Fiddclkc said she will watch and study resolutions that senators de velop this summer. If any resolutions pertain to student issues, ASUN will consider putting them on the agenda, she said. GLC leaders also will follow the higher education study if the Legisla ture approves one this session. LB247 would create a committee to study higher education in Nebraska. The bill received second-round ap proval Thursday. Fiddclkc said she wants to lobby the regents more than GLC has in the past. Many ol'GLC’s lobbying efforts directed toward the Legislature have been hampered because members didn’t lobby the regents first. “It’s easier at the regents level because we’ve got a student regent with a voice,” she said. “It’s just catching it at the first step instead of the second and the third step.” Measles risk causes student concern MEASLES From Page 1 Keith Russell, a junior speech communication major, said he was wailing to find out if he was immune. Russell said he was going to get a shot, even if he docs learn that he is immune. “A little shot’s not going to hurt,” he said. Flcischli said that students who arc on the list but know they have been adequately immunized should not come to the immunizations Wed nesday and Thursday. ‘‘It will save them the pain and save the government the money,” he said. If students know the month and year of previous measles immuniza tion shots, they should fill out the immunization forms inserted in the Daily Nebraskan Tuesday and Wednesday, and present it to the health center staff, who will check the dates. If students names aren’t on the list, he said, they won’t be immunized at the mass immunizations, he said. Eric Nelson, a freshman business management major, was concerned because there was an asterisk by his name on the list. Peter Costello, an undeclared freshman, said he wanted to know the meaning of the “pound” symbol by his name. Flcischli said asterisks are placed next to students who arc under 19, Bill is amended to clarify language DOMESTIC From Page I make police more comfortable mak ing arrests in domestic violence cases. Under current statutes, Bcrnard Stcvcns said, police arc confused about their rights in domestic vio lence cases because of the vagueness of present laws. Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha said the amendment was a ‘ ‘ hoax and a sham,” because police already have the authority to make such ar rests. Chambers said the bill’s provision of “threatening another in a menac ing manner” could be interpreted to include such actions as a 3-ycar-old swinging a baseball bat. Because of the vague wording of that provision, Chambers later pro posed an amendment to return to the language used prior to the attachment of LB218. The amendment passed 25-0. Pirsch proposed an amendment to further clarify the language to read, “Threatening another in fear of imminent bodily injury.” The Legislature passed Pirsch’s amendment 26-0. Chambers also amended the bill to remove language that would have removed civil or criminal liability for the actions of officers who acted in “good faith.” Pirsch and Bernard-Stevens agreed with Chambers, saying they do not want to encourage police bru tality. The amendment passed unani mously. and “pound” symbols denote stu dents who have visiting student status. Students who haven’t fulfilled the entire admissions process may also have a pound symbol by their name. Linda Ri/.ijs, nursing director at the health center, said staff members were “swamped” Monday with calls from students, and many students came in to ask about the measles epidemic. Some students on the list had complied with the request lor immu nization records, Rizijs said, but the vaccine they were given was not good. Those students were immu nized before 15 months of age or before 1969. Flcischli said the site of one of Thursday’s mass immunizations has been moved from the Ballroom to the mam lounge of Nebraska Union. The other will be in Cook Pavilion. ^ ** ** - ^ fan fciar ( C3£ilIiC^QJ2i ) \ " v ata , -jr^y “Best" Margarital “Bast” Price! Everyday we're famous r ~ ^On Tuesdays, we're for always offering the . , Lt/jr'ltClVillC becoming famous for "Best" Margarita offering the "Best" anywhere! /V ' r~aPnna Margarita at the "Best" price anywhere! 201 N. 66th464-8281 ■" 1 ,"""" 1 i Presenting Teamwork and Technology on your Campus l. Mi * g- :y . ... -y J£ ■ C ^ a, . % m * 1 Mk- bw. WSLx ®1988 PRESEN TED BY GENERAL MOTORS & GMAC FINANC IAL SERVICES IN ASSOCIATION WITH UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL DATE: APRIL 25 AND 26, 1989 place: NEBRASKA UNION PLAZA time: 9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. 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