Approaching the 11th hour 'There's a saying that evil exists only when good people remain si lent. It matters very much what we do.. / It is the 1 ltli hour tor many in Peace City, a makeu. community of people from all walks of'life who si l? eat and work together once a year as a visible protest to!?' Nevada Test Site, 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas ^ Nuclear weapons testingat that site on the north sid, L .S. Highwav ^5 brings thousands together to ti^ht vVh1 they say ma\ iv the economic, social and political do ,dl side of A merit a. rtnB They are law vers, doctors, scientists, students, ud > I ers, business people and some activists who follow peace movement from location to location across ihl United States. V but the glitz of city lightsand traffic jams is tar from J minds of those camped among cactuses and radioactj dust bowls for 10 days at "Reclaim the Test Site II," ■ reace C amp is a non-classist, non-racist, non-sexj non-homeiess gathering, says> C hris Brown, exccutivl director of the American Peace lest, which sponsorstha Although "Reclaim thoTest Site II" isonlv in itssenwj organized year, Brown says, anti-nuclear weaponsactifl ists have been showing up at the test site since it flr9 opened in 1951 Brown, who temporarily houses himself and a sirj staff ata motel in Indian Springs just 18 miles from the tJ site, spends the majority of his time organizing the ncl Above: Handmade masks deco rate Peace City. The masks were made and used during a proces sion Thursday night. Right: Daniel Zapata, Margaret Prescott, Reo Junji Shimanuki and Corbin Harney, representatives of various peace organizations, join in a Shoshone chant Friday night.